Ondřej Vodáček 100a125ac5 Enable to configure strict host key checking [closes #105]
Software should be secure by default, so the default option is to enable
strict host key checking. When lowering security, the user should be
aware of it and it should be his choice.
2016-07-14 15:59:09 +02:00

362 lines
10 KiB

* This file is part of the Magallanes package.
* (c) Andrés Montañez <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Mage\Task;
use Mage\Console;
use Mage\Config;
use Mage\Task\Releases\IsReleaseAware;
use Exception;
* Abstract Class for a Magallanes Task
* @author Andrés Montañez <>
abstract class AbstractTask
* Stage Constant for Pre Deployment
* @var string
const STAGE_PRE_DEPLOY = 'pre-deploy';
* Stage Constant for Deployment
* @var string
const STAGE_DEPLOY = 'deploy';
* Stage Constant for Post Deployment
* @var string
const STAGE_POST_DEPLOY = 'post-deploy';
* Stage Constant for Post Release
* @var string
const STAGE_POST_RELEASE = 'post-release';
* Configuration
* @var Config;
protected $config = null;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback
* @var boolean
protected $inRollback = false;
* Indicates the Stage the Task is running ing
* @var string
protected $stage = null;
* Extra parameters
* @var array
protected $parameters = array();
* Returns the Title of the Task
* @return string
abstract public function getName();
* Runs the task
* @return boolean
* @throws Exception
* @throws ErrorWithMessageException
* @throws SkipException
abstract public function run();
* Task Constructor
* @param Config $config
* @param boolean $inRollback
* @param string $stage
* @param array $parameters
final public function __construct(Config $config, $inRollback = false, $stage = null, $parameters = array())
$this->config = $config;
$this->inRollback = $inRollback;
$this->stage = $stage;
$this->parameters = $parameters;
* Indicates if the Task is running in a Rollback operation
* @return boolean
public function inRollback()
return $this->inRollback;
* Gets the Stage of the Deployment:
* - pre-deploy
* - deploy
* - post-deploy
* - post-release
* @return string
public function getStage()
return $this->stage;
* Gets the Configuration
* @return Config;
public function getConfig()
return $this->config;
* Initializes the Task, optional to implement
public function init()
* Returns a Parameter, or a default if not found
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $default
* @return mixed
public function getParameter($name, $default = null)
return $this->getConfig()->getParameter($name, $default, $this->getParameters());
* @return array
protected function getParameters()
return $this->parameters;
* Runs a Shell Command Localy
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
final protected function runCommandLocal($command, &$output = null)
return Console::executeCommand($command, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command on the Remote Host
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @param boolean $cdToDirectoryFirst
* @return boolean
final protected function runCommandRemote($command, &$output = null, $cdToDirectoryFirst = true)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) === true) {
if ($this instanceof IsReleaseAware) {
$releasesDirectory = '';
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '/'
. $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases')
. '/'
. $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
} else {
$releasesDirectory = '';
// if general.yml includes "ssy_needs_tty: true", then add "-t" to the ssh command
$needs_tty = ($this->getConfig()->general('ssh_needs_tty', false) ? '-t' : '');
$localCommand = 'ssh ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostIdentityFileOption() . $needs_tty . ' -p ' . $this->getConfig()->getHostPort() . ' '
. $this->getConfig()->getStrictHostCheckingOption()
. $this->getConfig()->getConnectTimeoutOption()
. ($this->getConfig()->deployment('user') != '' ? $this->getConfig()->deployment('user') . '@' : '')
. $this->getConfig()->getHostName();
$remoteCommand = str_replace('"', '\"', $command);
if ($cdToDirectoryFirst) {
$remoteCommand = 'cd ' . rtrim($this->getConfig()->deployment('to'), '/') . $releasesDirectory . ' && ' . $remoteCommand;
$localCommand .= ' ' . '"sh -c \"' . $remoteCommand . '\""';
Console::log('Run remote command ' . $remoteCommand);
return $this->runCommandLocal($localCommand, $output);
* Runs a Shell Command Localy or in the Remote Host based on the Task Stage.
* If the stage is "deploy" then it will be executed in the remote host.
* @param string $command
* @param string $output
* @return boolean
final protected function runCommand($command, &$output = null)
$command = ltrim($this->getEnvVarsString() . ' ' . $command);
if ($this->getStage() == self::STAGE_DEPLOY || $this->getStage() == self::STAGE_POST_RELEASE) {
return $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
} else {
return $this->runCommandLocal($command, $output);
* adds a cd to the needed release if we work with releases.
* @param string $command
* @return string
protected function getReleasesAwareCommand($command)
if ($this->getConfig()->release('enabled', false) === true) {
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$deployToDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $this->getConfig()->getReleaseId();
return 'cd ' . $deployToDirectory . ' && ' . $command;
return $command;
* @param integer $releaseId
* @return bool
protected function tarRelease($releaseId)
$result = true;
// for given release, check if tarred
$output = '';
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$currentReleaseDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
$currentReleaseDirectoryTemp = $currentReleaseDirectory . '_tmp/';
$currentRelease = $currentReleaseDirectory . '/' . $releaseId . '.tar.gz';
$command = 'test -e ' . $currentRelease . ' && echo "true" || echo ""';
$this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
// if not, do so
if (!$output) {
$commands = array();
$commands[] = 'mv ' . $currentReleaseDirectory . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$commands[] = 'mkdir ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$commands[] = 'tar cfz ' . $currentRelease . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$commands[] = 'rm -rf ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp;
$command = implode(' && ', $commands);
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
return $result;
return $result;
protected function untarRelease($releaseId)
$result = true;
// for given release, check if tarred
$output = '';
$releasesDirectory = $this->getConfig()->release('directory', 'releases');
$currentReleaseDirectory = $releasesDirectory . '/' . $releaseId;
$currentReleaseDirectoryTemp = $currentReleaseDirectory . '_tmp/';
$currentRelease = $currentReleaseDirectory . '/' . $releaseId . '.tar.gz';
$command = 'test -e ' . $currentRelease . ' && echo "true" || echo ""';
$this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
// if tarred, untar now
if ($output) {
$commands = array();
$commands[] = 'tar xfz ' . $currentRelease;
$commands[] = 'rm -rf ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$commands[] = 'mv ' . $currentReleaseDirectoryTemp . ' ' . $currentReleaseDirectory;
$command = implode(' && ', $commands);
$result = $this->runCommandRemote($command, $output);
return $result;
return $result;
* Returns the array of environment variables
* Returned array contains both system variables and variables set in config
* WARNING: To access system's variables you need to set proper value in your php.ini at variables_order key
* @see
* @return array
protected function getEnvVariables()
$configVars = array_merge(
$this->getConfig()->general('env', array()),
$this->getConfig()->environmentConfig('env', array()),
$this->getConfig()->getParameter('env', array()),
'variables' => $this->getConfig()->getParameter('env.variables', array())
if (isset($configVars['variables'])) {
$configVars = $configVars['variables'];
$envVariables = array_merge(
return $envVariables;
* Returns ready to inject environment string
* The string is build from env vars array in schema:
* key1=value1 key2=value3 ...
* @return string
protected function getEnvVarsString()
$envVarsArray = $this->getEnvVariables();
$envVars = array_map(
function ($key, $value) {
return "$key=$value";
return join(' ', $envVars);