(function() { "use strict"; var quixote = require("./vendor/quixote.js"); var assert = require("./vendor/chai.js").assert; describe("Colors", function() { var frame; var media; var textPrimary; var textSecondary; var textSuccess; var textWarning; var textDanger; var textMuted; var backgroundPrimary; var backgroundSecondary; var backgroundSuccess; var backgroundWarning; var backgroundDanger; var backgroundMuted; var textOverride; var textNotOverride; before(function(done) { frame = quixote.createFrame({ stylesheet: "/base/dist/paper.css" }, done); }); after(function() { frame.remove(); }); beforeEach(function() { frame.reset(); media = frame.add( "
" + "
" + "


" + "


" + "


" + "


" + "


" + "


" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "
" + "


" + "


" + "
" + "
" + "
", "colors" ); textPrimary = frame.get("#textPrimary"); textSecondary = frame.get("#textSecondary"); textSuccess = frame.get("#textSuccess"); textWarning = frame.get("#textWarning"); textDanger = frame.get("#textDanger"); textMuted = frame.get("#textMuted"); backgroundPrimary = frame.get("#backgroundPrimary"); backgroundSecondary = frame.get("#backgroundSecondary"); backgroundSuccess = frame.get("#backgroundSuccess"); backgroundWarning = frame.get("#backgroundWarning"); backgroundDanger = frame.get("#backgroundDanger"); backgroundMuted = frame.get("#backgroundMuted"); textOverride = frame.get("#text-override"); textNotOverride = frame.get("#text-not-override"); }); it("Text color is set to primary", function() { assert.equal(textPrimary.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(65, 64, 62)", "Primary color should be #41403E"); }); it("Text color is set to secondary", function() { assert.equal(textSecondary.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(0, 113, 222)", "Secondary color should be #0071DE"); }); it("Text color is set to success", function() { assert.equal(textSuccess.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(134, 163, 97)", "Success color should be #86a361"); }); it("Text color is set to warning", function() { assert.equal(textWarning.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(221, 205, 69)", "Warning color should be #ddcd45"); }); it("Text color is set to danger", function() { assert.equal(textDanger.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(167, 52, 45)", "Danger color should be #a7342d"); }); it("Text color is set to muted", function() { assert.equal(textMuted.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(134, 142, 150)", "Muted color should be #868e96"); }); it("Background color is set to primary", function() { assert.equal(backgroundPrimary.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(193, 192, 189)", "Primary color should be #C1C0BD"); }); it("Background color is set to secondary", function() { assert.equal(backgroundSecondary.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(222, 239, 255)", "Secondary color should be #DEEFFF"); }); it("Background color is set to success", function() { assert.equal(backgroundSuccess.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(208, 219, 194)", "Success color should be #D0BDC2"); }); it("Background color is set to warning", function() { assert.equal(backgroundWarning.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(245, 240, 198)", "Warning color should be #F5F0C6"); }); it("Background color is set to danger", function() { assert.equal(backgroundDanger.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(240, 203, 201)", "Danger color should be #F0CBC9"); }); it("Background color is set to muted", function() { assert.equal(backgroundMuted.getRawStyle("background-color"), "rgb(230, 231, 233)", "Muted color should be #E6E7E9"); }); it("Text overrides parent style", function(){ assert.equal(textOverride.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(134, 163, 97)", "Success color should be #86a361"); }); it("Text overrides parent style", function(){ assert.equal(textOverride.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(134, 163, 97)", "Success color should be #86a361"); }); it("Text has parent style", function(){ assert.equal(textNotOverride.getRawStyle("color"), "rgb(65, 64, 62)", "Primary color should be #41403E"); }); }); }());