Henrique Moody ae369c4791
Improve Phone validation
This commit will improve the Phone rule in the following ways:

* Upgrade its validation engine;

* Increase the number of tests;

* Do not validate phone numbers from other regions.

The last item is a possible bug with "libphonenumber-for-php", which I
have already reported.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-03-25 08:48:31 +01:00

141 lines
4 KiB

* Copyright (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
namespace Respect\Validation\Rules;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\CoversClass;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\DataProvider;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Group;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\Test;
use Respect\Validation\Test\TestCase;
final class PhoneTest extends TestCase
public function shouldValidateValidInputWithoutCountryCode(mixed $input): void
self::assertValidInput(new Phone(), $input);
public function shouldValidateInvalidInputWithoutCountryCode(mixed $input): void
self::assertInvalidInput(new Phone(), $input);
public function shouldValidateValidInputWithCountryCode(string $countryCode, mixed $input): void
self::assertValidInput(new Phone($countryCode), $input);
public function shouldValidateInvalidInputWithCountryCode(string $countryCode, mixed $input): void
self::assertInvalidInput(new Phone($countryCode), $input);
/** @return array<array{mixed}> */
public static function providerForValidInputWithoutCountryCode(): array
return [
['+1 650 253 00 00'],
['+7 (999) 999-99-99'],
['+33(1)22 22 22 22'],
['+1 650 253 00 00'],
['+7 (999) 999-99-99'],
/** @return array<array{mixed}> */
public static function providerForInvalidInputWithoutCountryCode(): array
return [
['33(020) 7777 7777'],
['33(020)7777 7777'],
['+33(020) 7777 7777'],
['+33(020)7777 7777'],
['+33(11) 97777 7777'],
['11 97777 7777'],
['(11) 97777 7777'],
['(11) 97777-7777'],
['555 5555'],
['+1 (555) 555 5555'],
['33(1)22 22 22 22'],
['(020) 7476 4026'],
['+5 555 555 5555'],
['5 555 555 5555'],
['555 555 5555'],
['+5(555)555 5555'],
['(555) 555 5555'],
['+33(1)222 2222'],
/** @return array<array{string, mixed}> */
public static function providerForValidInputWithCountryCode(): array
return [
['BR', '+55 11 91111 1111'],
['BR', '11 91111 1111'],
['BR', '+5511911111111'],
['BR', '11911111111'],
['NL', '+31 10 408 1775'],
/** @return array<array{string, mixed}> */
public static function providerForInvalidInputWithCountryCode(): array
return [
['BR', '+1 11 91111 1111'],
['BR', '+1 650 253 00 00'],
['US', '+31 10 408 1775'],