# Size - `Size(string $minSize)` - `Size(string $minSize, string $maxSize)` - `Size(null, string $maxSize)` Validates whether the input is a file that is of a certain size or not. ```php v::size('1KB')->validate($filename); // Must have at least 1KB size v::size('1MB', '2MB')->validate($filename); // Must have the size between 1MB and 2MB v::size(null, '1GB')->validate($filename); // Must not be greater than 1GB ``` Sizes are not case-sensitive and the accepted values are: - B - KB - MB - GB - TB - PB - EB - ZB - YB This validator will consider `SplFileInfo` instances, like: ```php v::size('1.5mb')->validate(new SplFileInfo($filename)); // Will return true or false ``` Message template for this validator includes `{{minSize}}` and `{{maxSize}}`. ## Categorization - File system ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.1.0 | Add PSR-7 support 1.0.0 | Created *** See also: - [Directory](Directory.md) - [Executable](Executable.md) - [Exists](Exists.md) - [Extension](Extension.md) - [File](File.md) - [Image](Image.md) - [Mimetype](Mimetype.md) - [Readable](Readable.md) - [SymbolicLink](SymbolicLink.md) - [Uploaded](Uploaded.md) - [Writable](Writable.md)