#master deployment: user: marl from: ./ to: /var/www/test1 source: type: git repository: git@bitbucket.org:myuser/myproject.git from: master ioncube: test releases: enabled: true symlink: current directory: releases hosts: - localhost tasks: pre-deploy: - ioncube/encrypt on-deply: post-deploy: ioncube: override: dyf keeptemp: encoder: ioncube_encoder54 checkencoding: true checkignorepaths: - /public/js/* - /public/css/* projfile: project.prj project: replace-target: binary: ignore-deprecated-warnings: ignore-strict-warnings: ignore: - _* - templates_c/* - *~ - database.md - specs/ - composer.json - README.md - .git/ - .project - .settings/ - .buildpath message-if-no-loader: "System error No Loader" passphrase: "My really secure passphrase" encrypt: - templates/* add-comment: - 'Comment 1' - 'Comment 2' - "(c) ACTweb 2013" - "Draft Version" loader-event: - corrupt-file=Corupted files - expired-file=System needs updated - no-permissions=Not allowed on this server - clock-skew=Time incorect - license-not-found=License not installed - license-corrupt=Something wrong with your license - license-expired=Out of time - license-property-invalid=Invalid license data - license-header-invalid=Files corupted - license-server-invalid=Server problem - unauth-including-file=Sorry these files can only be used within defined software - unauth-included-file=Crtical Software Error - unauth-append-prepend-file=System can not be used with PHP Prepend/Append set