* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE file * that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Respect\Validation\Rules; use function implode; use function is_scalar; use function preg_match; use function sprintf; /** * Validates whether the input is a valid ISBN (International Standard Book Number) or not. * * @author Henrique Moody * @author Moritz Fromm */ final class Isbn extends AbstractRule { /** * @see https://howtodoinjava.com/regex/java-regex-validate-international-standard-book-number-isbns */ private const PIECES = [ '^(?:ISBN(?:-1[03])?:? )?(?=[0-9X]{10}$|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){3})', '[- 0-9X]{13}$|97[89][0-9]{10}$|(?=(?:[0-9]+[- ]){4})[- 0-9]{17}$)', '(?:97[89][- ]?)?[0-9]{1,5}[- ]?[0-9]+[- ]?[0-9]+[- ]?[0-9X]$', ]; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function validate($input): bool { if (!is_scalar($input)) { return false; } return preg_match(sprintf('/%s/', implode(self::PIECES)), (string) $input) > 0; } }