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// Package filter provides a fuzzy searching text input to allow filtering a
// list of options to select one option.
// By default it will list all the files (recursively) in the current directory
// for the user to choose one, but the script (or user) can provide different
// new-line separated options to choose from.
// I.e. let's pick from a list of gum flavors:
2022-08-05 00:45:19 +02:00
// $ cat flavors.text | gum filter
package filter
import (
tea ""
type model struct {
textinput textinput.Model
viewport *viewport.Model
choices []string
matches []fuzzy.Match
cursor int
selected map[string]struct{}
limit int
numSelected int
indicator string
selectedPrefix string
unselectedPrefix string
height int
aborted bool
quitting bool
matchStyle lipgloss.Style
textStyle lipgloss.Style
indicatorStyle lipgloss.Style
selectedPrefixStyle lipgloss.Style
unselectedPrefixStyle lipgloss.Style
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { return nil }
func (m model) View() string {
if m.quitting {
return ""
var s strings.Builder
// Since there are matches, display them so that the user can see, in real
// time, what they are searching for.
for i, match := range m.matches {
// If this is the current selected index, we add a small indicator to
// represent it. Otherwise, simply pad the string.
if i == m.cursor {
} else {
s.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", runewidth.StringWidth(m.indicator)))
// If there are multiple selections mark them, otherwise leave an empty space
if _, ok := m.selected[match.Str]; ok {
} else if m.limit > 1 {
} else {
s.WriteString(" ")
// For this match, there are a certain number of characters that have
// caused the match. i.e. fuzzy matching.
// We should indicate to the users which characters are being matched.
var mi = 0
for ci, c := range match.Str {
// Check if the current character index matches the current matched
// index. If so, color the character to indicate a match.
if mi < len(match.MatchedIndexes) && ci == match.MatchedIndexes[mi] {
// We have matched this character, so we never have to check it
// again. Move on to the next match.
} else {
// Not a match, simply show the character, unstyled.
// We have finished displaying the match with all of it's matched
// characters highlighted and the rest filled in.
// Move on to the next match.
// View the input and the filtered choices
return m.textinput.View() + "\n" + m.viewport.View()
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmd tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
if m.height == 0 || m.height > msg.Height {
m.viewport.Height = msg.Height - lipgloss.Height(m.textinput.View())
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
2022-07-31 03:10:36 +02:00
case "ctrl+c", "esc":
m.aborted = true
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
2022-07-31 03:10:36 +02:00
case "enter":
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
case "ctrl+n", "ctrl+j", "down":
m.cursor = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.cursor+1)
if m.cursor >= m.viewport.YOffset+m.viewport.Height {
case "ctrl+p", "ctrl+k", "up":
m.cursor = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.cursor-1)
if m.cursor < m.viewport.YOffset {
case "tab":
if m.limit == 1 {
break // no op
// Tab is used to toggle selection of current item in the list
if _, ok := m.selected[m.matches[m.cursor].Str]; ok {
delete(m.selected, m.matches[m.cursor].Str)
} else if m.numSelected < m.limit {
m.selected[m.matches[m.cursor].Str] = struct{}{}
// Go down by one line
m.cursor = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.cursor+1)
if m.cursor >= m.viewport.YOffset+m.viewport.Height {
m.textinput, cmd = m.textinput.Update(msg)
// A character was entered, this likely means that the text input
// has changed. This suggests that the matches are outdated, so
// update them, with a fuzzy finding algorithm provided by
m.matches = fuzzy.Find(m.textinput.Value(), m.choices)
// If the search field is empty, let's not display the matches
// (none), but rather display all possible choices.
if m.textinput.Value() == "" {
m.matches = matchAll(m.choices)
// It's possible that filtering items have caused fewer matches. So, ensure
// that the selected index is within the bounds of the number of matches.
m.cursor = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.cursor)
return m, cmd
func matchAll(options []string) []fuzzy.Match {
var matches = make([]fuzzy.Match, len(options))
for i, option := range options {
matches[i] = fuzzy.Match{Str: option}
return matches
func clamp(min, max, val int) int {
if val < min {
return min
if val > max {
return max
return val