Maas Lalani 11e7e18256
docs(examples): Add example of conventional commit script
This change adds an example script of how to prompt the user for the necessary information for a conventional commit.
2022-07-11 17:07:53 -04:00

24 lines
803 B
Executable file

# This script is used to write a conventional commit message.
# It prompts the user to choose the type of commit as specified in the
# conventional commit spec. And then prompts for the summary and detailed
# description of the message and uses the values provided. as the summary and
# details of the message.
# If you want to add a simpler version of this script to your dotfiles, use:
# alias gcm='git commit -m "$(gum input)" -m "$(gum write)"'
TYPE=$(gum choose "fix" "feat" "docs" "style" "refactor" "test" "chore" "revert")
SCOPE=$(gum input --placeholder "scope")
if [ -n "$SCOPE" ]; then
git commit \
-m "$(gum input --value "$TYPE$SCOPE: " --placeholder "Summary of this change")" \
-m "$(gum write --placeholder "Details of this change")"