Henrique Moody bd953f99f0
Ignore PHPStan errors
I want to get the build green. Currently, PHPStan is complaining about a
couple of issues that are not so critical. It's especially concerning
that strict_types must be the very first statement on PHPT files, but
that's fine since PHPUnit parses its content.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-01-27 20:04:16 +01:00

39 lines
1.6 KiB

- vendor/phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules/rules.neon
- vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
- vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/rules.neon
- php
- phpt
# Why: Properties are read dynamically during message construction
message: '/Property Respect\\Validation\\Rules\\[a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+::\$[a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+ is never read, only written\./'
# Why: SimpleXMLElement is weird and doesn't implement anything ArrayAccess-like
message: '/Instanceof between mixed and SimpleXMLElement will always evaluate to false\./'
path: library/Rules/ArrayVal.php
# Why: This error is intentional, so PHPunit can test an invalid __callStatic call
message: '/Call to an undefined static method Respect\\Validation\\Validator::iDoNotExistSoIShouldThrowException/'
path: tests/unit/ValidatorTest.php
# Why: StaticValidator is a stub interface that types __callStatic
message: '/Call to static method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert::assertSame\(\) with Respect\\Validation\\Validator and Respect\\Validation\\ChainedValidator will always evaluate to false./'
path: tests/unit/ValidatorTest.php
# Why: I don't want to make changes to the code just to make phpstan happy
message: '/Parameter #2 \$values of function vsprintf expects array<bool\|float\|int\|string\|null>, array<string, array<bool\|int\|string>\|bool\|float\|int\|string> given./'
path: library/Rules/AbstractAge.php
level: 8
- library/
- tests/
- tests/integration/