Henrique Moody eeaea466ac
Prefix IDs of wrapper rule results
Because some rules work more as a prefix, it makes sense to prefix their
result ID. That will allow for a more intuitive templating, especially
when using those rules as prefixes.

Signed-off-by: Henrique Moody <>
2024-03-26 01:23:29 +01:00

261 lines
8.7 KiB

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;
$empty = [];
$nonIterable = null;
$negative = [1, 2, 3];
$default = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
// Simple
'Non-iterable' => [v::each(v::intType()), $nonIterable],
'Empty' => [v::each(v::intType()), $empty],
'Default' => [v::each(v::intType()), $default],
'Negative' => [v::not(v::each(v::intType())), $negative],
// With name
'With name, non-iterable' => [v::each(v::intType()->setName('Wrapped'))->setName('Wrapper'), $nonIterable],
'With name, empty' => [v::each(v::intType()->setName('Wrapped'))->setName('Wrapper'), $empty],
'With name, default' => [v::each(v::intType()->setName('Wrapped'))->setName('Wrapper'), $default],
'With name, negative' => [
'With wrapper name, default' => [v::each(v::intType())->setName('Wrapper'), $default],
'With wrapper name, negative' => [
'With Not name, negative' => [
// With template
'With template, non-iterable' => [v::each(v::intType()), $nonIterable, 'You should have passed an iterable'],
'With template, empty' => [v::each(v::intType()), $empty, 'You should have passed an non-empty'],
'With template, default' => [v::each(v::intType()), $default, 'All items should have been integers'],
'with template, negative' => [v::not(v::each(v::intType())), $negative, 'All items should not have been integers'],
// With array template
'With array template, default' => [
$default, [
'each' => [
'__root__' => 'Here a sequence of items that did not pass the validation',
'intType.1' => 'First item should have been an integer',
'intType.2' => 'Second item should have been an integer',
'intType.3' => 'Third item should have been an integer',
'With array template and name, default' => [
$default, [
'Wrapped' => [
'__root__' => 'Here a sequence of items that did not pass the validation',
'Wrapped.1' => 'First item should have been an integer',
'Wrapped.2' => 'Second item should have been an integer',
'Wrapped.3' => 'Third item should have been an integer',
`null` must be of type iterable
- `null` must be of type iterable
'each' => '`null` must be of type iterable',
The value must not be empty
- The value must not be empty
'each' => 'The value must not be empty',
"a" must be of type integer
- Each item in `["a", "b", "c"]` must be valid
- "a" must be of type integer
- "b" must be of type integer
- "c" must be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in `["a", "b", "c"]` must be valid',
'intType.1' => '"a" must be of type integer',
'intType.2' => '"b" must be of type integer',
'intType.3' => '"c" must be of type integer',
1 must not be of type integer
- Each item in `[1, 2, 3]` must not validate
- 1 must not be of type integer
- 2 must not be of type integer
- 3 must not be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in `[1, 2, 3]` must not validate',
'intType.1' => '1 must not be of type integer',
'intType.2' => '2 must not be of type integer',
'intType.3' => '3 must not be of type integer',
With name, non-iterable
Wrapped must be of type iterable
- Wrapped must be of type iterable
'Wrapped' => 'Wrapped must be of type iterable',
With name, empty
Wrapped must not be empty
- Wrapped must not be empty
'Wrapped' => 'Wrapped must not be empty',
With name, default
Wrapped must be of type integer
- Each item in Wrapped must be valid
- Wrapped must be of type integer
- Wrapped must be of type integer
- Wrapped must be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Wrapped must be valid',
'intType.1' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',
With name, negative
Wrapped must not be of type integer
- Each item in Wrapped must not validate
- Wrapped must not be of type integer
- Wrapped must not be of type integer
- Wrapped must not be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Wrapped must not validate',
'intType.1' => 'Wrapped must not be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Wrapped must not be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Wrapped must not be of type integer',
With wrapper name, default
Wrapper must be of type integer
- Each item in Wrapper must be valid
- Wrapper must be of type integer
- Wrapper must be of type integer
- Wrapper must be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Wrapper must be valid',
'intType.1' => 'Wrapper must be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Wrapper must be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Wrapper must be of type integer',
With wrapper name, negative
Wrapper must not be of type integer
- Each item in Wrapper must not validate
- Wrapper must not be of type integer
- Wrapper must not be of type integer
- Wrapper must not be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Wrapper must not validate',
'intType.1' => 'Wrapper must not be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Wrapper must not be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Wrapper must not be of type integer',
With Not name, negative
Not must not be of type integer
- Each item in Not must not validate
- Not must not be of type integer
- Not must not be of type integer
- Not must not be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Not must not validate',
'intType.1' => 'Not must not be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Not must not be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Not must not be of type integer',
With template, non-iterable
You should have passed an iterable
- You should have passed an iterable
'each' => 'You should have passed an iterable',
With template, empty
You should have passed an non-empty
- You should have passed an non-empty
'each' => 'You should have passed an non-empty',
With template, default
All items should have been integers
- All items should have been integers
'each' => 'All items should have been integers',
with template, negative
All items should not have been integers
- All items should not have been integers
'notEach' => 'All items should not have been integers',
With array template, default
First item should have been an integer
- Here a sequence of items that did not pass the validation
- First item should have been an integer
- Second item should have been an integer
- Third item should have been an integer
'__root__' => 'Here a sequence of items that did not pass the validation',
'intType.1' => 'First item should have been an integer',
'intType.2' => 'Second item should have been an integer',
'intType.3' => 'Third item should have been an integer',
With array template and name, default
Wrapped must be of type integer
- Each item in Wrapped must be valid
- Wrapped must be of type integer
- Wrapped must be of type integer
- Wrapped must be of type integer
'__root__' => 'Each item in Wrapped must be valid',
'intType.1' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',
'intType.2' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',
'intType.3' => 'Wrapped must be of type integer',