# Sorted - `Sorted(string $direction)` Validates whether the input is sorted in a certain order or not. ```php v::sorted('ASC')->validate([1, 2, 3]); // true v::sorted('ASC')->validate('ABC'); // true v::sorted('DESC')->validate([3, 2, 1]); // true v::sorted('ASC')->validate([]); // true v::sorted('ASC')->validate([1]); // true ``` You can also combine [Call](Call.md) to create custom validations: ```php v::call( static function (array $input): array { return array_column($input, 'key'); }, v::sorted('ASC') )->validate([ ['key' => 1], ['key' => 5], ['key' => 9], ]); // true v::call('strval', v::sorted('DESC'))->validate(4321); // true v::call('iterator_to_array', v::sorted())->validate(new ArrayIterator([1, 7, 4])); // false ``` ## Categorization - Arrays - Strings ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.0.0 | Add support for strings 2.0.0 | Do not use array keys to sort 2.0.0 | Use sorting direction instead of boolean value 2.0.0 | Do not accept callback in the constructor 1.1.1 | Created *** See also: - [ArrayVal](ArrayVal.md) - [Call](Call.md)