2023-10-16 10:51:31 -04:00

20 lines
990 B

package table
import ""
// Options is the customization options for the table command.
type Options struct {
Separator string `short:"s" help:"Row separator" default:","`
Columns []string `short:"c" help:"Column names"`
Widths []int `short:"w" help:"Column widths"`
Height int `help:"Table height" default:"10"`
Print bool `short:"p" help:"static print" default:"false"`
File string `short:"f" help:"file path" default:""`
Border string `short:"b" help:"border style" default:"rounded" enum:"rounded,thick,normal,hidden,double,none"`
BorderStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"border." envprefix:"GUM_TABLE_BORDER_"`
CellStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"cell." envprefix:"GUM_TABLE_CELL_"`
HeaderStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"header." envprefix:"GUM_TABLE_HEADER_"`
SelectedStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"selected." set:"defaultForeground=212" envprefix:"GUM_TABLE_SELECTED_"`