# Min - `Min(mixed $compareTo)` Validates whether the input is greater than or equal to a value. ```php v::intVal()->min(10)->validate(9); // false v::intVal()->min(10)->validate(10); // true v::intVal()->min(10)->validate(11); // true ``` Validation makes comparison easier, check out our supported [comparable values](../07-comparable-values.md). Message template for this validator includes `{{compareTo}}`. ## Categorization - Comparisons ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.0.0 | Became always inclusive 1.0.0 | Became inclusive by default 0.3.9 | Created *** See also: - [Between](Between.md) - [GreaterThan](GreaterThan.md) - [Length](Length.md) - [LessThan](LessThan.md) - [Max](Max.md) - [MaxAge](MaxAge.md) - [MinAge](MinAge.md)