Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas 2ae997f586 Readme
2010-09-27 19:14:07 -03:00

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h2. About
Respect\Validation aims to be the most awesome validation toolkit ever created. Featuring:
* Fluent Interfaces
* Chain Validation
* Composite validation (one of, all of, most of, at least N of, none of, etc...)
* Extensibility (create your own validators using the same engine)
* Solid objects for raw instantiation (tests, dependency injection, etc...)
* Informative, usable exceptions
* IDE autocomplete-readiness
Here some nice little things you can do using it:
h3. Namespace import:
<pre> use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;</pre>
h3. Simple validation
<pre> v::numeric()->validate($someNumber); </pre>
h3. Chained validation
<pre>//From 1 to 15 non-whitespace alphanumeric characters
$username = 'alganet';
$validUsername = v::alnum()
//Date between two ranges using a specific format
$someDate = '2010-10-15';
$validDate = v::date('Y-m-d')
->dateBetween('2009-01-01', 2011-01-01')
h3. Validating object attributes
<pre>$user = new \stdClass;
$user->name = 'Alexandre';
$user->birthdate = '1987-07-01';
$validUser = v::all(
v::hasAttribute('name', v::stringNotEmpty()),
v::hasAttribute('birthdate, v::date('Y-m-d'))
h3. Combining rules (v::one, v::all, v::atLeast, v::most)
<pre>$validDate = v::one(
v::date('y-m-d'), //two-digit year
h3. Compositing rules
<pre>//Must satisfy at least two of the three conditions:
//a) A numeric or alphanumeric value
//b) A date in the format Ymd (20091009)
//c) A string between 3 and 12 characters without whitespace
$valid = v::atLeast(2, array(
v::one(v::numeric(), v::alnum()),
h3. Cool, informative exceptions:
<pre>try {
$username = '#$% #odjfubgihdbfgihbdfighb';
$validUsername = v::alnum('_')
} catch(v\Exceptions\InvalidException $e) {
#$% #odjfubgihdbfgihbdfighb does not contains only letters and digits (including _)
#$% #odjfubgihdbfgihbdfighb contains spaces, tabs, line breaks or other not allowed charaters.
#$% #odjfubgihdbfgihbdfighb exceeds the maximum of 15 characters
echo $e->getMessage();
h3. Non-fluent interface for Dependency Injection maniacs
<pre>$validator = new v\Rules\Numeric();
Cool, isn't it?