import execa from 'execa'; import { promises as fs, readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { generateTemplateFilesBatch } from 'generate-template-files'; import { Listr } from 'listr2'; import os from 'os'; import path, { basename, dirname } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import { incompatibleNames } from '../constants.js'; // Paths const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '..'); const iconoirIconsDir = path.join(rootDir, 'icons'); const ignoreCleanFilenames = ['IconoirContext.tsx']; // Targets for building icons const targets = { 'meta-data': { path: 'meta-data.json' }, css: { path: 'css/iconoir.css' }, 'iconoir-flutter': { flutter: true, path: 'packages/iconoir-flutter' }, 'iconoir-react': { react: true, path: 'packages/iconoir-react' }, 'iconoir-react-native': { react: true, path: 'packages/iconoir-react-native', }, }; // Get targets from command line arguments // (build all targets if no arguments) const args = process.argv.slice(2); const cliTargets = []; args.forEach((target) => { if (target in targets) { cliTargets.push(target); } else { console.error(`Target '${target}' doesn't exist!\n\nPossible targets are:`); for (const [targetName] of Object.entries(targets)) { console.log(`- ${targetName}`); } process.exit(1); } }); // Build tasks const tasks = new Listr( [ { title: 'Fetching icons', task: async (ctx) => { ctx.iconoirIconsFiles = await fs.readdir(iconoirIconsDir); }, }, { title: 'Building targets', skip: (ctx) => !ctx.iconoirIconsFiles, task: (_, task) => task.newListr( [ { title: 'Building meta-data file', enabled: () => cliTargets.length === 0 || cliTargets.includes('meta-data'), task: async (ctx) => { await fs.writeFile( path.join(rootDir, targets['meta-data'].path), JSON.stringify({ icons: ctx.iconoirIconsFiles }) ); }, }, { title: 'Building CSS file', enabled: () => cliTargets.length === 0 || cliTargets.includes('css'), task: async (ctx) => { const content = [ ( await fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, 'header.css'), 'utf8' ) ).replace('[YEAR]', new Date().getFullYear()), ]; ctx.iconoirIconsFiles.forEach((file) => { const fileContents = readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '../icons/', file) ) .toString() .replace(/\n/g, ''); content.push( `.iconoir-${ path.parse(file).name }::before{mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,${fileContents}');-webkit-mask-image:url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,${fileContents}');}` ); }); await fs.writeFile( path.join(rootDir, targets.css.path), content ); }, }, { title: 'Building React libraries', enabled: () => cliTargets.length === 0 || cliTargets.filter((cliTarget) => targets[cliTarget]?.react) .length > 0, task: (_, task) => task.newListr( [ { title: 'Creating temporary directory', task: async (ctx) => { try { ctx.tmpDir = await fs.mkdtemp( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'iconoir-') ); } catch (err) { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { title: 'Copying icon files to temporary directory, while renaming icons with incompatible names', skip: (ctx) => ctx.skip, task: async (ctx) => { try { const promises = => { const srcFilePath = path.join( iconoirIconsDir, file ); const iconName = file.split('.')[0]; const dstFileName = iconName in incompatibleNames ? incompatibleNames[iconName] : iconName; const dstFilePath = path.join( ctx.tmpDir, `${dstFileName}.svg` ); return fs.copyFile(srcFilePath, dstFilePath); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch((err) => { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); }); } catch (err) { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { skip: (ctx) => ctx.skip, task: (_, task) => { const targetsToBuild = cliTargets.length > 0 ? cliTargets.filter( (cliTarget) => targets[cliTarget]?.react ) : Object.keys(targets).filter( (target) => targets[target].react ); const tasks = => { const builtIconsDir = path.join( rootDir, targets[target].path, 'src' ); return { title: `Building ${target}`, task: (_, task) => task.newListr( [ { title: 'Cleaning target directory', task: async (ctx) => { try { const files = await fs.readdir( builtIconsDir ); const promises = files .filter( (file) => !ignoreCleanFilenames.includes( path.basename(file) ) ) .map((file) => { return fs.unlink( path.join(builtIconsDir, file) ); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch( (err) => { ctx[target] = { skip: true }; throw new Error(err.message); } ); } catch (err) { ctx[target] = { skip: true }; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { title: 'Building icon files', skip: (ctx) => ctx[target]?.skip, task: async (ctx) => { try { await execa( 'svgr', [ '--config-file', path.join( targets[target].path, '.svgrrc.json' ), '--out-dir', builtIconsDir, '--template', 'bin/templates/icon-template.cjs', '--index-template', 'bin/templates/index-template.cjs', ctx.tmpDir, ], { preferLocal: true } ); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, ], { concurrent: false, exitOnError: false } ), }; }); return task.newListr(tasks, { concurrent: true, rendererOptions: { collapse: false }, }); }, }, ], { concurrent: false } ), }, { title: 'Building Flutter libraries', enabled: () => cliTargets.length === 0 || cliTargets.filter((cliTarget) => targets[cliTarget]?.flutter) .length > 0, task: (_, task) => task.newListr( [ { title: 'Creating temporary directory', task: async (ctx) => { try { ctx.tmpDir = await fs.mkdtemp( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'iconoir-') ); } catch (err) { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { title: 'Copying icon files to temporary directory, while renaming icons with incompatible names', skip: (ctx) => ctx.skip, task: async (ctx) => { try { const promises = => { const srcFilePath = path.join( iconoirIconsDir, file ); const iconName = file.split('.')[0]; const dstFileName = iconName in incompatibleNames ? incompatibleNames[iconName] : iconName; const dstFilePath = path.join( ctx.tmpDir, `${dstFileName}.svg` ); ctx.dstFilePaths = [ ...(ctx.dstFilePaths ?? []), dstFilePath, ]; return fs.copyFile(srcFilePath, dstFilePath); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch((err) => { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); }); } catch (err) { ctx.skip = true; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { skip: (ctx) => ctx.skip, task: (_, task) => { const targetsToBuild = cliTargets.length > 0 ? cliTargets.filter( (cliTarget) => targets[cliTarget]?.flutter ) : Object.keys(targets).filter( (target) => targets[target].flutter ); const tasks = => { const builtIconsDir = path.join( rootDir, targets[target].path, 'lib' ); return { title: `Building ${target}`, task: (_, task) => task.newListr( [ { title: 'Cleaning target directory', task: async (ctx) => { try { const files = await fs.readdir( builtIconsDir ); const promises = => { return fs.unlink( path.join(builtIconsDir, file) ); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch( (err) => { ctx[target] = { skip: true }; throw new Error(err.message); } ); } catch (err) { ctx[target] = { skip: true }; throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, { title: 'Create entry file', task: async () => { await fs.writeFile( path.join( builtIconsDir, 'iconoir_flutter.dart' ), 'library iconoir_flutter;\n\n' ); }, }, { title: 'Building icon files', skip: (ctx) => ctx[target]?.skip, task: async (ctx) => { const finalFileNames = []; try { await Promise.all( (file) => { const svgfilename = path.parse(file).name; // Prefix with Svg if icon name starts with a number const iconname = `${ /^\d/.test(svgfilename) ? 'Svg' : '' }${svgfilename}`; const svgfilecontent = ( await fs.readFile(file) ).toString(); await generateTemplateFilesBatch([ { option: 'Create Icon Flutter Widget', entry: { folderPath: './bin/templates/__svgfilename__.dart', }, dynamicReplacers: [ { slot: '__icon__', slotValue: iconname, }, { slot: '__svgfilecontent__', slotValue: svgfilecontent, }, { slot: '__svgfilename__', slotValue: svgfilename, }, ], output: { path: './packages/iconoir-flutter/lib/__svgfilename__(snakeCase).dart', pathAndFileNameDefaultCase: '(snakeCase)', }, async onComplete(results) { finalFileNames.push( results.output.path ); }, }, ]); }) ); finalFileNames.sort(); await fs.appendFile( path.join( builtIconsDir, 'iconoir_flutter.dart' ), finalFileNames .map( (fileName) => `export './${basename( fileName )}';` ) .join('\n') ); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.message); } }, }, ], { concurrent: false, exitOnError: false } ), }; }); return task.newListr(tasks, { concurrent: true, rendererOptions: { collapse: false }, }); }, }, ], { concurrent: false } ), }, ], { concurrent: true } ), }, { title: 'Removing temporary directory', skip: (ctx) => !ctx.tmpDir, task: async (ctx) => { await fs.rm(ctx.tmpDir, { recursive: true }); }, }, ], { concurrent: false, exitOnError: false, rendererOptions: { collapse: false, collapseErrors: false }, } ); await;