Henrique Moody 966c510559
Update version of PHPUnit package
Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2020-08-26 09:47:59 +02:00

47 lines
1.3 KiB

Edson Lima <>
Henrique Moody <>
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\AllOfException;
use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\ConsonantException;
use Respect\Validation\Exceptions\IntTypeException;
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
try {
v::not(v::allOf(v::intType(), v::positive()))->check(42);
} catch (IntTypeException $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
try {
v::allOf(v::stringType(), v::consonant())->check('Luke i\'m your father');
} catch (ConsonantException $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
try {
v::allOf(v::stringType(), v::consonant())->assert(42);
} catch (AllOfException $exception) {
echo $exception->getFullMessage() . PHP_EOL;
try {
v::not(v::allOf(v::stringType(), v::length(10)))->assert('Frank Zappa is fantastic');
} catch (AllOfException $exception) {
echo $exception->getFullMessage() . PHP_EOL;
42 must not be of type integer
"Luke i'm your father" must contain only consonants
- All of the required rules must pass for 42
- 42 must be of type string
- 42 must contain only consonants
- "Frank Zappa is fantastic" must not be of type string