# Prometheus metrics The signaling server and -proxy expose various metrics that can be queried by a [Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/) server from the `/metrics` endpoint. Only clients connecting from an IP that is included in the `allowed_ips` value of the `[stats]` entry in the configuration file are allowed to query the metrics. ## Available metrics The following metrics are available: | Metric | Type | Since | Description | Labels | | :------------------------------------------------ | :-------- | --------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :-------------------------------- | | `signaling_proxy_sessions` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of sessions | | | `signaling_proxy_sessions_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of created sessions | | | `signaling_proxy_sessions_resumed_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of resumed sessions | | | `signaling_proxy_publishers` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of publishers | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_publishers_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of created publishers | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_subscribers` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of subscribers | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_subscribers_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of created subscribers | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_command_messages_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of command messages | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_payload_messages_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of payload messages | `type` | | `signaling_proxy_token_errors_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of token errors | `reason` | | `signaling_backend_session_limit_exceeded_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The number of times the session limit exceeded | `backend` | | `signaling_backend_current` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of configured backends | | | `signaling_client_countries_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of connections by country | `country` | | `signaling_hub_rooms` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of rooms per backend | `backend` | | `signaling_hub_sessions` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of sessions per backend | `backend`, `clienttype` | | `signaling_hub_sessions_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of sessions per backend | `backend`, `clienttype` | | `signaling_hub_sessions_resume_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of resumed sessions per backend | `backend`, `clienttype` | | `signaling_hub_sessions_resume_failed_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of failed session resume requests | | | `signaling_mcu_publishers` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of publishers | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_publishers_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of created publishers | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_subscribers` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of subscribers | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_subscribers_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of created subscribers | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_nopublisher_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of subscribe requests where no publisher exists | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_messages_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of MCU messages | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_publisher_streams` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of published media streams | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_subscriber_streams` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of subscribed media streams | `type` | | `signaling_mcu_backend_connections` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | Current number of connections to signaling proxy backends | `country` | | `signaling_mcu_backend_load` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | Current load of signaling proxy backends | `url` | | `signaling_mcu_no_backend_available_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | Total number of publishing requests where no backend was available | `type` | | `signaling_room_sessions` | Gauge | 0.4.0 | The current number of sessions in a room | `backend`, `room`, `clienttype` | | `signaling_server_messages_total` | Counter | 0.4.0 | The total number of signaling messages | `type` |