# Docker images for nextcloud-spreed-signaling ## Signaling server The image for the signaling server can be retrieved from strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling: Replace `version` with the tag or commit you want to use. ### Configuration The running container can be configured through different environment variables: - `CONFIG`: Optional name of configuration file to use. - `HTTP_LISTEN`: Address of HTTP listener. - `HTTPS_LISTEN`: Address of HTTPS listener. - `HTTPS_CERTIFICATE`: Name of certificate file for the HTTPS listener. - `HTTPS_KEY`: Name of private key file for the HTTPS listener. - `HASH_KEY`: Secret value used to generate checksums of sessions (32 or 64 bytes). - `BLOCK_KEY`: Key for encrypting data in the sessions (16, 24 or 32 bytes). - `INTERNAL_SHARED_SECRET_KEY`: Shared secret for connections from internal clients. - `BACKENDS_ALLOWALL`: Allow all backends. Extremly insecure - use only for development! - `BACKENDS_ALLOWALL_SECRET`: Secret when `BACKENDS_ALLOWALL` is enabled. - `BACKENDS`: Space-separated list of backend ids. - `BACKEND__URL`: Url of backend `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase backend id). - `BACKEND__SHARED_SECRET`: Shared secret for backend `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase backend id). - `BACKEND__SESSION_LIMIT`: Optional session limit for backend `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase backend id). - `BACKEND__MAX_STREAM_BITRATE`: Optional maximum bitrate for audio/video streams in backend `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase backend id). - `BACKEND__MAX_SCREEN_BITRATE`: Optional maximum bitrate for screensharing streams in backend `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase backend id). - `NATS_URL`: Optional URL of NATS server. - `ETCD_ENDPOINTS`: Static list of etcd endpoints (if etcd should be used). - `ETCD_DISCOVERY_SRV`: Alternative domain to use for DNS SRV configuration of etcd endpoints (if etcd should be used). - `ETCD_DISCOVERY_SERVICE`: Optional service name for DNS SRV configuration of etcd.. - `ETCD_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE`: Filename of certificate for etcd client. - `ETCD_CLIENT_KEY`: Filename of private key for etcd client. - `ETCD_CLIENT_CA`: Filename of CA for etcd client. - `USE_JANUS`: Set to `1` if Janus should be used as WebRTC backend. - `JANUS_URL`: Url to Janus server (if `USE_JANUS` is set to `1`). - `USE_PROXY`: Set to `1` if proxy servers should be used as WebRTC backends. - `PROXY_TOKEN_ID`: Id of the token to use when connecting to proxy servers. - `PROXY_TOKEN_KEY`: Private key for the configured token id. - `PROXY_URLS`: Space-separated list of proxy URLs to connect to. - `PROXY_DNS_DISCOVERY`: Enable DNS discovery on hostnames of configured static URLs. - `PROXY_ETCD`: Set to `1` if etcd should be used to configure proxy connections. - `PROXY_KEY_PREFIX`: Key prefix of proxy entries. - `MAX_STREAM_BITRATE`: Optional global maximum bitrate for audio/video streams. - `MAX_SCREEN_BITRATE`: Optional global maximum bitrate for screensharing streams. - `TURN_API_KEY`: API key that Janus will need to send when requesting TURN credentials. - `TURN_SECRET`: The shared secret to use for generating TURN credentials. - `TURN_SERVERS`: A comma-separated list of TURN servers to use. - `GEOIP_LICENSE`: License key to use when downloading the MaxMind GeoIP database. - `GEOIP_URL`: Optional URL to download a MaxMind GeoIP database from. - `GEOIP_OVERRIDES`: Optional spae-separated list of overrides for GeoIP lookups. - `CONTINENT_OVERRIDES`: Optional spae-separated list of overrides for continent mappings. - `STATS_IPS`: Comma-separated list of IP addresses that are allowed to access the stats endpoint. - `GRPC_LISTEN`: IP and port to listen on for GRPC requests. - `GRPC_SERVER_CERTIFICATE`: Certificate to use for the GRPC server. - `GRPC_SERVER_KEY`: Private key to use for the GRPC server. - `GRPC_SERVER_CA`: CA certificate that is allowed to issue certificates of GRPC servers. - `GRPC_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE`: Certificate to use for the GRPC client. - `GRPC_CLIENT_KEY`: Private key to use for the GRPC client. - `GRPC_CLIENT_CA`: CA certificate that is allowed to issue certificates of GRPC clients. - `GRPC_TARGETS`: Comma-separated list of GRPC targets to connect to for clustering mode. - `GRPC_DNS_DISCOVERY`: Enable DNS discovery on hostnames of configured GRPC targets. - `GRPC_ETCD`: Set to `1` if etcd should be used to configure GRPC peers. - `GRPC_TARGET_PREFIX`: Key prefix of GRPC target entries. - `SKIP_VERIFY`: Set to `true` to skip certificate validation of backends and proxy servers. This should only be enabled during development, e.g. to work with self-signed certificates. Example with two backends: docker run \ ... \ -e BACKENDS="foo bar" \ -e BACKEND_FOO_URL=https://cloud.server1.tld \ -e BACKEND_FOO_SHARED_SECRET=verysecret \ -e BACKEND_BAR_URL=https://cloud.server2.tld \ -e BACKEND_BAR_SHARED_SECRET=moresecret \ ... See https://github.com/strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/blob/master/server.conf.in for further details on the different options. ## Signaling proxy The image for the signaling proxy can be retrieved from strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling:-proxy Replace `version` with the tag or commit you want to use. ### Configuration The running container can be configured through different environment variables: - `CONFIG`: Optional name of configuration file to use. - `HTTP_LISTEN`: Address of HTTP listener. - `COUNTRY`: Optional ISO 3166 country this proxy is located at. - `JANUS_URL`: Url to Janus server. - `MAX_STREAM_BITRATE`: Optional maximum bitrate for audio/video streams. - `MAX_SCREEN_BITRATE`: Optional maximum bitrate for screensharing streams. - `ETCD_ENDPOINTS`: Static list of etcd endpoints (if etcd should be used). - `ETCD_DISCOVERY_SRV`: Alternative domain to use for DNS SRV configuration of etcd endpoints (if etcd should be used). - `ETCD_DISCOVERY_SERVICE`: Optional service name for DNS SRV configuration of etcd.. - `ETCD_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE`: Filename of certificate for etcd client. - `ETCD_CLIENT_KEY`: Filename of private key for etcd client. - `ETCD_CLIENT_CA`: Filename of CA for etcd client. - `TOKENS_ETCD`: Set to `1` if etcd should be used to configure tokens. - `TOKEN_KEY_FORMAT`: Format of key name to retrieve the public key from, "%s" will be replaced with the token id. - `TOKENS`: Space-separated list of token ids. - `TOKEN__KEY`: Filename of public key for token `ID` (where `ID` is the uppercase token id). Example with two tokens: docker run \ ... \ -e TOKENS="foo signaling.server1.tld" \ -e TOKEN_FOO_KEY=/path/to/foo.key \ -e TOKEN_SIGNALING_SERVER1_TLD_KEY=/path/to/signaling.server1.tld.key \ ... See https://github.com/strukturag/nextcloud-spreed-signaling/blob/master/proxy.conf.in for further details on the different options.