2017-11-27 23:06:12 +00:00

55 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Titanium I.T. LLC. All rights reserved. See LICENSE.txt for details.
// Helper function for running Mocha
// There's no Quixote-specific configuration in this file.
(function() {
"use strict";
var Mocha = require("mocha");
var jake = require("jake");
exports.runTests = function runTests(options, success, failure) {
var mocha = new Mocha(options.options);
var files = deglob(options.files);
// This is a bit of a hack. The issue is this: during test execution, if an exception is thrown inside
// of a callback (and keep in mind that assertions throw exceptions), there's no way for Mocha to catch
// that exception.
// So Mocha registers an 'uncaughtException' handler on Node's process object. That way any unhandled
// exception is passed to Mocha.
// The problem is that Jake ALSO listens for 'uncaughtException'. Its handler and Mocha's handler don't
// get along. Somehow the Jake handler seems to terminate Mocha's test run... not sure why. We need to
// disable Jake's handler while Mocha is running.
// This code disables ALL uncaughtException handlers and then restores them after Mocha is done. It's
// very hacky and likely to cause problems in certain edge cases (for example, '.once' listeners aren't
// restored properly), but it seems to be working for now.
// It might be possible to create a better solution by using Node's 'domain' module. Something to look
// into if you're reading this. Another solution is to just spawn Mocha in a separate process, but I
// didn't want the time penalty involved. Besides, this seems to be working okay.
var savedListeners = disableExceptionListeners();
var runner = {
if (failures) return failure("Tests failed");
else return success();
function deglob(globs) {
return new jake.FileList(globs).toArray();
function disableExceptionListeners() {
var listeners = process.listeners("uncaughtException");
return listeners;
function restoreExceptionListeners(listeners) {
listeners.forEach(process.addListener.bind(process, "uncaughtException"));