# MinAge - `MinAge(int $age)` - `MinAge(int $age, string $format)` Validates a minimum age for a given date. The `$format` argument should be in accordance to PHP's [date()][] function. When `$format` is not given this rule accepts [Supported Date and Time Formats][] by PHP (see [strtotime()][]). ```php v::minAge(18)->validate('18 years ago'); // true v::minAge(18, 'Y-m-d')->validate('1987-01-01'); // true v::minAge(18)->validate('17 years ago'); // false v::minAge(18, 'Y-m-d')->validate('2010-09-07'); // false ``` Using [Date](Date.md) before is a best-practice. This rule does not accepts instances of [DateTimeInterface][]. ## Changelog Version | Description --------|------------- 0.3.9 | Created *** See also: - [Date](Date.md) - [DateTime](DateTime.md) - [Max](Max.md) - [MaxAge](MaxAge.md) - [Min](Min.md) [date()]: http://php.net/date [DateTimeInterface]: http://php.net/DateTimeInterface [strtotime()]: http://php.net/strtotime [Supported Date and Time Formats]: http://php.net/datetime.formats