import { downloads as npmDownloads } from '@nodesecure/npm-registry-sdk'; import type { NextPage } from 'next'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { AvailableFor } from '../components/AvailableFor'; import { LargeButton } from '../components/Button'; import { REPO, SUPPORT_LINK } from '../lib/constants'; import { Explore } from '../components/Explore'; import { Footer } from '../components/Footer'; import { Header } from '../components/Header'; import { HeaderBackground } from '../components/HeaderBackground'; import { Icon } from '../components/IconList'; import { Layout } from '../components/Layout'; import { media } from '../lib/responsive'; import { SEO } from '../components/SEO'; import { Stat, StatsContainer } from '../components/Stats'; import { Text18, Text15 } from '../components/Typography'; import { getHeaderProps } from '../lib/getHeaderProps'; import { getAllIcons } from '../lib/getIcons'; import { octokit } from '../lib/octokit'; interface HomeProps { allIcons: Icon[]; currentVersion: string; numStars: number; numDownloads: number; } const Home: NextPage = ({ allIcons, currentVersion, numStars, numDownloads, }) => { return ( <>
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