Henrique Moody e4f2c8154a
Use PHP attributes to define templates
Creating a specific exception for each rule adds a painful overhead. If
you want to make a custom message for your rule, you will need to create
an exception and then register that exception namespace to be able to
use it—all that is just for customizing the message of your rule.

Having different namespaces also implies that you need to fetch the
exception of the rule from another directory to change it. As Uncle Bob
said, "Classes that change together belong together. Classes that are
not reused together should not be grouped."

This commit will drastically change this library, moving all the
templates from the exceptions to the rules. Consequently, the Factory
becomes much simpler, and the library gets a bit smaller, too.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-01-29 23:43:57 +01:00

101 lines
2.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
namespace Respect\Validation\Rules;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Group;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ValidationException;
use Respect\Validation\Test\TestCase;
use Respect\Validation\Validatable;
use Respect\Validation\Validator;
final class NotTest extends TestCase
public function not(Validatable $rule, mixed $input): void
$not = new Not($rule);
public function notNotHaha(Validatable $rule, mixed $input): void
$not = new Not($rule);
public function notSetName(Validatable $rule): void
$not = new Not($rule);
self::assertEquals('Foo', $not->getName());
self::assertEquals('Foo', $not->getNegatedRule()->getName());
* @return array<array{Validatable, mixed}>
public static function providerForValidNot(): array
return [
[new IntVal(), ''],
[new IntVal(), 'aaa'],
[new AllOf(new NoWhitespace(), new Digit()), 'as df'],
[new AllOf(new NoWhitespace(), new Digit()), '12 34'],
[new AllOf(new AllOf(new NoWhitespace(), new Digit())), '12 34'],
[new AllOf(new NoneOf(new NumericVal(), new IntVal())), 13.37],
[new NoneOf(new NumericVal(), new IntVal()), 13.37],
[Validator::noneOf(Validator::numericVal(), Validator::intVal()), 13.37],
* @return array<array{Validatable, mixed}>
public static function providerForInvalidNot(): array
return [
[new IntVal(), 123],
[new AllOf(new AnyOf(new NumericVal(), new IntVal())), 13.37],
[new AnyOf(new NumericVal(), new IntVal()), 13.37],
[Validator::anyOf(Validator::numericVal(), Validator::intVal()), 13.37],
* @return array<array{Validatable}>
public static function providerForSetName(): array
return [
'non-allOf' => [new IntVal()],
'allOf' => [new AllOf(new NumericVal(), new IntVal())],
'not' => [new Not(new Not(new IntVal()))],
'allOf with name' => [Validator::intVal()->setName('Bar')],
'noneOf' => [Validator::noneOf(Validator::numericVal(), Validator::intVal())],