Iconoir is an open-source library with 1000+ unique SVG icons, designed on a 24x24 pixels grid. No premium icons, no email sign-up, no newsletters.
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## Basic Usage You can download any icon of the pack directly from https://iconoir.com or get them from this repository. Additionally, the icons are available via the `iconoir` NPM package: ```bash yarn add iconoir # or npm i iconoir ``` Example usage: ```js import Iconoir from 'iconoir/icons/iconoir.svg' ``` ## React A React library is available to install under the name `iconoir-react`. For more details, see the package [README](./packages/iconoir-react). ## React Native A React Native library is available to install under the name `iconoir-react-native`. For more details, see the package [README](./packages/iconoir-react-native). ## Flutter A Flutter library is available to install under the name `iconoir_flutter`. For more details, see the package [README](./packages/iconoir-flutter). ## Framer Iconoir is happily part of [Framer](https://framer.com) now. To start using the icons: On the top menu, `Insert` > `Graphics` > `Iconoir`. You can switch between icons from the right sidebar in the editor. ## CSS Import the CSS File: ```html ``` Here is an example in HTML: ```html ``` The class must always be "iconoir-" and then the name of the icon. You can find the names of the icons [here](https://iconoir.com). The icons are `display: inline-block` and default to the current font size. You can control this by adjusting the `::before` styles of the element (which is where the icons are added as a mask). ## Figma The library is available in the Figma community [here](https://www.figma.com/community/file/983248991460488027/Iconoir-Pack). ## License MIT License