# Ip - `Ip()` - `Ip(string $range)` - `Ip(string $range, int $options)` Validates whether the input is a valid IP address. This validator uses the native [filter_var()][] PHP function. ```php v::ip()->validate(''); // true v::ip('')->validate(''); // true v::ip('')->validate(''); // false ``` You can pass a parameter with [filter_var()][] flags for IP. ```php v::ip('*', FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE)->validate(''); // false ``` If you want to validate IPv6 you can do as follow: ```php v::ip('*', FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)->validate('2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7334'); // true ``` ## Categorization - Internet ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 2.0.0 | Allow to define range and options to the same instance 0.5.0 | Implemented IP range validation 0.3.9 | Created *** See also: - [Domain](Domain.md) - [MacAddress](MacAddress.md) - [Tld](Tld.md) [filter_var()]: https://php.net/filter_var