# OpenID Connect OpenID Connect integration allows you to map your identity provider users to SFTPGo admins/users and so you can login to SFTPGo Web Client and Web Admin user interfaces using your identity provider. SFTPGo allows to configure per-binding OpenID Connect configurations. The supported configuration parameters are documented within the `oidc` section [here](./full-configuration.md). Let's see a basic integration with the [Keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/) identify provider. Other OpenID connect compatible providers should work by configuring them in a similar way. We'll not go through the complete process of creating a realm/clients/users in Keycloak. You can look this up [here](https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_admin/index.html#admin-console). Here is just an outline: - create a realm named `sftpgo` - in "Realm Settings" -> "Login" adjust the "Require SSL" setting as per your requirements - create a client named `sftpgo-client` - for the `sftpgo-client` set the `Access Type` to `confidential` and a valid redirect URI, for example if your SFTPGo instance is running on `` a valid redirect URI is `*` - for the `sftpgo-client`, in the `Mappers` settings, make sure that the username and the sftpgo role are added to the ID token. For example you can add the user attribute `sftpgo_role` as JSON string to the ID token and the `username` as `preferred_username` JSON string to the ID token - for your users who need to be mapped as SFTPGo administrators add a custom attribute specifying `sftpgo_role` as key and `admin` as value The resulting JSON configuration for the `sftpgo-client` that you can obtain from the "Installation" tab is something like this: ```json { "realm": "sftpgo", "auth-server-url": "", "ssl-required": "none", "resource": "sftpgo-client", "credentials": { "secret": "jRsmE0SWnuZjP7djBqNq0mrf8QN77j2c" }, "confidential-port": 0 } ``` Add the following configuration parameters to the SFTPGo configuration file (or use env vars to set them): ```json ... "oidc": { "client_id": "sftpgo-client", "client_secret": "jRsmE0SWnuZjP7djBqNq0mrf8QN77j2c", "config_url": "", "redirect_base_url": "", "username_field": "preferred_username", "role_field": "sftpgo_role" } ... ``` From SFTPGo login page click `Login with OpenID` button, you will be redirected to the Keycloak login page, after a successful authentication Keyclock will redirect back to SFTPGo Web Admin or SFTPGo Web Client. Please note that the ID token returned from Keycloak must contain the `username_field` specified in the SFTPGo configuration and optionally the `role_field`. The mapped usernames must exist in SFTPGo. Here is an example ID token which allows the SFTPGo admin `root` to access to the Web Admin UI. ```json { "exp": 1644758026, "iat": 1644757726, "auth_time": 1644757647, "jti": "c6cf172d-08d6-41cf-8e5d-20b7ac0b8011", "iss": "", "aud": "sftpgo-client", "sub": "48b0de4b-3090-4315-bbcb-be63c48be1d2", "typ": "ID", "azp": "sftpgo-client", "nonce": "XLxfYDhMmWwiYctgLTCZjC", "session_state": "e20ab97c-d3a9-4e53-872d-09d104cbd286", "at_hash": "UwubF1W8H0XItHU_DIpjfQ", "acr": "0", "sid": "e20ab97c-d3a9-4e53-872d-09d104cbd286", "email_verified": false, "preferred_username": "root", "sftpgo_role": "admin" } ``` And the following is an example ID token which allows the SFTPGo user `user1` to access to the Web Client UI. ```json { "exp": 1644758183, "iat": 1644757883, "auth_time": 1644757647, "jti": "939de932-f941-4b04-90fc-7071b7cc6b10", "iss": "", "aud": "sftpgo-client", "sub": "48b0de4b-3090-4315-bbcb-be63c48be1d2", "typ": "ID", "azp": "sftpgo-client", "nonce": "wxcWPPi3H7ktembUdeToqQ", "session_state": "e20ab97c-d3a9-4e53-872d-09d104cbd286", "at_hash": "RSDpwzVG_6G2haaNF0jsJQ", "acr": "0", "sid": "e20ab97c-d3a9-4e53-872d-09d104cbd286", "email_verified": false, "preferred_username": "user1" } ```