Henrique Moody ae369c4791
Improve Phone validation
This commit will improve the Phone rule in the following ways:

* Upgrade its validation engine;

* Increase the number of tests;

* Do not validate phone numbers from other regions.

The last item is a possible bug with "libphonenumber-for-php", which I
have already reported.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-03-25 08:48:31 +01:00

58 lines
1.6 KiB

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
'Default' => [v::phone(), '123'],
'Country-specific' => [v::phone('BR'), '+1 650 253 00 00'],
'Negative' => [v::not(v::phone()), '+55 11 91111 1111'],
'Default with name' => [v::phone()->setName('Phone'), '123'],
'Country-specific with name' => [v::phone('US')->setName('Phone'), '123'],
"123" must be a valid telephone number
- "123" must be a valid telephone number
'phone' => '"123" must be a valid telephone number',
"+1 650 253 00 00" must be a valid telephone number for country Brazil
- "+1 650 253 00 00" must be a valid telephone number for country Brazil
'phone' => '"+1 650 253 00 00" must be a valid telephone number for country Brazil',
"+55 11 91111 1111" must not be a valid telephone number
- "+55 11 91111 1111" must not be a valid telephone number
'phone' => '"+55 11 91111 1111" must not be a valid telephone number',
Default with name
Phone must be a valid telephone number
- Phone must be a valid telephone number
'Phone' => 'Phone must be a valid telephone number',
Country-specific with name
Phone must be a valid telephone number for country United States
- Phone must be a valid telephone number for country United States
'Phone' => 'Phone must be a valid telephone number for country United States',