# Changes in Respect\Validation 1.0 All notable changes of the Respect\Validation releases are documented in this file. ## 1.0.0 - 2015-10-24 ### Added - Add support for PHP 7 (#426) - Create "CallableType" rule (#397) - Create "Extension" rule (#360) - Create "Factor" rule (#405) - Create "Finite" rule (#397) - Create "Infinite" rule (#397) - Create "KeySet" rule (#374) - Create "Mimetype" rule (#361) - Create "Optional" rule (#423) - Create "Resource" rule (#397) - Create "Scalar" rule (#397) - Create "Size" rule (#359) - Create "SubdivisionCode" rule for 252 countries (#411) - Create "VideoUrl" rule (#410) - Create method `getMessages()` for nested exceptions (#406) ### Changed - `AbstractRelated` (`Attribute`, `Call` and `Key`) define names for child rules (#365) - Add country code to the message of "PostalCode" exception rule (#413) - New generic top-level domains (#368) - On exceptions, convert `Array` to string (#387) - On exceptions, convert `Exception` to string (#399) - On exceptions, convert `Traversable` to string (#399) - On exceptions, convert resources to string (#399) - On exceptions, do not display parent message then rule has only one child (#407) - On exceptions, improve `Object` conversion to string (#399) - On exceptions, improve conversion of all values by using JSON (#399) - Rename rule "Bool" to "BoolType" (#426) - Rename rule "False" to "FalseVal" (#426) - Rename rule "Float" to "FloatVal" (#426) - Rename rule "Int" to "IntVal" (#426) - Rename rule "String" to "StringType" (#426) - Rename rule "True" to "TrueVal" (#426) - Use `filter_var()` on "TrueVal" and "FalseVal" rules (#409) ### Removed - Removed Deprecated Rules (#277) - Validation rules do not accept an empty string by default (#422) *** See also: - [Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Feature Guide](docs/README.md) - [Installation](docs/INSTALL.md) - [License](LICENSE.md) - [Validators](docs/VALIDATORS.md)