Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas 6173757f63 Use PHP files and setup a runtime cache for CountryInfo
Previously, we were loading country info from a JSON file. This
changes it to use PHP files instead. It also caches these resources
across calls avoiding these files to be loaded more than once
per process.
2023-02-19 00:19:10 -03:00

34 lines
765 B

return [
"country" => "Brazil",
"subdivisions" => [
"AC" => "Acre",
"AL" => "Alagoas",
"AM" => "Amazonas",
"AP" => "Amapá",
"BA" => "Bahia",
"CE" => "Ceará",
"DF" => "Distrito Federal",
"ES" => "Espírito Santo",
"GO" => "Goiás",
"MA" => "Maranhão",
"MG" => "Minas Gerais",
"MS" => "Mato Grosso do Sul",
"MT" => "Mato Grosso",
"PA" => "Pará",
"PB" => "Paraíba",
"PE" => "Pernambuco",
"PI" => "Piauí",
"PR" => "Paraná",
"RJ" => "Rio de Janeiro",
"RN" => "Rio Grande do Norte",
"RO" => "Rondônia",
"RR" => "Roraima",
"RS" => "Rio Grande do Sul",
"SC" => "Santa Catarina",
"SE" => "Sergipe",
"SP" => "São Paulo",
"TO" => "Tocantins"