Henrique Moody eeaea466ac
Prefix IDs of wrapper rule results
Because some rules work more as a prefix, it makes sense to prefix their
result ID. That will allow for a more intuitive templating, especially
when using those rules as prefixes.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-03-26 01:23:29 +01:00

183 lines
4.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
namespace Respect\Validation;
use function array_filter;
use function array_map;
use function count;
use function lcfirst;
use function preg_match;
use function strrchr;
use function substr;
use function ucfirst;
final class Result
/** @var array<Result> */
public readonly array $children;
public readonly string $id;
public readonly ?string $name;
public readonly string $template;
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public function __construct(
public readonly bool $isValid,
public readonly mixed $input,
public readonly Validatable $rule,
public readonly array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD,
public readonly Mode $mode = Mode::DEFAULT,
?string $name = null,
?string $id = null,
public readonly ?Result $nextSibling = null,
Result ...$children,
) {
$this->name = $rule->getName() ?? $name;
$this->template = $rule->getTemplate() ?? $template;
$this->id = $id ?? lcfirst(substr((string) strrchr($rule::class, '\\'), 1));
$this->children = $children;
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public static function failed(
mixed $input,
Validatable $rule,
array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD
): self {
return new self(false, $input, $rule, $parameters, $template);
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public static function passed(
mixed $input,
Validatable $rule,
array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD
): self {
return new self(true, $input, $rule, $parameters, $template);
public function withTemplate(string $template): self
return $this->clone(template: $template);
public function withId(string $id): self
return $this->clone(id: $id);
public function withPrefixedId(string $prefix): self
if ($this->id === $this->name) {
return $this;
return $this->clone(id: $prefix . ucfirst($this->id));
public function withChildren(Result ...$children): self
return $this->clone(children: $children);
public function withNameIfMissing(string $name): self
return $this->clone(
name: $this->name ?? $name,
children: array_map(static fn (Result $child) => $child->withNameIfMissing($name), $this->children),
public function withInput(mixed $input): self
$currentInput = $this->input;
return $this->clone(
input: $input,
children: array_map(
static fn (Result $child) => $child->input === $currentInput ? $input : $child->input,
public function withNextSibling(Result $nextSibling): self
return $this->clone(nextSibling: $nextSibling);
public function withInvertedMode(): self
return $this->clone(
isValid: !$this->isValid,
mode: $this->mode == Mode::DEFAULT ? Mode::NEGATIVE : Mode::DEFAULT,
nextSibling: $this->nextSibling?->withInvertedMode(),
children: array_map(static fn (Result $child) => $child->withInvertedMode(), $this->children),
public function withMode(Mode $mode): self
return $this->clone(mode: $mode);
public function hasCustomTemplate(): bool
return preg_match('/__[0-9a-z_]+_/', $this->template) === 0;
public function isAlwaysVisible(): bool
if ($this->isValid) {
return false;
if ($this->hasCustomTemplate()) {
return true;
$childrenAlwaysVisible = array_filter($this->children, static fn (Result $child) => $child->isAlwaysVisible());
return count($childrenAlwaysVisible) !== 1;
* @param array<Result>|null $children
private function clone(
?bool $isValid = null,
mixed $input = null,
?string $template = null,
?Mode $mode = null,
?string $name = null,
?string $id = null,
?Result $nextSibling = null,
?array $children = null
): self {
return new self(
$isValid ?? $this->isValid,
$input ?? $this->input,
$template ?? $this->template,
$mode ?? $this->mode,
$name ?? $this->name,
$id ?? $this->id,
$nextSibling ?? $this->nextSibling,
...($children ?? $this->children)