Jelle Besseling f4d198396f
feat(spin): Add support for --show-error for the spinner. (rebase #440) (#518)
* feat(spin): Add support for `--show-error` for the spinner.

This makes it so that if the `--show-error` flag is provided then the
full output of the command will be printed if the command fails. This
kind of works in conjuncture with `--show-output` in that if the command
succeeds only STDOUT is pushed. If the command fails both `STDOUT` and
`STDERR` are pushed.

This builds off of

Resolves #55

* chore: Fix formatting


Co-authored-by: Elliot Courant <>
2024-03-28 13:11:07 -04:00

22 lines
1.2 KiB

package spin
import (
// Options is the customization options for the spin command.
type Options struct {
Command []string `arg:"" help:"Command to run"`
ShowOutput bool `help:"Show or pipe output of command during execution" default:"false" env:"GUM_SPIN_SHOW_OUTPUT"`
ShowError bool `help:"Show output of command only if the command fails" default:"false" env:"GUM_SPIN_SHOW_ERROR"`
Spinner string `help:"Spinner type" short:"s" type:"spinner" enum:"line,dot,minidot,jump,pulse,points,globe,moon,monkey,meter,hamburger" default:"dot" env:"GUM_SPIN_SPINNER"`
SpinnerStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"spinner." set:"defaultForeground=212" envprefix:"GUM_SPIN_SPINNER_"`
Title string `help:"Text to display to user while spinning" default:"Loading..." env:"GUM_SPIN_TITLE"`
TitleStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"title." envprefix:"GUM_SPIN_TITLE_"`
Align string `help:"Alignment of spinner with regard to the title" short:"a" type:"align" enum:"left,right" default:"left" env:"GUM_SPIN_ALIGN"`
Timeout time.Duration `help:"Timeout until spin command aborts" default:"0" env:"GUM_SPIN_TIMEOUT"`