import { ArrowRight, Flash, Discord, Globe, DesignNib } from 'iconoir-react'; import { NextPage } from 'next'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { HeroText } from '.'; import { HeroTextSecondary } from '.'; import { LargeButton } from '../components/Button'; import { DISCORD_LINK, SUPPORT_LINK } from '../lib/constants'; import { Footer } from '../components/Footer'; import { Header, HeaderProps } from '../components/Header'; import { HeaderSecondary } from '../components/HeaderSecondary'; import { Layout } from '../components/Layout'; import { media } from '../lib/responsive'; import { SEO } from '../components/SEO'; import { Body, Heading2, Text18 } from '../components/Typography'; import { getHeaderProps } from '../lib/getHeaderProps'; import { Praise } from '../components/Praise'; interface SupportProps extends HeaderProps {} const Support: NextPage = ({ ...headerProps }) => { return (
Our Goal A free, complete, and open icon library. Free We want to give to developers and users high-quality free icons. Hassle-free. Complete We’re aiming at having as much unique icons as possible. Ambitious We want to help and be part of as many projects as possible. Become part of the project. If you consider this library valuable for you and your projects, support Iconoir with a donation to help us sustain costs and development time. Donate What our friends say Join us on Discord Join the community and help us with your suggestions and feedback. Join