
24 lines
755 B
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require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
exceptionMessage(static fn() => v::noneOf(v::intType(), v::positive())->check(42));
exceptionMessage(static fn() => v::not(v::noneOf(v::intType(), v::positive()))->check('-1'));
exceptionFullMessage(static fn() => v::noneOf(v::intType(), v::positive())->assert(42));
exceptionFullMessage(static fn() => v::not(v::noneOf(v::intType(), v::positive()))->assert('-1'));
42 must not be of type integer
"-1" must be of type integer
- None of these rules must pass for 42
- 42 must not be of type integer
- 42 must not be positive
- All of these rules must pass for "-1"
- "-1" must be of type integer
- "-1" must be positive