Nicola Murino 5d24d665bd
add an util method to convert []byte to string
Signed-off-by: Nicola Murino <nicola.murino@gmail.com>
2024-05-08 19:01:58 +02:00

547 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019 Nicola Murino
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//go:build !noportable
// +build !noportable
package cmd
import (
var (
directoryToServe string
portableSFTPDPort int
portableUsername string
portablePassword string
portablePasswordFile string
portableStartDir string
portableLogFile string
portableLogLevel string
portableLogUTCTime bool
portablePublicKeys []string
portablePermissions []string
portableSSHCommands []string
portableAllowedPatterns []string
portableDeniedPatterns []string
portableFsProvider string
portableS3Bucket string
portableS3Region string
portableS3AccessKey string
portableS3AccessSecret string
portableS3RoleARN string
portableS3Endpoint string
portableS3StorageClass string
portableS3ACL string
portableS3KeyPrefix string
portableS3ULPartSize int
portableS3ULConcurrency int
portableS3ForcePathStyle bool
portableS3SkipTLSVerify bool
portableGCSBucket string
portableGCSCredentialsFile string
portableGCSAutoCredentials int
portableGCSStorageClass string
portableGCSKeyPrefix string
portableFTPDPort int
portableFTPSCert string
portableFTPSKey string
portableWebDAVPort int
portableWebDAVCert string
portableWebDAVKey string
portableHTTPPort int
portableHTTPSCert string
portableHTTPSKey string
portableAzContainer string
portableAzAccountName string
portableAzAccountKey string
portableAzEndpoint string
portableAzAccessTier string
portableAzSASURL string
portableAzKeyPrefix string
portableAzULPartSize int
portableAzULConcurrency int
portableAzDLPartSize int
portableAzDLConcurrency int
portableAzUseEmulator bool
portableCryptPassphrase string
portableSFTPEndpoint string
portableSFTPUsername string
portableSFTPPassword string
portableSFTPPrivateKeyPath string
portableSFTPFingerprints []string
portableSFTPPrefix string
portableSFTPDisableConcurrentReads bool
portableSFTPDBufferSize int64
portableCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "portable",
Short: "Serve a single directory/account",
Long: `To serve the current working directory with auto generated credentials simply
$ sftpgo portable
Please take a look at the usage below to customize the serving parameters`,
Run: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
portableDir := directoryToServe
fsProvider := dataprovider.GetProviderFromValue(convertFsProvider())
if !filepath.IsAbs(portableDir) {
if fsProvider == sdk.LocalFilesystemProvider {
portableDir, _ = filepath.Abs(portableDir)
} else {
portableDir = os.TempDir()
permissions := make(map[string][]string)
permissions["/"] = portablePermissions
portableGCSCredentials := ""
if fsProvider == sdk.GCSFilesystemProvider && portableGCSCredentialsFile != "" {
contents, err := getFileContents(portableGCSCredentialsFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to get GCS credentials: %v\n", err)
portableGCSCredentials = contents
portableGCSAutoCredentials = 0
portableSFTPPrivateKey := ""
if fsProvider == sdk.SFTPFilesystemProvider && portableSFTPPrivateKeyPath != "" {
contents, err := getFileContents(portableSFTPPrivateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to get SFTP private key: %v\n", err)
portableSFTPPrivateKey = contents
if portableFTPDPort >= 0 && portableFTPSCert != "" && portableFTPSKey != "" {
keyPairs := []common.TLSKeyPair{
Cert: portableFTPSCert,
Key: portableFTPSKey,
ID: common.DefaultTLSKeyPaidID,
_, err := common.NewCertManager(keyPairs, filepath.Clean(defaultConfigDir),
"FTP portable")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to load FTPS key pair, cert file %q key file %q error: %v\n",
portableFTPSCert, portableFTPSKey, err)
if portableWebDAVPort >= 0 && portableWebDAVCert != "" && portableWebDAVKey != "" {
keyPairs := []common.TLSKeyPair{
Cert: portableWebDAVCert,
Key: portableWebDAVKey,
ID: common.DefaultTLSKeyPaidID,
_, err := common.NewCertManager(keyPairs, filepath.Clean(defaultConfigDir),
"WebDAV portable")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to load WebDAV key pair, cert file %q key file %q error: %v\n",
portableWebDAVCert, portableWebDAVKey, err)
if portableHTTPPort >= 0 && portableHTTPSCert != "" && portableHTTPSKey != "" {
keyPairs := []common.TLSKeyPair{
Cert: portableHTTPSCert,
Key: portableHTTPSKey,
ID: common.DefaultTLSKeyPaidID,
_, err := common.NewCertManager(keyPairs, filepath.Clean(defaultConfigDir),
"HTTP portable")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to load HTTPS key pair, cert file %q key file %q error: %v\n",
portableHTTPSCert, portableHTTPSKey, err)
pwd := portablePassword
if portablePasswordFile != "" {
content, err := os.ReadFile(portablePasswordFile)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Unable to read password file %q: %v", portablePasswordFile, err)
pwd = strings.TrimSpace(util.BytesToString(content))
service := service.Service{
ConfigDir: util.CleanDirInput(configDir),
ConfigFile: configFile,
LogFilePath: portableLogFile,
LogMaxSize: defaultLogMaxSize,
LogMaxBackups: defaultLogMaxBackup,
LogMaxAge: defaultLogMaxAge,
LogCompress: defaultLogCompress,
LogLevel: portableLogLevel,
LogUTCTime: portableLogUTCTime,
Shutdown: make(chan bool),
PortableMode: 1,
PortableUser: dataprovider.User{
BaseUser: sdk.BaseUser{
Username: portableUsername,
Password: pwd,
PublicKeys: portablePublicKeys,
Permissions: permissions,
HomeDir: portableDir,
Status: 1,
Filters: dataprovider.UserFilters{
BaseUserFilters: sdk.BaseUserFilters{
FilePatterns: parsePatternsFilesFilters(),
StartDirectory: portableStartDir,
FsConfig: vfs.Filesystem{
Provider: fsProvider,
S3Config: vfs.S3FsConfig{
BaseS3FsConfig: sdk.BaseS3FsConfig{
Bucket: portableS3Bucket,
Region: portableS3Region,
AccessKey: portableS3AccessKey,
RoleARN: portableS3RoleARN,
Endpoint: portableS3Endpoint,
StorageClass: portableS3StorageClass,
ACL: portableS3ACL,
KeyPrefix: portableS3KeyPrefix,
UploadPartSize: int64(portableS3ULPartSize),
UploadConcurrency: portableS3ULConcurrency,
ForcePathStyle: portableS3ForcePathStyle,
SkipTLSVerify: portableS3SkipTLSVerify,
AccessSecret: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableS3AccessSecret),
GCSConfig: vfs.GCSFsConfig{
BaseGCSFsConfig: sdk.BaseGCSFsConfig{
Bucket: portableGCSBucket,
AutomaticCredentials: portableGCSAutoCredentials,
StorageClass: portableGCSStorageClass,
KeyPrefix: portableGCSKeyPrefix,
Credentials: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableGCSCredentials),
AzBlobConfig: vfs.AzBlobFsConfig{
BaseAzBlobFsConfig: sdk.BaseAzBlobFsConfig{
Container: portableAzContainer,
AccountName: portableAzAccountName,
Endpoint: portableAzEndpoint,
AccessTier: portableAzAccessTier,
KeyPrefix: portableAzKeyPrefix,
UseEmulator: portableAzUseEmulator,
UploadPartSize: int64(portableAzULPartSize),
UploadConcurrency: portableAzULConcurrency,
DownloadPartSize: int64(portableAzDLPartSize),
DownloadConcurrency: portableAzDLConcurrency,
AccountKey: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableAzAccountKey),
SASURL: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableAzSASURL),
CryptConfig: vfs.CryptFsConfig{
Passphrase: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableCryptPassphrase),
SFTPConfig: vfs.SFTPFsConfig{
BaseSFTPFsConfig: sdk.BaseSFTPFsConfig{
Endpoint: portableSFTPEndpoint,
Username: portableSFTPUsername,
Fingerprints: portableSFTPFingerprints,
Prefix: portableSFTPPrefix,
DisableCouncurrentReads: portableSFTPDisableConcurrentReads,
BufferSize: portableSFTPDBufferSize,
Password: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableSFTPPassword),
PrivateKey: kms.NewPlainSecret(portableSFTPPrivateKey),
KeyPassphrase: kms.NewEmptySecret(),
err := service.StartPortableMode(portableSFTPDPort, portableFTPDPort, portableWebDAVPort, portableHTTPPort,
portableSSHCommands, portableFTPSCert, portableFTPSKey, portableWebDAVCert, portableWebDAVKey,
portableHTTPSCert, portableHTTPSKey)
if err == nil {
if service.Error == nil {
func init() {
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&directoryToServe, "directory", "d", ".", `Path to the directory to serve.
This can be an absolute path or a path
relative to the current directory
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableStartDir, "start-directory", "/", `Alternate start directory.
This is a virtual path not a filesystem
portableCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&portableSFTPDPort, "sftpd-port", "s", 0, `0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableFTPDPort, "ftpd-port", -1, `0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableWebDAVPort, "webdav-port", -1, `0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableHTTPPort, "httpd-port", -1, `0 means a random unprivileged port,
< 0 disabled`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&portableSSHCommands, "ssh-commands", sftpd.GetDefaultSSHCommands(),
`SSH commands to enable.
"*" means any supported SSH command
including scp
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portableUsername, "username", "u", "", `Leave empty to use an auto generated
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portablePassword, "password", "p", "", `Leave empty to use an auto generated
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portablePasswordFile, "password-file", "", `Read the password from the specified
file path. Leave empty to use an auto
generated value`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portableLogFile, logFilePathFlag, "l", "", "Leave empty to disable logging")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableLogLevel, logLevelFlag, defaultLogLevel, `Set the log level.
Supported values:
debug, info, warn, error.
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&portableLogUTCTime, logUTCTimeFlag, false, "Use UTC time for logging")
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&portablePublicKeys, "public-key", "k", []string{}, "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&portablePermissions, "permissions", "g", []string{"list", "download"},
`User's permissions. "*" means any
portableCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&portableAllowedPatterns, "allowed-patterns", []string{},
`Allowed file patterns case insensitive.
The format is:
For example: "/somedir::*.jpg,a*b?.png"`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&portableDeniedPatterns, "denied-patterns", []string{},
`Denied file patterns case insensitive.
The format is:
For example: "/somedir::*.jpg,a*b?.png"`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&portableFsProvider, "fs-provider", "f", "osfs", `osfs => local filesystem (legacy value: 0)
s3fs => AWS S3 compatible (legacy: 1)
gcsfs => Google Cloud Storage (legacy: 2)
azblobfs => Azure Blob Storage (legacy: 3)
cryptfs => Encrypted local filesystem (legacy: 4)
sftpfs => SFTP (legacy: 5)`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3Bucket, "s3-bucket", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3Region, "s3-region", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3AccessKey, "s3-access-key", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3AccessSecret, "s3-access-secret", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3RoleARN, "s3-role-arn", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3Endpoint, "s3-endpoint", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3StorageClass, "s3-storage-class", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3ACL, "s3-acl", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableS3KeyPrefix, "s3-key-prefix", "", `Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableS3ULPartSize, "s3-upload-part-size", 5, `The buffer size for multipart uploads
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableS3ULConcurrency, "s3-upload-concurrency", 2, `How many parts are uploaded in
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&portableS3ForcePathStyle, "s3-force-path-style", false, `Force path style bucket URL`)
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&portableS3SkipTLSVerify, "s3-skip-tls-verify", false, `If enabled the S3 client accepts any TLS
certificate presented by the server and
any host name in that certificate.
In this mode, TLS is susceptible to
man-in-the-middle attacks.
This should be used only for testing.
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableGCSBucket, "gcs-bucket", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableGCSStorageClass, "gcs-storage-class", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableGCSKeyPrefix, "gcs-key-prefix", "", `Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableGCSCredentialsFile, "gcs-credentials-file", "", `Google Cloud Storage JSON credentials
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableGCSAutoCredentials, "gcs-automatic-credentials", 1, `0 means explicit credentials using
a JSON credentials file, 1 automatic
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableFTPSCert, "ftpd-cert", "", "Path to the certificate file for FTPS")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableFTPSKey, "ftpd-key", "", "Path to the key file for FTPS")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableWebDAVCert, "webdav-cert", "", `Path to the certificate file for WebDAV
over HTTPS`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableWebDAVKey, "webdav-key", "", `Path to the key file for WebDAV over
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableHTTPSCert, "httpd-cert", "", `Path to the certificate file for WebClient
over HTTPS`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableHTTPSKey, "httpd-key", "", `Path to the key file for WebClient over
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzContainer, "az-container", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzAccountName, "az-account-name", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzAccountKey, "az-account-key", "", "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzSASURL, "az-sas-url", "", `Shared access signature URL`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzEndpoint, "az-endpoint", "", `Leave empty to use the default:
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzAccessTier, "az-access-tier", "", `Leave empty to use the default
container setting`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableAzKeyPrefix, "az-key-prefix", "", `Allows to restrict access to the
virtual folder identified by this
prefix and its contents`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableAzULPartSize, "az-upload-part-size", 5, `The buffer size for multipart uploads
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableAzULConcurrency, "az-upload-concurrency", 5, `How many parts are uploaded in
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableAzDLPartSize, "az-download-part-size", 5, `The buffer size for multipart downloads
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&portableAzDLConcurrency, "az-download-concurrency", 5, `How many parts are downloaded in
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&portableAzUseEmulator, "az-use-emulator", false, "")
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableCryptPassphrase, "crypto-passphrase", "", `Passphrase for encryption/decryption`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableSFTPEndpoint, "sftp-endpoint", "", `SFTP endpoint as host:port for SFTP
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableSFTPUsername, "sftp-username", "", `SFTP user for SFTP provider`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableSFTPPassword, "sftp-password", "", `SFTP password for SFTP provider`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableSFTPPrivateKeyPath, "sftp-key-path", "", `SFTP private key path for SFTP provider`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&portableSFTPFingerprints, "sftp-fingerprints", []string{}, `SFTP fingerprints to verify remote host
key for SFTP provider`)
portableCmd.Flags().StringVar(&portableSFTPPrefix, "sftp-prefix", "", `SFTP prefix allows restrict all
operations to a given path within the
remote SFTP server`)
portableCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&portableSFTPDisableConcurrentReads, "sftp-disable-concurrent-reads", false, `Concurrent reads are safe to use and
disabling them will degrade performance.
Disable for read once servers`)
portableCmd.Flags().Int64Var(&portableSFTPDBufferSize, "sftp-buffer-size", 0, `The size of the buffer (in MB) to use
for transfers. By enabling buffering,
the reads and writes, from/to the
remote SFTP server, are split in
multiple concurrent requests and this
allows data to be transferred at a
faster rate, over high latency networks,
by overlapping round-trip times`)
portableCmd.Flags().IntVar(&graceTime, graceTimeFlag, 0,
`This grace time defines the number of
seconds allowed for existing transfers
to get completed before shutting down.
A graceful shutdown is triggered by an
interrupt signal.
func parsePatternsFilesFilters() []sdk.PatternsFilter {
var patterns []sdk.PatternsFilter
for _, val := range portableAllowedPatterns {
p, exts := getPatternsFilterValues(strings.TrimSpace(val))
if p != "" {
patterns = append(patterns, sdk.PatternsFilter{
Path: path.Clean(p),
AllowedPatterns: exts,
DeniedPatterns: []string{},
for _, val := range portableDeniedPatterns {
p, exts := getPatternsFilterValues(strings.TrimSpace(val))
if p != "" {
found := false
for index, e := range patterns {
if path.Clean(e.Path) == path.Clean(p) {
patterns[index].DeniedPatterns = append(patterns[index].DeniedPatterns, exts...)
found = true
if !found {
patterns = append(patterns, sdk.PatternsFilter{
Path: path.Clean(p),
AllowedPatterns: []string{},
DeniedPatterns: exts,
return patterns
func getPatternsFilterValues(value string) (string, []string) {
if strings.Contains(value, "::") {
dirExts := strings.Split(value, "::")
if len(dirExts) > 1 {
dir := strings.TrimSpace(dirExts[0])
exts := []string{}
for _, e := range strings.Split(dirExts[1], ",") {
cleanedExt := strings.TrimSpace(e)
if cleanedExt != "" {
exts = append(exts, cleanedExt)
if dir != "" && len(exts) > 0 {
return dir, exts
return "", nil
func getFileContents(name string) (string, error) {
fi, err := os.Stat(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if fi.Size() > 1048576 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%q is too big %v/1048576 bytes", name, fi.Size())
contents, err := os.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return util.BytesToString(contents), nil
func convertFsProvider() string {
switch portableFsProvider {
case "osfs", "6": // httpfs (6) is not supported in portable mode, so return the default
return "0"
case "s3fs":
return "1"
case "gcsfs":
return "2"
case "azblobfs":
return "3"
case "cryptfs":
return "4"
case "sftpfs":
return "5"
return portableFsProvider