all: build GO := $(shell which go) GOPATH := "$(CURDIR)/vendor:$(CURDIR)" GOOS ?= linux GOARCH ?= amd64 BINDIR := "$(CURDIR)/bin" VERSION := $(shell "$(CURDIR)/scripts/") TARVERSION := $(shell "$(CURDIR)/scripts/" --tar) ifneq ($(VERSION),) INTERNALLDFLAGS := -X main.version=$(VERSION) else INTERNALLDFLAGS := endif ifneq ($(RACE),) BUILDARGS := -race else BUILDARGS := endif ifneq ($(CI),) TESTARGS := -race else TESTARGS := endif ifeq ($(TIMEOUT),) TIMEOUT := 60s endif ifneq ($(TEST),) TESTARGS := $(TESTARGS) -run $(TEST) endif ifneq ($(COUNT),) TESTARGS := $(TESTARGS) -count $(COUNT) endif ifeq ($(GOARCH), amd64) VENDORBIN := $(CURDIR)/vendor/bin else VENDORBIN := $(CURDIR)/vendor/bin/$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH) endif hook: [ ! -d "$(CURDIR)/.git/hooks" ] || ln -sf "$(CURDIR)/scripts/pre-commit.hook" "$(CURDIR)/.git/hooks/pre-commit" godeps: GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) get easyjson: dependencies GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) get -d GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) build -o ./vendor/bin/easyjson ./vendor/src/ dependencies: hook godeps GOPATH=$(GOPATH) "$(VENDORBIN)/godeps" -u dependencies.tsv dependencies.tsv: godeps set -e ;\ TMP=$$(mktemp -d) ;\ echo Make sure to remove $$TMP on error ;\ cp -r "$(CURDIR)/vendor" $$TMP ;\ GOPATH=$$TMP/vendor:"$(CURDIR)" "$(VENDORBIN)/godeps" ./src/... > "$(CURDIR)/dependencies.tsv" ;\ rm -rf $$TMP src/signaling/continentmap.go: $(CURDIR)/scripts/ $@ check-continentmap: set -e ;\ TMP=$$(mktemp -d) ;\ echo Make sure to remove $$TMP on error ;\ $(CURDIR)/scripts/ $$TMP/continentmap.go ;\ diff -u src/signaling/continentmap.go $$TMP/continentmap.go ;\ rm -rf $$TMP get: GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) get $(PACKAGE) fmt: hook $(GO) fmt ./src/... vet: dependencies common GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) vet ./src/... test: dependencies vet common GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) test -v -timeout $(TIMEOUT) $(TESTARGS) ./src/... cover: dependencies vet common rm -f cover.out && \ GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) test -v -timeout $(TIMEOUT) -coverprofile cover.out ./src/signaling/... && \ sed -i "/_easyjson/d" cover.out && \ GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) tool cover -func=cover.out coverhtml: dependencies vet common rm -f cover.out && \ GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) test -v -timeout $(TIMEOUT) -coverprofile cover.out ./src/signaling/... && \ sed -i "/_easyjson/d" cover.out && \ GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) tool cover -html=cover.out -o coverage.html %_easyjson.go: %.go PATH=$(shell dirname $(GO)):$(PATH) GOPATH=$(GOPATH) ./vendor/bin/easyjson -all $*.go common: easyjson \ src/signaling/api_signaling_easyjson.go \ src/signaling/api_backend_easyjson.go \ src/signaling/api_proxy_easyjson.go \ src/signaling/natsclient_easyjson.go \ src/signaling/room_easyjson.go client: dependencies common mkdir -p $(BINDIR) GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) build $(BUILDARGS) -ldflags '$(INTERNALLDFLAGS)' -o $(BINDIR)/client ./src/client/... server: dependencies common mkdir -p $(BINDIR) GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) build $(BUILDARGS) -ldflags '$(INTERNALLDFLAGS)' -o $(BINDIR)/signaling ./src/server/... proxy: dependencies common mkdir -p $(BINDIR) GOPATH=$(GOPATH) $(GO) build $(BUILDARGS) -ldflags '$(INTERNALLDFLAGS)' -o $(BINDIR)/proxy ./src/proxy/... clean: rm -f src/signaling/*_easyjson.go build: server proxy tarball: git archive \ --prefix=nextcloud-spreed-signaling-$(TARVERSION)/ \ -o nextcloud-spreed-signaling-$(TARVERSION).tar.gz \ HEAD dist: tarball .PHONY: src/signaling/continentmap.go