Mikael Fangel c8710071ad
feature(pager): add search functionality (#321)
* Added initial search functionality

 * Added a handler for the key presses
 * Added a searchbar at the bottom of the screen
 * Made search results cycleable by pressing n

* correct start pos and ignore keys while searching

* fix out of bound error when pressing n

* made the matching pattern relative to the current pos

* added p for searching for previous match

* added highlighting to search matches

* dynamically replaced all matches

* fixed string highlight issue

* fixed truncation issue

* small simplifaction in ypos logic

* made prev and next behave the same atBottom

* simplified logic and fixed linter errors

* updated help text

* style changes

* added comments

* fixed truncation issue

* fixes infinte loop on very long lines

* added simple lipgloss truncate function

* updated colors for better contrast

* lint fix

* initial commit for soft-wrap functionality

* linter corrections and added for pager with new model

* added generic functions to a utility package

* fix soft lint errors

* made N match previous as well as p

* replaced help text when search is active

* ran gofmt -w

* reimplemented search and next to enabled support for dynamic highlights

* made the highlight move as you progress through the search

* simplified highlighter

* improvements to the clean up of the highlight function

* semi working reverse search

* reverse search without highlight

* added semi working highlight for reverser search

* working version of previous match

* fixed issue with single letter matches in next

* added support for softwrapping

* respond to soft lint warnings

* removed unused function

* lint

* simplified matchers and fixed duplicate highlights

* optimisations and change in matching pattern

* fixed bug in lipglosspadding and allowed matching 1 etc.

* make highlight respect user settings

* fixed logic error in slice

* made prev match wrap around

* fix: show next/prev match help when active

* updated how view port line is set

* avoid crashes when regex doesn't compile

* fix: spelling previous


Co-authored-by: Maas Lalani <>
2023-05-14 23:19:07 -04:00

164 lines
4.4 KiB

package pager
import (
type search struct {
active bool
input textinput.Model
query *regexp.Regexp
matchIndex int
matchLipglossStr string
matchString string
func (s *search) new() {
input := textinput.New()
input.Placeholder = "search"
input.Prompt = "/"
input.PromptStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(lipgloss.Color("240"))
s.input = input
func (s *search) Begin() { = true
// Execute find all lines in the model with a match.
func (s *search) Execute(m *model) {
defer s.Done()
if s.input.Value() == "" {
s.query = nil
var err error
s.query, err = regexp.Compile(s.input.Value())
if err != nil {
s.query = nil
query := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", s.query.String()))
m.content = query.ReplaceAllString(m.content, m.matchStyle.Render("$1"))
// Recompile the regex to match the an replace the highlights.
leftPad, _ := utils.LipglossPadding(m.matchStyle)
matchingString := regexp.QuoteMeta(m.matchStyle.Render()[:leftPad]) + s.query.String() + regexp.QuoteMeta(m.matchStyle.Render()[leftPad:])
s.query, err = regexp.Compile(matchingString)
if err != nil {
s.query = nil
func (s *search) Done() { = false
// To account for the first match is always executed.
s.matchIndex = -1
func (s *search) NextMatch(m *model) {
// Check that we are within bounds.
if s.query == nil {
// Remove previous highlight.
m.content = strings.Replace(m.content, s.matchLipglossStr, s.matchString, 1)
// Highlight the next match.
allMatches := s.query.FindAllStringIndex(m.content, -1)
if len(allMatches) == 0 {
leftPad, rightPad := utils.LipglossPadding(m.matchStyle)
s.matchIndex = (s.matchIndex + 1) % len(allMatches)
match := allMatches[s.matchIndex]
lhs := m.content[:match[0]]
rhs := m.content[match[0]:]
s.matchString = m.content[match[0]:match[1]]
s.matchLipglossStr = m.matchHighlightStyle.Render(s.matchString[leftPad : len(s.matchString)-rightPad])
m.content = lhs + strings.Replace(rhs, m.content[match[0]:match[1]], s.matchLipglossStr, 1)
// Update the viewport position.
var line int
formatStr := softWrapEm(m.content, m.maxWidth, m.softWrap)
index := strings.Index(formatStr, s.matchLipglossStr)
if index != -1 {
line = strings.Count(formatStr[:index], "\n")
// Only update if the match is not within the viewport.
if index != -1 && (line > m.viewport.YOffset-1+m.viewport.VisibleLineCount()-1 || line < m.viewport.YOffset) {
func (s *search) PrevMatch(m *model) {
// Check that we are within bounds.
if s.query == nil {
// Remove previous highlight.
m.content = strings.Replace(m.content, s.matchLipglossStr, s.matchString, 1)
// Highlight the previous match.
allMatches := s.query.FindAllStringIndex(m.content, -1)
if len(allMatches) == 0 {
s.matchIndex = (s.matchIndex - 1) % len(allMatches)
if s.matchIndex < 0 {
s.matchIndex = len(allMatches) - 1
leftPad, rightPad := utils.LipglossPadding(m.matchStyle)
match := allMatches[s.matchIndex]
lhs := m.content[:match[0]]
rhs := m.content[match[0]:]
s.matchString = m.content[match[0]:match[1]]
s.matchLipglossStr = m.matchHighlightStyle.Render(s.matchString[leftPad : len(s.matchString)-rightPad])
m.content = lhs + strings.Replace(rhs, m.content[match[0]:match[1]], s.matchLipglossStr, 1)
// Update the viewport position.
var line int
formatStr := softWrapEm(m.content, m.maxWidth, m.softWrap)
index := strings.Index(formatStr, s.matchLipglossStr)
if index != -1 {
line = strings.Count(formatStr[:index], "\n")
// Only update if the match is not within the viewport.
if index != -1 && (line > m.viewport.YOffset-1+m.viewport.VisibleLineCount()-1 || line < m.viewport.YOffset) {
func softWrapEm(str string, maxWidth int, softWrap bool) string {
var text strings.Builder
for _, line := range strings.Split(str, "\n") {
for softWrap && lipgloss.Width(line) > maxWidth {
truncatedLine := utils.LipglossTruncate(line, maxWidth)
line = strings.Replace(line, truncatedLine, "", 1)
text.WriteString(utils.LipglossTruncate(line, maxWidth))
return text.String()