# KeySet - `KeySet(Key ...$rule)` Validates a keys in a defined structure. ```php $dict = ['foo' => 42]; v::keySet( v::key('foo', v::intVal()) )->validate($dict); // true ``` Extra keys are not allowed: ```php $dict = ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 'String']; v::keySet( v::key('foo', v::intVal()) )->validate($dict); // false ``` Missing required keys are not allowed: ```php $dict = ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 'String']; v::keySet( v::key('foo', v::intVal()), v::key('bar', v::stringType()), v::key('baz', v::boolType()) )->validate($dict); // false ``` Missing non-required keys are allowed: ```php $dict = ['foo' => 42, 'bar' => 'String']; v::keySet( v::key('foo', v::intVal()), v::key('bar', v::stringType()), v::key('baz', v::boolType(), false) )->validate($dict); // true ``` It is not possible to negate `keySet()` rules with `not()`. The keys' order is not considered in the validation. ## Categorization - Arrays - Nesting - Structures ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.3.0 | KeySet is NonNegatable, fixed message with extra keys 1.0.0 | Created *** See also: - [ArrayVal](ArrayVal.md) - [Key](Key.md) - [KeyValue](KeyValue.md)