Ayman Bagabas 7d51fd8b73
feat: add log command (#449)
* feat: add log command

* fix: lint

* refactor: remove switch

* fix: use one level style embed

* fix(log): lint

* Update log/command.go

Co-authored-by: Ayman Bagabas <>


Co-authored-by: Maas Lalani <>
2023-11-08 10:43:50 -05:00

35 lines
1.9 KiB

package log
import (
// Options is the set of options that can configure a join.
type Options struct {
Text []string `arg:"" help:"Text to log"`
File string `short:"o" help:"Log to file"`
Format bool `short:"f" help:"Format message using printf" xor:"format,structured"`
Formatter string `help:"The log formatter to use" enum:"json,logfmt,text" default:"text"`
Level string `help:"The log level to use" enum:"none,debug,info,warn,error,fatal" default:"none"`
Prefix string `help:"Prefix to print before the message"`
Structured bool `short:"s" help:"Use structured logging" xor:"format,structured"`
Time bool `help:"Whether to print the time"`
TimeFormat string `help:"The time format to use" default:"2006/01/02 15:04:05"`
LevelStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"level." help:"The style of the level being used" set:"defaultBold=true" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_LEVEL_"` //nolint:staticcheck
TimeStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"time." help:"The style of the time" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_TIME_"`
PrefixStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"prefix." help:"The style of the prefix" set:"defaultBold=true" set:"defaultFaint=true" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_PREFIX_"` //nolint:staticcheck
MessageStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"message." help:"The style of the message" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_MESSAGE_"`
KeyStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"key." help:"The style of the key" set:"defaultFaint=true" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_KEY_"`
ValueStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"value." help:"The style of the value" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_VALUE_"`
SeparatorStyle style.Styles `embed:"" prefix:"separator." help:"The style of the separator" set:"defaultFaint=true" envprefix:"GUM_LOG_SEPARATOR_"`
// BeforeReset hook. Used to unclutter style flags.
func (o Options) BeforeReset(ctx *kong.Context) error {
return nil