Respect\Validation [![Build Status](]( ================== The most awesome validation engine ever created for PHP. - Fluent/Chained builders like `v::numeric()->positive()->between(1, 256)->validate($myNumber)` (more samples below) - Informative, awesome exceptions - More than 30 fully tested validators Installation ------------ Packages available on [PEAR]( and [Composer]( Autoloading is [PSR-0]( compatible. Feature Guide ------------- ### Namespace Import Respect\Validation is namespaced, but you can make your life easier by importing a single class into your context: validate($number); //true ### Chained Validation It is possible to use validators in a chain. Sample below validates a string containing numbers and letters, no whitspace and length between 1 and 15. $usernameValidator = v::alnum()->noWhitespace()->length(1,15); $usernameValidator->validate('alganet'); //true ### Validating Object Attributes Given this simple object: $user = new stdClass; $user->name = 'Alexandre'; $user->birthdate = '1987-07-01'; Is possible to validate its attributes in a single chain: $userValidator = v::attribute('name', v::string()->length(1,32)) ->attribute('birthdate', v::date()->minimumAge(18)); $userValidator->validate($user); //true Validating array keys is also possible using `v::key()` Note that we used `v::string()` and `v::date()` in the beginning of the validator. Although is not mandatory, it is a good practice to use the type of the validated object as the first node in the chain. ### Negating Rules You can use the `v::not()` to negate any rule: v::not(v::int())->validate(10); //false, input must not be integer ### Validator Reuse Once created, you can reuse your validator anywhere. Remember $usernameValidator? $usernameValidator->validate('respect'); //true $usernameValidator->validate('alexandre gaigalas'); //false $usernameValidator->validate('#$%'); //false ### Informative Exceptions When something goes wrong, Validation can tell you exacty what's going on. For this, we use the `assert()` method instead of `validate()`: try { $usernameValidator->assert('really messed up screen#name'); } catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) { echo $e->getFullMessage(); } The printed message is exactly this, as a text tree: \-All of the 3 required rules must pass |-"really messed up screen#name" must contain only letters (a-z) and digits (0-9) |-"really messed up screen#name" must not contain whitespace \-"really messed up screen#name" must have a length between 1 and 15 ### Getting Messages The text tree is fine, but unusable on a HTML form or something more custom. You can use `findMessages()` for that: try { $usernameValidator->assert('really messed up screen#name'); } catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) { var_dump($e->findMessages(array('alnum', 'length', 'noWhitespace'))); } `findMessages()` returns an array with messages from the requested validators. ### Custom Messages Getting messages as an array is fine, but sometimes you need to customize them in order to present them to the user. This is possible using the `findMessages()` method as well: $errors = $e->findMessages(array( 'alnum' => '{{name}} must contain only letters and digits', 'length' => '{{name}} must not have more than 15 chars', 'noWhitespace' => '{{name}} cannot contain spaces' )); For all messages, the `{{name}}` and `{{input}}` variable is available for templates. ### Validator Name On `v::attribute()` and `v::key()`, `{{name}}` is the attribute/key name. For others, is the same as the input. You can customize a validator name using: v::date('Y-m-d')->between('1980-02-02', 'now')->setName('Member Since'); ### Zend/Symfony Validators It is also possible to reuse validators from other frameworks if they are installed: $hostnameValidator = v::zend('Hostname')->assert(''); $timeValidator = v::sf('Time')->assert('22:00:01'); ### Validation Methods We've seen `validate()` that returns true or false and `assert()` that throws a complete validation report. There is also a `check()` method that returns an Exception only with the first error found: try { $usernameValidator->check('really messed up screen#name'); } catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) { echo $e->getMainMessage(); } Message: "really messed up screen#name" must contain only letters (a-z) and digits (0-9) Reference --------- ### Types * v::arr() * v::bool() * v::date() * v::float() * v::hexa() *(deprecated)* * v::instance() * v::int() * v::nullValue() * v::numeric() * v::object() * v::string() * v::xdigits() ### Generics * v::call() * v::callback() * v::not() * v::when() * v::alwaysValid() * v::alwaysInvalid() ### Comparing Values * v::between() * v::equals() * v::max() * v::min() ### Numeric * v::between() * v::bool() * v::even() * v::float() * v::hexa() *(deprecated)* * v::int() * v::multiple() * v::negative() * v::notEmpty() * v::numeric() * v::odd() * v::perfectSquare() * v::positive() * v::primeNumber() * v::roman() * v::xdigits() ### String * v::alnum() * v::alpha() * v::between() * v::charset() * v::consonants() * v::contains() * v::control() * v::digits() *(deprecated)* * v::digit() * v::endsWith() * v::in() * v::graphical() * v::length() * v::lowercase() * v::notEmpty() * v::noWhitespace() * v::printable() * v::punctuation() * v::regex() * v::slug() * v::space() * v::startsWith() * v::uppercase() * v::uppercase() * v::version() * v::vowels() * v::xdigits() ### Arrays * v::arr() * v::contains() * v::each() * v::endsWith() * v::in() * v::key() * v::length() * v::notEmpty() * v::startsWith() ### Objects * v::attribute() * v::instance() * v::length() ### Date and Time * v::between() * v::date() * v::leapDate() * v::leapYear() ### Group Validators * v::allOf() * v::noneOf() * v::oneOf() ### Regional * v::tld() * v::coutryCode() ### Other * v::cnh() * v::cnpj() * v::cpf() * v::domain() * v::directory() * v::email() * v::ip() * v::json() * v::macAddress() * v::sf() * v::zend() ### Alphabetically #### v::allOf($v1, $v2, $v3...) Will validate if all inner validators validates. v::allOf( v::int(), v::positive() )->validate(15); //true This is similar to the chain (which is an allOf already), but its syntax allows you to set custom names for every node: v::allOf( v::int()->setName('Account Number'), v::positive()->setName('Higher Than Zero') )->setName('Positive integer') ->validate(15); //true See also: * v::oneOf() - Validates if at least one inner rule pass * v::noneOf() - Validates if no inner rules pass * v::when() - A Ternary validator #### v::alnum() #### v::alnum(string $additionalChars) Validates alphanumeric characters from a-Z and 0-9. v::alnum()->validate('foo 123'); //true A parameter for extra characters can be used: v::alnum('-')->validate('foo - 123'); //true This validator allows whitespace, if you want to remove them add `->noWhitespace()` to the chain: v::alnum()->noWhitespace->validate('foo 123'); //false This validator also allows empty values, if you want to invalidate them, add `->notEmpty()` to the chain: v::alnum()->notEmpty()->validate(''); //false You can restrict case using the `->lowercase()` and `->uppercase()` validators: v::alnum()->uppercase()->validate('aaa'); //false Message template for this validator includes `{{additionalChars}}` as the string of extra chars passed as the parameter. See also: * v::alpha() - a-Z, empty or whitespace only * v::digit() - 0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::consonants() * v::vowels() #### v::alpha() #### v::alpha(string $additionalChars) This is similar to v::alnum(), but it doesn't allow numbers. It also accepts empty values and whitespace, so use `v::notEmpty()` and `v::noWhitespace()` when appropriate. See also: * v::alnum() - a-z0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::digit() - 0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::consonants() * v::vowels() #### v::arr() Validates if the input is an array or traversable object. v::arr()->validate(array()); //true v::arr()->validate(new ArrayObject); //true See also: * v::each() - Validates each member of an array * v::key() - Validates a specific key of an array ### v::alwaysValid Always returns true. ### v::alwaysInvalid Always return false. #### v::attribute($name) #### v::attribute($name, v $validator) #### v::attribute($name, v $validator, boolean $mandatory=true) Validates an object attribute. $obj = new stdClass; $obj->foo = 'bar'; v::attribute('foo')->validate($obj); //true You can also validate the attribute itself: v::attribute('foo', v::equals('bar'))->validate($obj); //true Third parameter makes the attribute presence optional: v::attribute('lorem', v::string(), false)->validate($obj); // true The name of this validator is automatically set to the attribute name. See also: * v::key() - Validates a specific key of an array #### v::between($start, $end) #### v::between($start, $end, boolean $inclusive=false) Validates ranges. Most simple example: v::int()->between(10, 20)->validate(15); //true The type as the first validator in a chain is a good practice, since between accepts many types: v::string()->between('a', 'f')->validate('c'); //true Also very powerful with dates: v::date()->between('2009-01-01', '2013-01-01')->validate('2010-01-01'); //true Date ranges accept strtotime values: v::date()->between('yesterday', 'tomorrow')->validate('now'); //true A third parameter may be passed to validate the passed values inclusive: v::date()->between(10, 20, true)->validate(20); //true Message template for this validator includes `{{minValue}}` and `{{maxValue}}`. See also: * v::length() - Validates the length of a input * v::min() * v::max() #### v::bool() Validates if the input is a boolean value: v::bool()->validate(true); //true v::bool()->validate(false); //true #### v::call(callable $callback) This is a very low level validator. It calls a function, method or closure for the input and then validates it. Consider the following variable: $url = '' To validate every part of this URL we could use the native `parse_url` function to break its parts: $parts = parse_url($url); This function returns an array containing `scheme`, `host`, `path` and `query`. We can validate them this way: v::arr()->key('scheme', v::startsWith('http')) ->key('host', v::domain()) ->key('path', v::string()) ->key('query', v::notEmpty()); Using `v::call()` you can do this in a single chain: v::call( 'parse_url', v::arr()->key('scheme', v::startsWith('http')) ->key('host', v::domain()) ->key('path', v::string()) ->key('query', v::notEmpty()) )->validate($url); It is possible to call methods and closures as the first parameter: v::call(array($myObj, 'methodName'), v::int())->validate($myInput); v::call(function($input) {}, v::int())->validate($myInput); See also: * v::callback() - Similar, but a different workflow. #### v::callback(callable $callback) This is a wildcard validator, it uses a function name, method or closure to validate something: v::callback('is_int')->validate(10); //true (Please note that this is a sample, the `v::int()` validator is much better). As in `v::call()`, you can pass a method or closure to it. See also: * v::call() - A more elaborated building block validator #### v::charset() Validates if a string is in a specific charset. v::charset('ASCII', 'açúcar'); //false v::charset('ASCII', 'sugar'); //true v::charset(array('ISO-8859-1', 'EUC-JP'), '日本国'); // true The array format is a logic OR, not AND. #### v::cnpj() Validates the Brazillian CNPJ number. Ignores non-digit chars, so use `->digit()` if needed. See also: * v::cpf() - Validates the Brazillian CPF number. * v::cnh() - Validates the Brazillian driver's license. #### v::consonants() #### v::consonants(string $additionalChars) Similar to `v::alnum()`. Validates strings that contain only consonants: v::consonants()->validate('xkcd'); //true See also: * v::alnum() - a-z0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::digit() - 0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::alpha() - a-Z, empty or whitespace only * v::vowels() #### v::contains($value) #### v::contains($value, boolean $identical=false) For strings: v::contains('ipsum')->validate('lorem ipsum'); //true For arrays: v::contains('ipsum')->validate(array('ipsum', 'lorem')); //true A second parameter may be passed for identical comparison instead of equal comparison. Message template for this validator includes `{{containsValue}}`. See also: * v::startsWith() * v::endsWith() * v::in() #### v::control #### v::control(string $additionalChars) This is similar to `v::alnum()`, but only accepts control characters: v::control()->validate("\n\r\t"); //true See also: * v::alnum() - a-z0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::printable() - all printable characters * v::space() - empty or whitespace only #### v::countryCode Validates an ISO country code like US or BR. v::countryCode('BR'); //true See also: * v::tld() - Validates a top level domain #### v::cnh() Validates a Brazillian driver's license. v::cnh()->validate('02650306461'); See also: * v::cnpj() * v::cpf() #### v::cpf() Validates a Brazillian CPF number. v::cpf()->validate('44455566820'); It ignores any non-digit char: v::cpf()->validate('444.555.668-20'); If you need to validate digits only, add `->digit()` to the chain: v::digit()->cpf()->validate('44455566820'); See also: * v::cnpj() * v::cnh() #### v::creditCard() Validates a credit card number. v::creditCard()->validate($myCredCardNumber); It ignores any non-digit chars, so use `->digit()` when appropriate. v::digit()->creditCard()->validate($myCredCardNumber); #### v::date() #### v::date($format) Validates if input is a date: v::date()->validate('2009-01-01'); //true Also accepts strtotime values: v::date()->validate('now'); //true And DateTime instances: v::date()->validate(new DateTime); //true You can pass a format when validating strings: v::date('Y-m-d')->validate('01-01-2009'); //false Format has no effect when validating DateTime instances. Message template for this validator includes `{{format}}`. See also: * v::between() * v::minimumAge() * v::leapDate() * v::leapYear() #### v::digits() *(deprecated)* Validates 0-9, empty or whitespace only. It's now deprecated, digit should be used instead. See also: * v::digit() #### v::digit() This is similar to v::alnum(), but it doesn't allow a-Z. It also accepts empty values and whitespace, so use `v::notEmpty()` and `v::noWhitespace()` when appropriate. See also: * v::alnum() - a-z0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::alpha() - a-Z, empty or whitespace only * v::vowels() * v::consonants() #### v::domain() Validates domain names. v::domain()->validate(''); This is a composite validator, it validates several rules internally: * If input is an IP address, it validates * If input contains whitespace, it fails * If input not contains any dot, it fails * If input has less than two parts, it fails * Input must end with a top-level-domain to pass * Each part must be alphanumeric and not start with an hyphen Messages for this validator will reflect rules above. See also: * v::tld() * v::ip() #### v::directory() Validates directories. v::directory()->validate(__DIR__); //true This validator will consider SplFileInfo instances, so you can do something like: v::directory()->validate(new \SplFileInfo($directory)); #### v::each(v $validatorForValue) #### v::each(null, v $validatorForKey) #### v::each(v $validatorForValue, v $validatorForKey) Iterates over an array or Iterator and validates the value or key of each entry: $releaseDates = array( 'validation' => '2010-01-01', 'template' => '2011-01-01', 'relational' => '2011-02-05', ); v::arr()->each(v::date())->validate($releaseDates); //true v::arr()->each(v::date(), v::string()->lowercase())->validate($releaseDates); //true Using `arr()` before `each()` is a best practice. See also: * v::key() * v::arr() #### v::email() Validates an email address. v::email()->validate(''); //true #### v::endsWith($value) #### v::endsWith($value, boolean $identical=false) This validator is similar to `v::contains()`, but validates only if the value is at the end of the input. For strings: v::endsWith('ipsum')->validate('lorem ipsum'); //true For arrays: v::endsWith('ipsum')->validate(array('lorem', 'ipsum')); //true A second parameter may be passed for identical comparison instead of equal comparison. Message template for this validator includes `{{endValue}}`. See also: * v::startsWith() * v::contains() * v::in() #### v::equals($value) #### v::equals($value, boolean $identical=false) Validates if the input is equal some value. v::equals('alganet')->validate('alganet'); //true Identical validation (===) is possible: v::equals(10)->validate('10'); //true v::equals(10, true)->validate('10'); //false Message template for this validator includes `{{compareTo}}`. See also: * v::contains() #### v::even() Validates an even number. v::int()->even()->validate(2); //true Using `int()` before `even()` is a best practice. See also * v::odd() * v::multiple() #### v::float() Validates a floating point number. v::float()->validate(1.5); //true v::float()->validate('1e5'); //true #### v::graphical() #### v::graphical(string $additionalChars) Validates all characters that are graphically represented. v::graphical()->validate('LKM@#$%4;'); //true See also: * v::printable() #### v::hexa() *(deprecated)* Validates an hexadecimal number. It's now deprecated, xdigits should be used instead. v::hexa()->validate('AF12'); //true See also: * v::xdigits() #### v::in($haystack) #### v::in($haystack, boolean $identical=false) Validates if the input is contained in a specific haystack. For strings: v::in('lorem ipsum')->validate('ipsum'); //true For arrays: v::in(array('lorem', 'ipsum'))->validate('lorem'); //true A second parameter may be passed for identical comparison instead of equal comparison. Message template for this validator includes `{{haystack}}`. See also: * v::startsWith() * v::endsWith() * v::contains() #### v::instance($instanceName) Validates if the input is an instance of the given class or interface. v::instance('DateTime')->validate(new DateTime); //true v::instance('Traversable')->validate(new ArrayObjet); //true Message template for this validator includes `{{instanceName}}`. See also: * v::object() #### v::int() Validates if the input is an integer. v::int()->validate('10'); //true v::int()->validate(10); //true See also: * v::numeric() * v::digit() #### v::ip() #### v::ip($options) Validates IP Addresses. This validator uses the native filter_var() PHP function. v::ip()->validate(''); You can pass a parameter with filter_var flags for IP. v::ip(FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE)->validate(''); //false #### v::json() Validates if the given input is a valid JSON. v::json->validate('{"foo":"bar"}'); //true #### v::key($name) #### v::key($name, v $validator) #### v::key($name, v $validator, boolean $mandatory=true) Validates an array key. $dict = array( 'foo' => 'bar' ); v::key('foo')->validate($dict); //true You can also validate the key value itself: v::key('foo', v::equals('bar'))->validate($dict); //true Third parameter makes the key presence optional: v::key('lorem', v::string(), false)->validate($dict); // true The name of this validator is automatically set to the key name. See also: * v::attribute() - Validates a specific attribute of an object #### v::leapDate($format) Validates if a date is leap. v::leapDate('Y-m-d')->validate('1988-02-29'); //true This validator accepts DateTime instances as well. The $format parameter is mandatory. See also: * v::date() * v::leapYear() #### v::leapYear() Validates if a year is leap. v::leapYear()->validate('1988'); //true This validator accepts DateTime instances as well. See also: * v::date() * v::leapDate() #### v::length($min, $max) #### v::length($min, null) #### v::length(null, $max) #### v::length($min, $max, boolean $inclusive=false) Validates lengths. Most simple example: v::string()->length(1, 5)->validate('abc'); //true You can also validate only minimum length: v::string()->length(5, null)->validate('abcdef'); // true Only maximum length: v::string()->length(null, 5)->validate('abc'); // true The type as the first validator in a chain is a good practice, since length accepts many types: v::arr()->length(1, 5)->validate(array('foo', 'bar')); //true A third parameter may be passed to validate the passed values inclusive: v::string()->length(1, 5, true)->validate('a'); //true Message template for this validator includes `{{minValue}}` and `{{maxValue}}`. See also: * v::between() - Validates ranges #### v::lowercase() Validates if string characters are lowercase in the input: v::string()->lowercase()->validate('xkcd'); //true See also: * v::uppercase() #### v::macAddress() Validates a Mac Address. v::macAddress()->validate('00:11:22:33:44:55'); //true #### v::max() #### v::max(boolean $inclusive=false) Validates if the input doesn't exceed the maximum value. v::int()->max(15)->validate(20); //false Also accepts dates: v::date()->max('2012-01-01')->validate('2010-01-01'); //true `true` may be passed as a parameter to indicate that inclusive values must be used. Message template for this validator includes `{{maxValue}}`. See also: * v::min() * v::between() #### v::min() #### v::min(boolean $inclusive=false) Validates if the input doesn't exceed the minimum value. v::int()->min(15)->validate(5); //false Also accepts dates: v::date()->min('2012-01-01')->validate('2015-01-01'); //true `true` may be passed as a parameter to indicate that inclusive values must be used. Message template for this validator includes `{{minValue}}`. See also: * v::max() * v::between() #### v::minimumAge($age) Validates a minimum age for a given date. v::date()->minimumAge(18)->validate('1987-01-01'); //true Using `date()` before is a best-practice. Message template for this validator includes `{{age}}`. See also: * v::date() #### v::multiple($multipleOf) Validates if the input is a multiple of the given parameter v::int()->multiple(3)->validate(9); //true See also: * v::primeNumber() #### v::negative() Validates if a number is lower than zero v::numeric()->negative()->validate(-15); //true See also: * v::positive() #### v::noWhitespace() Validates if a string contains no whitespace (spaces, tabs and line breaks); v::noWhitespace()->validate('foo bar'); //false This is most useful when chaining with other validators such as `v::alnum()` #### v::noneOf($v1, $v2, $v3...) Validates if NONE of the given validators validate: v::noneOf( v::int(), v::float() )->validate('foo'); //true In the sample above, 'foo' isn't a integer nor a float, so noneOf returns true. See also: * v::not() * v::allOf() * v::oneOf() #### v::not(v $negatedValidator) Negates any rule. v::not(v::ip())->validate('foo'); //true using a shorcut v::ip()->not()->validate('foo'); //true In the sample above, validator returns true because 'foo' isn't an IP Address. You can negate complex, grouped or chained validators as well: v::not(v::int()->positive())->validate(-1.5); //true using a shorcut v::int()->positive()->not()->validate(-1.5); //true Each other validation has custom messages for negated rules. See also: * v::noneOf() #### v::notEmpty() Validates if the given input is not empty. This function ignores whitespace, so use `noWhitespace()` when appropriate. v::string()->notEmpty()->validate(''); //false Null values are empty: v::notEmpty()->validate(null); //false Numbers: v::int()->notEmpty()->validate(0); //false Empty arrays: v::arr()->notEmpty()->validate(array()); //false Whitespace: v::string()->noWhitespace()->validate(' '); //false See also: * v::noWhitespace() * v::nullValue() #### v::nullValue() Validates if the input is null. v::nullValue()->validate(null); //true See also: * v::notEmpty() #### v::numeric() Validates on any numeric value. v::numeric()->validate(-12); //true v::numeric()->validate('135.0'); //true See also: * v::int() * v::digit() #### v::object() Validates if the input is an object. v::object()->validate(new stdClass); //true See also: * v::instance() * v::attribute() #### v::odd() Validates an odd number. v::int()->odd()->validate(3); //true Using `int()` before `odd()` is a best practice. See also * v::even() * v::multiple() #### v::oneOf($v1, $v2, $v3...) This is a group validator that acts as an OR operator. v::oneOf( v::int(), v::float() )->validate(15.5); //true In the sample above, `v::int()` doesn't validates, but `v::float()` validates, so oneOf returns true. `v::oneOf` returns true if at least one inner validator passes. Using a shortcut v::int()->addOr(v::float())->validate(15.5); //true See also: * v::allOf() - Similar to oneOf, but act as an AND operator * v::noneOf() - Validates if NONE of the inner rules validates * v::when() - A ternary validator #### v::perfectSquare() Validates a perfect square. v::perfectSquare()->validate(25); //true (5*5) v::perfectSquare()->validate(9); //true (3*3) #### v::positive() Validates if a number is higher than zero v::numeric()->positive()->validate(-15); //false See also: * v::negative() #### v::primeNumber() Validates a prime number v::primeNumber()->validate(7); //true #### v::printable() #### v::printable(string $additionalChars) Similar to `v::graphical` but accepts whitespace. v::graphical()->validate('LMKA0$% _123'); //true See also: * v::graphical() #### v::punctuation() #### v::punctuation(string $additionalChars) Accepts only punctuation characters: v::punctuation()->validate('&,.;[]'); //true See also: * v::control() * v::graphical() * v::printable() #### v::regex($regex) Evaluates a regex on the input and validates if matches v::regex('/[a-z]/')->validate('a'); //true Message template for this validator includes `{{regex}}` #### v::roman() Validates roman numbers v::roman()->validate('IV'); //true This validator ignores empty values, use `notEmpty()` when appropriate. #### v::sf($sfValidator) Use Symfony2 validators inside Respect\Validation flow. Messages are preserved. v::sf('Time')->validate('15:00:00'); You must add Symfony2 to your autoloading routines. See also: * v::zend() #### v::slug() Validates slug-like strings: v::slug()->validate('my-wordpress-title'); //true v::slug()->validate('my-wordpress--title'); //false v::slug()->validate('my-wordpress-title-'); //false #### v::space() #### v::space(string $additionalChars) Accepts only whitespace: v::space()->validate(' '); //true See also: * v::control() #### v::startsWith($value) #### v::startsWith($value, boolean $identical=false) This validator is similar to `v::contains()`, but validates only if the value is at the end of the. For strings: v::startsWith('lorem')->validate('lorem ipsum'); //true For arrays: v::startsWith('lorem')->validate(array('lorem', 'ipsum')); //true `true` may be passed as a parameter to indicate idetical comparison instead of equal. Message template for this validator includes `{{startValue}}`. See also: * v::endsWith() * v::contains() * v::in() #### v::string() Validates a string. v::string()->validate('hi'); //true See also: * v::alnum() #### v::tld() Validates a top-level domain v::tld()->validate('com'); //true v::tld()->validate('ly'); //true v::tld()->validate('org'); //true See also * v::domain() - Validates domain names * v::countryCode() - Validates ISO country codes #### v::uppercase() Validates if string characters are uppercase in the input: v::string()->uppercase()->validate('W3C'); //true See also: * v::lowercase() #### v::version() Validates version numbers using Semantic Versioning. v::version()->validate('1.0.0'); #### v::vowels() Similar to `v::alnum()`. Validates strings that contain only vowels: v::vowels()->validate('aei'); //true See also: * v::alnum() - a-z0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::digit() - 0-9, empty or whitespace only * v::alpha() - a-Z, empty or whitespace only * v::consonants() #### v::when(v $if, v $then, v $else) A ternary validator that accepts three parameters. When the $if validates, returns validation for $then. When the $if doesnt' validate, returns validation for $else. v::when(v::int(), v::positive(), v::notEmpty())->validate($input); In the sample above, if `$input` is an integer, then it must be positive. If `$input` is not an integer, then it must not me empty. See also: * v::allOf() * v::oneOf() * v::noneOf() #### v::xdigits() Accepts an hexadecimal number: v::xdigits()->validate('abc123'); //true Notice, however, that it doesn't accept numbers starting with 0x: v::xdigits()->validate('0x1f'); //false See also: * v::digit() * v::alnum() #### v::zend($zendValidator) Use Zend validators inside Respect\Validation flow. Messages are preserved. v::zend('Hostname')->validate(''); You need to put Zend Framework in your autoload routines. See also: * v::sf()