package app import ( _ "embed" "flag" "fmt" "os" "strings" "" ) func addStringFlag(names []string, defvalue string, f *flag.FlagSet) *string { var value string for _, name := range names { f.StringVar(&value, name, defvalue, "") } return &value } func addBoolFlag(names []string, f *flag.FlagSet) *bool { var value bool for _, name := range names { f.BoolVar(&value, name, false, "") } return &value } var SocketPath *string func addSocketFlag(f *flag.FlagSet) *string { return addStringFlag([]string{"s", "socket"}, "/run/reaction/reaction.sock", f) } func addConfFlag(f *flag.FlagSet) *string { return addStringFlag([]string{"c", "config"}, "", f) } func addFormatFlag(f *flag.FlagSet) *string { return addStringFlag([]string{"f", "format"}, "yaml", f) } func addLimitFlag(f *flag.FlagSet) *string { return addStringFlag([]string{"l", "limit"}, "", f) } func addLevelFlag(f *flag.FlagSet) *string { return addStringFlag([]string{"l", "loglevel"}, "INFO", f) } func subCommandParse(f *flag.FlagSet, maxRemainingArgs int) { help := addBoolFlag([]string{"h", "help"}, f) f.Parse(os.Args[2:]) if *help { basicUsage() os.Exit(0) } // -1 = no limit to remaining args if maxRemainingArgs > -1 && len(f.Args()) > maxRemainingArgs { fmt.Printf("ERROR unrecognized argument(s): %v\n", f.Args()[maxRemainingArgs:]) basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } } func basicUsage() { const ( bold = "\033[1m" reset = "\033[0m" ) fmt.Print( bold + `reaction help` + reset + ` # print this help message ` + bold + `reaction start` + reset + ` # start the daemon # options: -c/--config CONFIG_FILE # configuration file in json, jsonnet or yaml format (required) -l/--loglevel LEVEL # minimum log level to show, in DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL # (default: INFO) -s/--socket SOCKET # path to the client-daemon communication socket # (default: /run/reaction/reaction.sock) ` + bold + `reaction example-conf` + reset + ` # print a configuration file example ` + bold + `reaction show` + reset + ` [NAME=PATTERN...] # show current matches and which actions are still to be run for the specified PATTERN regexe(s) # (e.g know what is currenly banned) reaction show reaction show "ip=" reaction show "ip=192\.168\..*" login=root # options: -s/--socket SOCKET # path to the client-daemon communication socket -f/--format yaml|json # (default: yaml) -l/--limit STREAM[.FILTER] # only show items related to this STREAM (or STREAM.FILTER) ` + bold + `reaction flush` + reset + ` NAME=PATTERN [NAME=PATTERN...] # remove currently active matches and run currently pending actions for the specified PATTERN regexe(s) # (then show flushed matches and actions) reaction flush "ip=" reaction flush "ip=192\.168\..*" login=root # options: -s/--socket SOCKET # path to the client-daemon communication socket -f/--format yaml|json # (default: yaml) -l/--limit STREAM.FILTER # flush only items related to this STREAM.FILTER ` + bold + `reaction test-regex` + reset + ` REGEX LINE # test REGEX against LINE cat FILE | ` + bold + `reaction test-regex` + reset + ` REGEX # test REGEX against each line of FILE # options: -c/--config CONFIG_FILE # configuration file in json, jsonnet or yaml format # optional: permits to use configured patterns like in regex ` + bold + `reaction version` + reset + ` # print version information see usage examples, service configurations and good practices on the ` + bold + `wiki` + reset + `: `) } //go:embed example.yml var exampleConf string func Main(version, commit string) { if len(os.Args) <= 1 { logger.Fatalln("No argument provided. Try `reaction help`") basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } f := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[1], flag.ExitOnError) switch os.Args[1] { case "help", "-h", "-help", "--help": basicUsage() case "version", "-v", "--version": fmt.Printf("reaction version %v commit %v\n", version, commit) case "example-conf": subCommandParse(f, 0) fmt.Print(exampleConf) case "start": SocketPath = addSocketFlag(f) confFilename := addConfFlag(f) logLevel := addLevelFlag(f) subCommandParse(f, 0) if *confFilename == "" { logger.Fatalln("no configuration file provided") basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } logLevelType := logger.FromString(*logLevel) if logLevelType == logger.UNKNOWN { logger.Fatalf("Log Level %v not recognized", logLevel) basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } logger.SetLogLevel(logLevelType) Daemon(*confFilename) case "show": SocketPath = addSocketFlag(f) queryFormat := addFormatFlag(f) limit := addLimitFlag(f) subCommandParse(f, -1) if *queryFormat != "yaml" && *queryFormat != "json" { logger.Fatalln("only yaml and json formats are supported") } stream, filter := "", "" if *limit != "" { splitSF := strings.Split(*limit, ".") stream = splitSF[0] if len(splitSF) == 2 { filter = splitSF[1] } else if len(splitSF) > 2 { logger.Fatalln("-l/--limit: only one . separator is supported") } } ClientShow(*queryFormat, stream, filter, f.Args()) case "flush": SocketPath = addSocketFlag(f) queryFormat := addFormatFlag(f) limit := addLimitFlag(f) subCommandParse(f, -1) if *queryFormat != "yaml" && *queryFormat != "json" { logger.Fatalln("only yaml and json formats are supported") } if len(f.Args()) == 0 { logger.Fatalln("subcommand flush takes at least one TARGET argument") } stream, filter := "", "" if *limit != "" { splitSF := strings.Split(*limit, ".") stream = splitSF[0] if len(splitSF) == 2 { filter = splitSF[1] } else if len(splitSF) > 2 { logger.Fatalln("-l/--limit: only one . separator is supported") } } ClientFlush(*queryFormat, stream, filter, f.Args()) case "test-regex": // socket not needed, no interaction with the daemon confFilename := addConfFlag(f) subCommandParse(f, 2) if *confFilename == "" { logger.Println(logger.WARN, "no configuration file provided. Can't make use of registered patterns.") } if f.Arg(0) == "" { logger.Fatalln("subcommand test-regex takes at least one REGEX argument") basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } TestRegex(*confFilename, f.Arg(0), f.Arg(1)) default: logger.Fatalf("subcommand %v not recognized. Try `reaction help`", os.Args[1]) basicUsage() os.Exit(1) } }