#!/usr/bin/env php $data) echo ($i++ % 4 == 0 ? "\n" : '') .str_pad($id,3,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['parent'],5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['x'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['w'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['y'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['yo'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['h'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['lh'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad($data['clh'] ?? 'x',5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) .' ' .substr($data['title'],0,70) ."\n" ; echo " id pr x w y yo h lh clh title\n"; } // }}} // {{{ decode tree function decode_tree($lines, $root_id, $start_id) { // calculating the indentation shift and cleaning up the special characters $indentation_shift = 9999999; foreach ($lines as $lid=>$line) { $lines[$lid] = str_replace ( [ "\t", "\n", "\r"] ,[ " ", " ", " "] ,$lines[$lid] ) ; $indentation = mb_strlen($lines[$lid]) - mb_strlen(ltrim($lines[$lid])); $start = mb_substr($lines[$lid], $indentation, 2); if ($start=='* ' || $start=='- ') { $lines[$lid][$indentation] = ' '; $indentation += 2; } if (trim($lines[$lid])!='') $indentation_shift = min ( $indentation_shift ,$indentation ) ; } // building the tree $nodes = []; $id = $start_id; $previous_level = 1; $level = 1; $previous_indentation = 0; $level_parent[1] = $root_id; $level_indentation[1] = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) if (trim($line)!='') { // warming up for this round! $indentation = mb_strlen($line) - mb_strlen(ltrim($line)) - $indentation_shift; // going one level down if ($indentation > $previous_indentation ) { $level = $previous_level + 1; $level_indentation[$level] = $indentation; } // going one or more levels up if ($indentation < $previous_indentation ) foreach ($level_indentation as $plevel=>$pindentation) if ($pindentation == $indentation) $level = $plevel; // saving the latest level_parent if ($level > $previous_level) $level_parent[$level] = $id-1; // done! saving the data $nodes[$id] = [ 'title' => trim($line) ,'parent' => $level_parent[$level] ]; // getting ready for the next round! $previous_indentation = $indentation; $previous_level = $level; $id++; } // setting a few properties that simplify future calculations foreach ($nodes as $id=>$node) { $nodes[$id]['collapsed'] = false; $nodes[$id]['is_leaf'] = true; $nodes[$id]['children'] = []; } foreach ($nodes as $id=>$node) if (isset($nodes[ $node['parent'] ])) { $nodes[ $node['parent'] ]['is_leaf'] = false; $nodes[ $node['parent'] ]['children'][] = $id; } return($nodes); } // }}} // {{{ load_file function load_file(&$mm) { global $argv; if (!isset($argv[1])) { load_empty_map($mm); return; } $mm['filename']=$argv[1]; if (!file_exists($argv[1])) { load_empty_map($mm); return; } $lines = file($argv[1], FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); // starting from 2 instead of 1, in case the files doesn't have // a single root and we have to inject one. leaving "1" empty // won't cause any problems. $new_nodes = decode_tree($lines, 0, 2); // checking to see how many first-level nodes we have $first_level_nodes = []; foreach ($new_nodes as $id=>$node) if ($id!=0 && $node['parent']==0) $first_level_nodes[] = $id; $mm['nodes'][0]['parent'] = -1; $mm['nodes'][0]['title'] = 'X'; $mm['nodes'][0]['is_leaf'] = false; if (count($first_level_nodes)>1) { $mm['root'] = 1; $mm['nodes'][1]['parent'] = 0; $mm['nodes'][1]['title'] = 'root'; $mm['nodes'][1]['is_leaf'] = false; $mm['nodes'][1]['children'] = $first_level_nodes; $mm['nodes'][0]['children'] = [1]; foreach ($new_nodes as $id=>$node) if ($node['parent']==0) $new_nodes[$id]['parent'] = 1; } else $mm['nodes'][0]['children'] = $first_level_nodes; $mm['nodes'] = $mm['nodes'] + $new_nodes; if (isset($mm['nodes'][1])) $mm['active_node']=1; else $mm['active_node']=2; } // }}} // {{{ calculate w, x, lh, and clh function calculate_x_and_lh(&$mm, $id) { $node = $mm['nodes'][$id]; $mm['nodes'][$id]['x'] = $mm['nodes'][ $node['parent'] ]['x'] + $mm['nodes'][ $node['parent'] ]['w'] + conn_left_len + conn_right_len + 1 + ( $node['parent']==0 ? 1 - conn_right_len - conn_left_len : 0 ) ; $max_width = ($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) * $mm['max_leaf_width'] + !($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) * $mm['max_parent_width']; if ( mb_strlen($node['title']) > width_tolerance * $max_width ) { $lines = explode("\n" ,wordwrap($node['title'] ,$max_width)); $mm['nodes'][$id]['w'] = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) $mm['nodes'][$id]['w'] = max($mm['nodes'][$id]['w'], trim(mb_strlen($line))); $mm['nodes'][$id]['lh'] = count($lines); } else { $mm['nodes'][$id]['w'] = mb_strlen($node['title']); $mm['nodes'][$id]['lh'] = 1; } $mm['map_width'] = max ( $mm['map_width'] , $mm['nodes'][$id]['x'] + $mm['nodes'][$id]['w'] ) ; $mm['nodes'][$id]['clh'] = 0; if (($mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] ?? false) || $mm['nodes'][$id]['is_leaf']) $mm['nodes'][$id]['clh'] = $mm['nodes'][$id]['lh']; foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) { calculate_x_and_lh($mm, $cid); $mm['nodes'][$id]['clh'] += $mm['nodes'][$cid]['clh']; } } // }}} // {{{ calculate h function calculate_h(&$mm) { $unfinished = true; while ($unfinished) { $unfinished = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if ($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) $mm['nodes'][$id]['h'] = $mm['line_spacing'] + $mm['nodes'][$id]['lh'] ; else { $h = 0; $unready = false; foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['h']>=0) $h += $mm['nodes'][$cid]['h']; else { $unready = true; break; } if ($unready) $unfinished = true; else $mm['nodes'][$id]['h'] = max ( $h , $node['lh'] + $mm['line_spacing'] ) + ($mm['nodes'][$id]['parent'] == $mm['root']) * $mm['line_spacing']; ; } } } // }}} // {{{ calculate y and yo function calculate_y(&$mm) { $mm['map_top'] = 0; $mm['map_bottom'] = 0; $mm['map_height'] = $mm['nodes'][0]['h']; $mm['nodes'][0]['y'] = 0; calculate_children_y($mm, 0); } function calculate_children_y(&$mm,$pid) { $y = $mm['nodes'][$pid]['y']; $mm['nodes'][$pid]['yo'] = round( ( + $mm['nodes'][$pid]['h'] - $mm['nodes'][$pid]['lh'] )/2 ) ; if (!($mm['nodes'][$pid]['collapsed'] ?? false)) foreach ($mm['nodes'][$pid]['children'] as $cid) { $mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] = $y; $mm['map_bottom'] = max ( $mm['map_bottom'] ,$mm['nodes'][$cid]['lh'] +$mm['line_spacing'] +$y ) ; $mm['map_top'] = min($mm['map_top'],$y); $y += $mm['nodes'][$cid]['h']; calculate_children_y($mm,$cid); } } // }}} // {{{ calculate top-down height shift function calculate_height_shift(&$mm, $id, $shift = 0) { $mm['nodes'][$id]['yo'] += $shift; $shift += max(0, round( ($mm['nodes'][$id]['lh'] - $mm['nodes'][$id]['clh'])/2 - 0.5 )); foreach ($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] as $cid) if (!$mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed']) calculate_height_shift($mm, $cid, $shift); } // }}} // {{{ draw connections on the map function draw_connections(&$mm, $id) { $node = $mm['nodes'][$id]; // if there's no child if ($node['is_leaf']) return; // if the node is collapsed if ($node['collapsed'] ?? false) { mput ( $mm ,$node['x'] + $node['w']+1 ,$node['y'] + $node['yo'] ,' [+]' ); return; } // if there's only one child in the same y coordinate if (count($node['children'] ?? [])==1) { $child_id = $node['children'][ array_key_first( $node['children'] ) ]; $child = $mm['nodes'][ $child_id ]; $y1 = round( $node['y'] + $node['yo'] ) + round( ($node['lh'] ) / 2 - 0.6 ); $y2 = round( $child['y'] + $child['yo'] ) + round( ($child['lh']) / 2 - 0.6 ); mput ( $mm ,$child['x'] - conn_left_len - conn_right_len ,min($y1,$y2) ,$mm['conn_single'] ); if (abs(min($y1,$y2)-$y2)>0) { for ($yy=min($y1,$y2); $yy $y1 ? '╰' : '╭' ) ); mput ( $mm ,$child['x'] - 2 ,min($y1,$y2) ,( $y2 > $y1 ? '╮' : '╯' ) ); } draw_connections($mm, $child_id ); return; } // if there's more than one child $bottom = 0; $bottom_child = 0; $top = $mm['map_height']; $top_child = 0; foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) { if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] > $bottom) { $bottom = $mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo']; $bottom_child = $cid; } if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] < $top) { $top = $mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo']; $top_child = $cid; } } $middle = round($node['y']+$node['yo']) + round($node['lh']/2-0.6); mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_left_len - conn_right_len ,$middle ,$mm['conn_left'] ); for ( $i = $top ; $i < $bottom ; $i++ ) mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,$i ,'│' ); mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,$top ,'╭' .$mm['conn_right'] ); mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x']-conn_right_len ,$bottom ,'╰' .$mm['conn_right'] ); if (count($node['children'])>2) foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) if ($cid!=$top_child && $cid!=$bottom_child) mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$cid]['x']-conn_right_len ,$mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] +$mm['nodes'][$cid]['lh']/2-0.2 +$mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] ,'├' .$mm['conn_right'] ); $existing_char = mb_substr ( $mm['map'][$middle] ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,1 ); if ($existing_char=='│') mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,$middle ,'┤' ); if ($existing_char=='╭') mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,$middle ,'┬' ); if ($existing_char=='├') mput ( $mm ,$mm['nodes'][$top_child]['x'] - conn_right_len ,$middle ,'┼' ); foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) draw_connections($mm, $cid); } // }}} // {{{ add content to the map function add_content_to_the_map(&$mm, $id) { $node = $mm['nodes'][$id]; $max_width = ($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) * $mm['max_leaf_width'] + !($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) * $mm['max_parent_width'] ; if ( mb_strlen($node['title']) > width_tolerance * $max_width) $lines = explode ( "\n", wordwrap ( $node['title'], $max_width ) ) ; else $lines = [$node['title']]; $num_lines = count($lines); for ( $i=0 ; $i<$num_lines ; $i++ ) mput ( $mm, $node['x'], round($node['y']+$node['yo'])+$i, $lines[$i].' ' ); if (!($node['collapsed'] ?? false)) foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) add_content_to_the_map($mm,$cid); } // }}} // {{{ build map function build_map(&$mm) { // resetting the global values $mm['map_width'] = 0; $mm['map_height'] = 0; $mm['map_top'] = 0; $mm['map_bottom'] = 0; // resetting the coordinates foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) { $mm['nodes'][$id]['x'] = -1; $mm['nodes'][$id]['y'] = -1; $mm['nodes'][$id]['h'] = -1; $mm['nodes'][$id]['lh'] = -1; } $mm['nodes'][0]['x'] = 0; $mm['nodes'][0]['w'] = left_padding; $mm['nodes'][0]['lh'] = 1; // resetting the map, 1/2 $mm['map']=[]; $mm['map_width']=0; $mm['map_height']=0; $mm['map_top']=0; $mm['map_bottom']=0; // calculating the new coordinates calculate_x_and_lh($mm,$mm['root']); calculate_h($mm); calculate_y($mm); calculate_height_shift($mm, $mm['root']); // resetting the map, 2/2 $height = max($mm['map_bottom'],$mm['terminal_height']); $blank = str_repeat(' ', $mm['map_width']+$mm['terminal_width']); for ($i=$mm['map_top'] ; $i<=$height ; $i++) $mm['map'][$i] = $blank; // building the new map draw_connections($mm, $mm['root']); add_content_to_the_map($mm, $mm['root']); } // }}} // {{{ toggle function toggle(&$mm) { if ($mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['is_leaf']) $mm['active_node'] = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['parent']; $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['collapsed'] = !($mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['collapsed'] ?? false); build_map($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ spacing adjuster function adjust_spacing(&$mm, $task) { if ($task==spacing_wider) $mm['line_spacing']++; if ($task==spacing_narrower) $mm['line_spacing'] = max(0, $mm['line_spacing']-1); if ($task==spacing_default) $mm['line_spacing'] = default_spacing; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); message($mm,'Spacing: '.$mm['line_spacing']); } // }}} // {{{ width adjuster function adjust_width(&$mm, $task) { if ($task==width_wider) { $mx = $mm['terminal_width'] - max_width_padding; $mm['max_parent_width'] = round(min($mx, max( width_min, $mm['max_parent_width'] * width_change_factor ))); $mm['max_leaf_width'] = round(min($mx, max( width_min, $mm['max_leaf_width'] * width_change_factor ))); } if ($task==width_narrower) { $mm['max_parent_width'] = round(max( width_min, $mm['max_parent_width'] / width_change_factor )); $mm['max_leaf_width'] = round(max( width_min, $mm['max_leaf_width'] / width_change_factor )); } if ($task==width_default) { $mm['max_parent_width'] = default_parent_width; $mm['max_leaf_width'] = default_leaf_width; } build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); message($mm,'Width: '.$mm['max_parent_width'].' / '.$mm['max_leaf_width']); } // }}} // {{{ move nodes function push_node_down(&$mm, $id) { if ($id==0) return; $mm['modified'] = true; if (isset($mm['nodes'][$id+1])) push_node_down($mm,$id+1); $mm['nodes'][$id+1] = $mm['nodes'][$id]; unset($mm['nodes'][$id]); $mm['nodes'][ $mm['nodes'][$id+1]['parent'] ]['children'] = array_diff ( $mm['nodes'][ $mm['nodes'][$id+1]['parent'] ]['children'], [$id] ); $mm['nodes'][ $mm['nodes'][$id+1]['parent'] ]['children'] = array_push ( $mm['nodes'][ $mm['nodes'][$id+1]['parent'] ]['children'], [$id+1] ); foreach($mm['nodes'][$id+1]['children'] as $cid=>$cdata) $mm['nodes'][$cid]['parent'] = $id+1; } // }}} // {{{ insert node function insert_node(&$mm, $type) { if ($mm['active_node']==$mm['root']) $type=insert_child; $mm['modified'] = true; if ($type==insert_sibling) $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['parent']; else $parent_id = $mm['active_node']; $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['is_leaf'] = false; $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['collapsed'] = false; $new_id = max(array_keys($mm['nodes'])) + 1; $mm['nodes'][$new_id] = [ 'title' => 'NEW', 'is_leaf' => true, 'collapsed' => false, 'children' => [], 'parent' => $parent_id ]; if ($type==insert_sibling) { $children = []; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] as $child) { $children[] = $child; if ($child==$mm['active_node']) $children[] = $new_id; } $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] = $children; } else $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'][] = $new_id; $mm['active_node'] = $new_id; build_map($mm); display($mm); $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['title']=''; edit_node($mm); } // }}} // {{{ edit node function show_line(&$mm, $title, $cursor, $shift) { $output = str_pad ( substr($title,$shift,$mm['terminal_width']-1), $mm['terminal_width'] ) ; $output = substr_replace( $output, invert_off, $cursor-$shift , 0); $output = substr_replace( $output, invert_on, $cursor-$shift-1, 0); put(0,$mm['terminal_height'],$mm['active_node_color'].$output); } function edit_node(&$mm, $rewrite = false) { $title = $rewrite ? '' : $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['title']; if ($mm['active_node']==0 && $title=='root') $title=''; $in = ''; $cursor = strlen($title)+1; $shift = max( 0, $cursor - $mm['terminal_width'] ); show_line($mm, $title, $cursor, $shift); while(true) { usleep(10000); $in = fread(STDIN, 9); if ($in != '') { // Esc. if ($in=="\033") { display($mm); message($mm, 'Editing cancelled'); return; } // up arrow and home elseif ($in=="\033\133\101" || $in=="\033\133\110") $cursor = 1; // right arrow elseif ($in=="\033\133\103") $cursor = min( strlen($title)+1, $cursor+1); // down arrow and end elseif ($in=="\033\133\102" || $in=="\033\133\106") $cursor = strlen($title)+1; // left arrow elseif ($in=="\033\133\104") $cursor = max(1, $cursor-1); // ctrl+left and shift+left elseif ($in=="\033\133\061\073\065\104" || $in=="\033\133\061\073\062\104") $cursor = $cursor < 3 ? 1 : max ( 1, ( strrpos($title,' ',$cursor-strlen($title)-3) !== false ? strrpos($title,' ',$cursor-strlen($title)-3) + 2 : 1 ) ); // ctrl+right and shift+right elseif ($in=="\033\133\061\073\065\103" || $in=="\033\133\061\073\062\103") $cursor = $cursor > strlen($title) -2 ? strlen($title) + 1 : min ( strlen($title)+1, ( strpos($title,' ',$cursor+1) !== false ? strpos($title,' ',$cursor+1) + 2 : strlen($title) + 1 ) ); // ctrl+backspace elseif ($in=="\010") { $from = mb_strrpos($title, ' ', min(1,$cursor-mb_strlen($title)-3)); if ($from === false) $from=1; $title = mb_substr($title, 0, $from) . mb_substr($title,$cursor-1); $cursor = $from+1; } // backspace elseif ($in=="\177") { if ($cursor>1) { $title = substr_replace($title, '', $cursor-2, 1); $cursor--; } } // ctrl+delete elseif ($in=="\033\133\63\073\065\176") { $title = ''; $cursor = 1; } // delete elseif ($in=="\033\133\63\176") { $title = substr_replace($title, '', $cursor-1, 1); } // enter elseif ($in=="\012") { $title = trim($title); $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['title'] = $title; $original['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['title'] = $title; $mm['modified'] = true; build_map($mm); display($mm); return; } // pasting elseif ($in=="\026") { $content = trim ( str_replace ( "\n", " ", str_replace ( "\t", " ", get_from_clipboard($mm) ) ) ); $title = substr_replace($title, $content, $cursor-1, 0); $cursor += mb_strlen($content); } // normal characters elseif (strlen($in)==1) { if ($in=="\011") $in=' '; $title = substr_replace($title, $in, $cursor-1, 0); $cursor++; } // adjusting the position and shift $shift = max( 0, $shift, $cursor - $mm['terminal_width'] ); $shift = min( $shift, $cursor-1 ); show_line($mm, $title, $cursor, $shift); } } } // }}} // {{{ center active node function center_active_node(&$mm, $only_vertically = false) { $node = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]; $midx = $node['w']/2 + $node['x']; $midy = $node['lh']/2 + $node['y'] + $node['yo']; if (!$only_vertically) $mm['win_left'] = max(0, round( $midx - $mm['terminal_width']/2 ) ); $mm['win_top'] = round( $midy - $mm['terminal_height']/2 ); } // }}} // {{{ goto's function go_to_root(&$mm) { $mm['active_node']=$mm['root']; display($mm, true); } function go_to_top(&$mm) { $yid = 0; $y = $mm['map_height']; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if ($node['y']>=0 && $node['y']+$node['yo'] < $y) { $y = $node['y']+$node['yo']; $yid = $id; } $mm['active_node'] = $yid; display($mm, true); } function go_to_bottom(&$mm) { $yid = 0; $y = 0; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if ($node['y']>=0 && $node['y']+$node['yo'] > $y) { $y = $node['y']+$node['yo']+$node['lh']; $yid = $id; } $mm['active_node'] = $yid; display($mm, true); } // }}} // {{{ search function search(&$mm) { put(0,$mm['terminal_height'],$mm['active_node_color'].str_repeat(' ',$mm['terminal_width'])); move(0,$mm['terminal_height']); system("stty sane"); $mm['query'] = readline('Search for: '); system('stty cbreak -echo'); if (empty($mm['query'])) { display($mm); return; } if (!next_search_result($mm)) previous_search_result($mm); } function previous_search_result(&$mm) { $cy = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['yo'] ; $ny = -1; $nid = -1; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if ( $id != 0 && $node['y'] > -1 && $node['y']+$node['yo'] < $cy && $node['y']+$node['yo'] > $ny && mb_stripos($node['title'],$mm['query'])!==false ) { $ny = $node['y'] + $node['yo']; $nid = $id; } if ($nid<0) return false; $mm['active_node'] = $nid; display($mm); } function next_search_result(&$mm) { $cy = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['yo'] ; $ny = $mm['map_height']+1; $nid = -1; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if ( $id != 0 && $node['y'] > -1 && $node['y']+$node['yo'] > $cy && $node['y']+$node['yo'] < $ny && mb_stripos($node['title'],$mm['query'])!==false ) { $ny = $node['y'] + $node['yo']; $nid = $id; } if ($nid<0) return false; $mm['active_node'] = $nid; display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ move active node function move_active_node_down(&$mm) { if ($mm['active_node']==0) return; $mm['modified'] = true; $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['parent']; $children = []; $now = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'] as $child) { if ($child!=$mm['active_node']) $children[] = $child; if ($now) { $children[] = $mm['active_node']; $now = false; } if ($child==$mm['active_node']) $now = true; } if ($now) $children[] = $mm['active_node']; $mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'] = $children; build_map($mm); display($mm); } function move_active_node_up(&$mm) { if ($mm['active_node']==0) return; $mm['modified'] = true; $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['parent']; $children = []; $now = false; $rev_children = array_reverse($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children']); foreach ($rev_children as $child) { if ($child!=$mm['active_node']) $children[] = $child; if ($now) { $children[] = $mm['active_node']; $now = false; } if ($child==$mm['active_node']) $now = true; } if ($now) $children[] = $mm['active_node']; $mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'] = array_reverse($children); build_map($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ export html function export_html(&$mm) { if (empty($mm['filename'])) { message($mm, "Can't export the map when it doesn't have a file name yet. Save it first."); return; } $file = fopen($mm['filename'].'.html', "w"); if ($file===false) { message($mm, 'ERROR! Could not save the file'); return; } fwrite ( $file ,'' .'' .'' .'' .$mm['nodes'][ $mm['root'] ]['title'] .'' .'' .'' .'' .'' .'' .'
' .export_html_node($mm, $mm['root']) .'
' .'
' .'This is a limited, read-only version of a mind-map created in h-m-m | view source!' .'
' .'
' .'' .'' ); fclose($file); message($mm, 'Exported as '.$mm['filename'].'.html'); copy_to_clipboard($mm, $mm['filename'].'.html'); } function export_html_node(&$mm, $parent_id) { if ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children']==[]) { $output = "

" .$mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['title'] ."

"; } elseif ($parent_id==$mm['root']) { $output = "
" .$mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['title'] ."
"; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] as $cid) $output .= export_html_node($mm, $cid); } else { $output = "
" ."" .$mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['title'] .""; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] as $cid) $output .= export_html_node($mm, $cid); $output .= "
"; } return $output; } // }}} // {{{ save function save(&$mm, $new_name = false) { if (empty($mm['filename'])) $new_name = true; if ($new_name) { $path = exec('pwd'); put(0,$mm['terminal_height'],$mm['active_node_color'].str_repeat(' ',$mm['terminal_width'])); put(0,$mm['terminal_height']," $path -- new path and file name: "); system("stty sane"); $mm['filename'] = trim(readline()); system('stty cbreak -echo'); if ($mm['filename']=='') { display($mm); message($mm, 'Saving cancelled'); return; } $ext = mb_substr( $mm['filename'], mb_strrpos($mm['filename'],'.') + 1); if ($ext!='hmm') $mm['filename'] .= '.hmm'; display($mm); } if (file_exists($mm['filename']) && !is_writable($mm['filename'])) { message($mm, "ERROR! I don't have access to write into \"$mm[filename]\". Use shift+s and set another path and filename."); sleep(1); return; } $file = fopen($mm['filename'], "w"); $mm['modified'] = false; if ($file===false) { message($mm, 'ERROR! Could not save the file'); $mm['modified'] = true; return; } fwrite($file, encode_tree($mm, $mm['root'])); fclose($file); display($mm); message($mm, 'Saved '.$mm['filename']); } // }}} // {{{ message function message(&$mm, $text) { put ( $mm['terminal_width'] - strlen($text) - 1, $mm['terminal_height'], $mm['message_color'].' '.$text.' '.reset_color ); usleep(200000); } // }}} // {{{ quit function quit(&$mm) { if (($mm['modified'] ?? false) === false) exit; message($mm, "You have unsaved changes. Save them, or use shift+Q to quit without saving."); } // }}} // {{{ move_window function move_window(&$mm) { $node = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]; $x1 = max(0, $node['x'] - conn_right_len - 2); $x2 = $node['x'] + $node['w'] + 2; $y1 = max(0, $node['y'] + $node['yo'] - vertical_offset); $y2 = $y1 + $node['lh'] + vertical_offset*2; $mm['win_left'] = min( $mm['win_left'], $x1); $mm['win_left'] = max( $mm['win_left'], $x2 - $mm['terminal_width']); $mm['win_top'] = min( $mm['win_top'], $y1); $mm['win_top'] = max( $mm['win_top'], $y2 - $mm['terminal_height']); } // }}} // {{{ change active node function change_active_node(&$mm, $direction) { $node = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]; // we go to the child that is closest to the parent node; // i.e., closest to the middle. if ($direction==move_right) { if ($node['is_leaf'] || ($node['collapsed'] ?? false) ) return; $distance = []; foreach ($node['children'] as $cid) $distance[$cid] = abs ( + $node['y'] + $node['yo'] + $node['lh']/2 - $mm['nodes'][$cid]['y'] - $mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] - $mm['nodes'][$cid]['lh']/2 ) ; asort($distance); $mm['active_node'] = array_keys($distance)[0]; display($mm); return; } // no other movement applies to the root element if ( $mm['active_node']==0 ) return; // it can't be easier than moving to the left! if ($direction==move_left) { if ($mm['active_node']==$mm['root']) return; $mm['active_node'] = $node['parent']; display($mm); return; } // for up and down, we'll try to move between siblings first, // considering that their order is set based on their list // in the parent item. if ($direction==move_up) { $rchildren = array_reverse($mm['nodes'][ $node['parent'] ]['children']); foreach ($rchildren as $cid) if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['y']+$mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] < $node['y']+$node['yo']) { $mm['active_node'] = $cid; display($mm); return; } } if ($direction==move_down) foreach ($mm['nodes'][ $node['parent'] ]['children'] as $cid) if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['y']+$mm['nodes'][$cid]['yo'] > $node['y']+$node['yo']) { $mm['active_node'] = $cid; display($mm); return; } // if it's not possible to move up or down between siblings, // we'll measure distance and move to the nearest node. // because the goal is to move vertically, and also because // the aspect ratio of characters is not 1, there's a factor // for y to give it more importance. I've set the amount by // trial and erros and doesn't follow an exact logic. It may // need refinements in the future. $distance = []; foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$nd) if ($id != $mm['active_node'] && $nd['y']!=-1) { $dy = $nd['y'] + $nd['yo'] + $nd['lh']/2 - $node['y'] - $node['yo'] - $node['lh']/2; if ( ($direction==move_down && $dy>0) || ($direction==move_up && $dy<0) ) { $dx = $nd['x'] + $nd['w']/2 - $node['x'] - $node['w']/2; $distance[$id] = pow($dy*15,2) + pow($dx,2); } } if ($distance==[]) return; asort($distance); $mm['active_node'] = array_keys($distance)[0]; display($mm); return; } // }}} // {{{ expand function expand(&$mm, $id) { $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] as $cid) expand($mm, $cid); } function expand_all(&$mm) { foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = false; $mm['show_logo'] = 0; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ encode tree function encode_tree(&$mm, $id, $exclude_parent = false, $base = 0) { if (!$exclude_parent) $output = str_repeat("\t",$base).$mm['nodes'][$id]['title']."\n"; else $output = ''; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] as $cid) $output .= encode_tree($mm, $cid, false, $base+1-$exclude_parent); return $output; } // }}} // {{{ append function append(&$mm) { $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['title'] .= ' '. str_replace("\n",' ',str_replace("\t",' ',trim(get_from_clipboard($mm)))); build_map($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ paste sub-tree function paste_sub_tree(&$mm, $as_sibling ) { if ($as_sibling && $mm['active_node']==$mm['root']) return; $mm['modified'] = true; if ($as_sibling) $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['parent']; else $parent_id = $mm['active_node']; $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['collapsed'] = false; $mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['is_leaf'] = false; $new_id = 1 + max(array_keys($mm['nodes'])); $st = decode_tree ( explode("\n",get_from_clipboard($mm)), $parent_id, $new_id ) ; $mm['nodes'] += $st; // doing it like this, in case the sub-tree has more than // one top-level element. foreach ($st as $cid=>$cdata) if ($cdata['parent'] == $parent_id) $mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'][] = $cid; // rearranging the items only if they are pasted as siblings // (for pasting as children, it makes sense to have them // at the end) if ($as_sibling) { $sub_roots = []; foreach ($st as $cid=>$cdata) if ($cdata['parent']==$parent_id) $sub_roots[] = $cid; $children = []; foreach ($mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'] as $child_id) { if (!in_array($child_id, $sub_roots)) $children[] = $child_id; if ($child_id == $mm['active_node']) $children = array_merge($children, $sub_roots); } $mm['nodes'][ $parent_id ]['children'] = $children; } $mm['active_node'] = $new_id; build_map($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ clipboard function copy_to_clipboard(&$mm, $text) { $clip = popen($mm['clipboard']['write'],'wb'); if (!isset($clip)) return; fwrite($clip,$text); pclose($clip); } function get_from_clipboard(&$mm) { return shell_exec($mm['clipboard']['read']); } // }}} // {{{ load empty map function load_empty_map(&$mm) { if (isset($mm['nodes'])) unset($mm['nodes']); $mm['nodes'][0] = [ 'title'=>'X', 'is_leaf'=>false, 'children'=>[1], 'collapsed'=>false, 'parent'=>-1 ]; $mm['nodes'][1] = [ 'title'=>'root', 'is_leaf'=>true, 'children'=>[], 'collapsed'=>false, 'parent'=>0 ]; $mm['active_node']=1; $mm['root']=1; } // }}} // {{{ yank function yank_node(&$mm, $exclude_parent = false ) { copy_to_clipboard($mm, encode_tree($mm, $mm['active_node'], $exclude_parent)); message($mm, 'Item(s) are copied to the clipboard.'); } // }}} // {{{ delete function delete_node(&$mm, $exclude_parent = false ) { if ($mm['active_node']==$mm['root']) $exclude_parent = true; copy_to_clipboard($mm, encode_tree($mm, $mm['active_node'], $exclude_parent) ); $mm['modified'] = true; delete_node_internal($mm, $mm['active_node'], $exclude_parent); build_map($mm); display($mm); message($mm, 'Item(s) are cut and placed into the clipboard.'); } function delete_node_internal(&$mm, $active_node, $exclude_parent = false ) { // taking a shorter approach if it's for the whole tree if ($active_node==$mm['root'] && !$exclude_parent) { load_empty_map($mm); display($mm, true); return; } // if it's for a sub-tree, then... delete_children($mm, $active_node); if ($exclude_parent) { $mm['nodes'][ $active_node ]['is_leaf'] = true; $mm['nodes'][ $active_node ]['children'] = []; } else { $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][ $active_node ]['parent']; $previous_sibling = 0; $passed = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] as $cid) if ($cid==$active_node) { if ($previous_sibling!=0) break; $passed = true; } else { $previous_sibling = $cid; if ($passed) break; } $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] = array_diff ( $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'], [$active_node] ) ; if (count($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'])==0) $mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['is_leaf'] = true; unset($mm['nodes'][ $active_node ]); if ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['is_leaf']) $mm['active_node'] = $parent_id; else $mm['active_node'] = $previous_sibling; } } function delete_children(&$mm,$id) { foreach (($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] ?? []) as $cid) { delete_children($mm, $cid); unset($mm['nodes'][$cid]); } } // }}} // {{{ focus function toggle_focus(&$mm) { $mm['focus_lock'] = !$mm['focus_lock']; message($mm, $mm['focus_lock'] ? 'Focus locked' : 'Focus unlocked'); build_map($mm); display($mm); } function focus(&$mm) { collapse_siblings($mm, $mm['active_node']); expand_siblings($mm, $mm['active_node']); } function collapse_siblings(&$mm, $id) { if ($id <= $mm['root']) return; $parent_id = $mm['nodes'][$id]['parent']; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$parent_id]['children'] as $cid) if ($cid!=$id) $mm['nodes'][$cid]['collapsed'] = true; collapse_siblings($mm, $parent_id); } function expand_siblings(&$mm, $id) { if ($mm['nodes'][$id]['is_leaf']) return; $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] as $cid) expand_siblings($mm, $cid); } // }}} // {{{ collapse function collapse_other_branches(&$mm) { if ($mm['active_node'] == $mm['root']) return; $branch = find_branch($mm, $mm['active_node']); foreach ($mm['nodes'][ $mm['root'] ]['children'] as $bid) if ($bid != $branch) $mm['nodes'][$bid]['collapsed'] = true; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } function collapse_inner(&$mm) { foreach ($mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['children'] as $cid) $mm['nodes'][$cid]['collapsed'] = true; $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['collapsed'] = false; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } function find_branch(&$mm, $cid) { if ($mm['nodes'][$cid]['parent'] == $mm['root']) return $cid; else return find_branch($mm, $mm['nodes'][$cid]['parent']); } function collapse_all(&$mm) { foreach ($mm['nodes'] as $id=>$node) if (!$node['is_leaf'] && $id!=0 && $id!=$mm['root']) $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = true; $mm['active_node'] = $mm['root']; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } function collapse(&$mm, $id, $keep) { if ($mm['nodes'][$id]['is_leaf']) return; if ($keep<=0) $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = true; else { $mm['nodes'][$id]['collapsed'] = false; foreach ($mm['nodes'][$id]['children'] as $cid) collapse($mm, $cid, $keep-1); } } function collapse_level(&$mm, $level, $no_display = false) { collapse($mm, $mm['root'], $level); $id_collapsed = []; $current = $mm['active_node']; while ($current != $mm['root']) { $id_collapsed[$current] = $mm['nodes'][$current]['collapsed']; $current = $mm['nodes'][$current]['parent']; } $id_collapsed = array_reverse( $id_collapsed, true); foreach ($id_collapsed as $id=>$collapsed) if ($collapsed) { $mm['active_node'] = $id; break; } if ($no_display) return; build_map($mm); center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } // }}} // {{{ display function display(&$mm, $force_center = false) { if ($mm['focus_lock']) { focus($mm); build_map($mm); } if ($mm['center_lock'] || $force_center) center_active_node($mm); else move_window($mm); $mm['terminal_width'] = exec('tput cols'); $mm['terminal_height'] = exec('tput lines'); $blank = str_repeat(' ', $mm['terminal_width']); // calculating the coordinates of the active node $x1 = max ( 0 ,$mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['x'] -1 -$mm['win_left'] ) ; $x2 = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['w'] + $x1 + 2 - ($mm['active_node']==0 && left_padding==0) ; $y1 = max ( 0 , $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['y'] + $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['yo'] - $mm['win_top'] ) ; $y2 = $mm['nodes'][ $mm['active_node'] ]['lh'] + $y1 ; // building the output $output = ''; for ( $y = 0 ; $y < $mm['terminal_height'] ; $y++ ) { if (isset($mm['map'][$y+$mm['win_top']])) $line = mb_substr( $mm['map'][$y+$mm['win_top']], $mm['win_left'], $mm['terminal_width'] ) ; else $line = $blank; // this one really depends on (x,y), but after this, the // coordinates are not reliable anymore because of the // added escape codes. if ( $y >= $y1 && $y < $y2 ) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $x1) .$mm['active_node_color'] .mb_substr($line, $x1, $x2-$x1) .reset_color .mb_substr($line, $x2) ; else // styling the codes when the node is not active $line = mb_ereg_replace ( '\b(.\d)\. ' ,dim_on.'\\1. '.dim_off ,$line ) ; // styling the search results if ($mm['query'] ?? '' != '') $line = str_ireplace ( $mm['query'] ,invert_on.$mm['query'].invert_off ,$line ) ; // styling the collapsed symbol $line = str_replace ( ' [+]' ,' ' .collapsed_symbol_on .'[+]' .collapsed_symbol_off ,$line ) ; // styling the lines mb_regex_encoding("UTF-8"); mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); $line = mb_ereg_replace ( '([─-╱]+)' ,line_on.'\\1'.line_off ,$line ) ; // styling "???" $line = str_replace ( '???' ,$mm['question_color'].'???'.default_color ,$line ); // dimming {meta}s $line = str_replace ( '{' ,dim_on.'{' ,$line ); $line = str_replace ( '}' ,'}'.dim_off ,$line ); // adding the logo if ($mm['show_logo']>0) { if ($y==2) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' ╭────────────╮ '.default_color; elseif ($y==3) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' │ ┏━ m │ '.default_color; elseif ($y==4) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' │ h ━━┫ │ '.default_color; elseif ($y==5) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' │ ┗━━━ m │ '.default_color; elseif ($y==6) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' ╰────────────╯ '.default_color; elseif ($y==7) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' '.default_color; elseif ($y==8) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' hackers '.default_color; elseif ($y==9) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' mind '.default_color; elseif ($y==10) $line = mb_substr($line, 0, $mm['terminal_width']-19).logo_color. ' map '.default_color; } // done! $output .= $line; } echo reset_page.reset_color.$output; $mm['show_logo']--; } // }}} // {{{ monitor key presses function monitor_key_presses(&$mm) { stream_set_blocking(STDIN,false); while(true) { usleep(20000); $in = fread(STDIN, 16); if (empty($in)) continue; switch ($in) { case 'b': expand_all($mm); break; case 'c': { center_active_node($mm); display($mm); } break; case 'C': { $mm['center_lock'] = !$mm['center_lock']; display($mm); } break; case ctrl_c: quit($mm); break; case 'd': delete_node($mm); break; case 'D': delete_node($mm, true); break; case 'e': edit_node($mm); break; case 'E': edit_node($mm, true); break; case 'f': { focus($mm); build_map($mm); display($mm,true); } break; case 'F': toggle_focus($mm); break; case 'g': go_to_top($mm); break; case 'G': go_to_bottom($mm); break; case 'h': change_active_node($mm, move_left); break; case 'i': collapse_other_branches($mm); break; case 'I': collapse_inner($mm); break; case 'j': change_active_node($mm, move_down); break; case 'J': move_active_node_down($mm); break; case 'k': change_active_node($mm, move_up); break; case 'K': move_active_node_up($mm); break; case 'l': change_active_node($mm, move_right); break; case 'm': go_to_root($mm); break; case 'n': next_search_result($mm); break; case 'N': previous_search_result($mm); break; case 'o': insert_node($mm, insert_sibling); break; case 'O': insert_node($mm, insert_child); break; case 'p': paste_sub_tree($mm, false); break; case 'P': paste_sub_tree($mm, true); break; case ctrl_p: append($mm); break; case 'q': quit($mm); break; case 'Q': exit; break; case 's': save($mm); break; case 'S': save($mm, true); break; case 'U': debug($mm['nodes']); break; case 'v': collapse_all($mm); break; case 'w': adjust_width($mm, width_wider); break; case 'W': adjust_width($mm, width_narrower); break; case 'x': export_html($mm); break; case 'y': yank_node($mm); break; case 'Y': yank_node($mm, true); break; case 'Z': adjust_spacing($mm, spacing_wider); break; case 'z': adjust_spacing($mm, spacing_narrower); break; case arr_down: change_active_node($mm, move_down); break; case arr_right: change_active_node($mm, move_right); break; case arr_up: change_active_node($mm, move_up); break; case arr_left: change_active_node($mm, move_left); break; case '1': collapse_level($mm, 1); break; case '2': collapse_level($mm, 2); break; case '3': collapse_level($mm, 3); break; case '4': collapse_level($mm, 4); break; case '5': collapse_level($mm, 5); break; case '6': collapse_level($mm, 6); break; case '7': collapse_level($mm, 7); break; case '8': collapse_level($mm, 8); break; case '9': collapse_level($mm, 9); break; case '~': go_to_root($mm); break; case ' ': toggle($mm); break; case '/': search($mm); break; case "\n": insert_node($mm, insert_sibling); break; case "\t": insert_node($mm, insert_child); break; } // move(1,1); // for ($i=0; $i