# CountryCode - `CountryCode()` - `CountryCode(string $set)` Validates whether the input is a country code in [ISO 3166-1][] standard. ```php v::countryCode()->validate('BR'); // true v::countryCode('alpha-2')->validate('NL'); // true v::countryCode('alpha-3')->validate('USA'); // true v::countryCode('numeric')->validate('504'); // true ``` This rule supports the three sets of country codes: - ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (`'alpha-2'` or `CountryCode::ALPHA2`) - ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 (`'alpha-3'` or `CountryCode::ALPHA3`) - ISO 3166-1 numeric (`'numeric'` or `CountryCode::NUMERIC`). When no set is defined the rule uses `'alpha-2'` (`CountryCode::ALPHA2`). This rule uses data from [sokil/php-isocodes][]. ## Categorization - ISO codes - Localization ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.0.0 | Became case-sensitive 0.5.0 | Created *** See also: - [CurrencyCode](CurrencyCode.md) - [LanguageCode](LanguageCode.md) - [PostalCode](PostalCode.md) - [SubdivisionCode](SubdivisionCode.md) - [Tld](Tld.md) [ISO 3166-1]: https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1 [sokil/php-isocodes]: https://github.com/sokil/php-isocodes