Henrique Moody 66faefd695
Remove previous validation engine
After many refactorings, no rules use the previous validation engine.
That means we can remove the unused code from the repository and switch
from the previous to the new validation engine everywhere.

This commit will also soft deprecate the methods "validate()", and
"check()" in all the rules and the "assert()" in all rules but the
Validator itself. That means using those methods will still be allowed,
but static analysis tools might complain.

This is a big step toward releasing the next major version, as the code
is pretty much the way it should be when I release the next version.
There's some documentation to be updated, and I would like to change the
behavior of a couple of rules.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-03-25 12:28:25 +01:00

173 lines
4.7 KiB

* Copyright (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
namespace Respect\Validation;
use function array_filter;
use function array_map;
use function count;
use function lcfirst;
use function preg_match;
use function strrchr;
use function substr;
final class Result
/** @var array<Result> */
public readonly array $children;
public readonly string $id;
public readonly ?string $name;
public readonly string $template;
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public function __construct(
public readonly bool $isValid,
public readonly mixed $input,
public readonly Validatable $rule,
public readonly array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD,
public readonly Mode $mode = Mode::DEFAULT,
?string $name = null,
?string $id = null,
public readonly ?Result $nextSibling = null,
Result ...$children,
) {
$this->name = $rule->getName() ?? $name;
$this->template = $rule->getTemplate() ?? $template;
$this->id = $id ?? $this->name ?? lcfirst(substr((string) strrchr($rule::class, '\\'), 1));
$this->children = $children;
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public static function failed(
mixed $input,
Validatable $rule,
array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD
): self {
return new self(false, $input, $rule, $parameters, $template);
/** @param array<string, mixed> $parameters */
public static function passed(
mixed $input,
Validatable $rule,
array $parameters = [],
string $template = Validatable::TEMPLATE_STANDARD
): self {
return new self(true, $input, $rule, $parameters, $template);
public function withTemplate(string $template): self
return $this->clone(template: $template);
public function withId(string $id): self
return $this->clone(id: $id);
public function withChildren(Result ...$children): self
return $this->clone(children: $children);
public function withNameIfMissing(string $name): self
return $this->clone(
name: $this->name ?? $name,
children: array_map(static fn (Result $child) => $child->withNameIfMissing($name), $this->children),
public function withInput(mixed $input): self
$currentInput = $this->input;
return $this->clone(
input: $input,
children: array_map(
static fn (Result $child) => $child->input === $currentInput ? $input : $child->input,
public function withNextSibling(Result $nextSibling): self
return $this->clone(nextSibling: $nextSibling);
public function withInvertedMode(): self
return $this->clone(
isValid: !$this->isValid,
mode: $this->mode == Mode::DEFAULT ? Mode::NEGATIVE : Mode::DEFAULT,
nextSibling: $this->nextSibling?->withInvertedMode(),
children: array_map(static fn (Result $child) => $child->withInvertedMode(), $this->children),
public function withMode(Mode $mode): self
return $this->clone(mode: $mode);
public function hasCustomTemplate(): bool
return preg_match('/__[0-9a-z_]+_/', $this->template) === 0;
public function isAlwaysVisible(): bool
if ($this->isValid) {
return false;
if ($this->hasCustomTemplate()) {
return true;
$childrenAlwaysVisible = array_filter($this->children, static fn (Result $child) => $child->isAlwaysVisible());
return count($childrenAlwaysVisible) !== 1;
* @param array<Result>|null $children
private function clone(
?bool $isValid = null,
mixed $input = null,
?string $template = null,
?Mode $mode = null,
?string $name = null,
?string $id = null,
?Result $nextSibling = null,
?array $children = null
): self {
return new self(
$isValid ?? $this->isValid,
$input ?? $this->input,
$template ?? $this->template,
$mode ?? $this->mode,
$name ?? $this->name,
$id ?? $this->id,
$nextSibling ?? $this->nextSibling,
...($children ?? $this->children)