optimized sub class

This commit is contained in:
WittBulter 2017-01-22 15:28:46 +08:00
parent 12d7d93ebc
commit 2e43015094
6 changed files with 251 additions and 538 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -15427,7 +15427,7 @@ var Action = function () {
_createClass(Action, null, [{
_createClass(Action, [{
key: 'toggleBold',
value: function toggleBold(editor) {
_base2.default.toggleBlock(editor, "bold", editor.options.blockStyles.bold);
@ -16435,42 +16435,42 @@ function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { de
"use strict";
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.promptTexts = exports.insertTexts = exports.blockStyles = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.shortcuts = exports.bindings = undefined;
var _action = require("./action");
var _action = require('./action');
var _action2 = _interopRequireDefault(_action);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
var bindings = exports.bindings = {
"toggleBold": _action2.default.toggleBold,
"toggleItalic": _action2.default.toggleItalic,
"drawLink": _action2.default.drawLink,
"toggleHeadingSmaller": _action2.default.toggleHeadingSmaller,
"toggleHeadingBigger": _action2.default.toggleHeadingBigger,
"drawImage": _action2.default.drawImage,
"toggleBlockquote": _action2.default.toggleBlockquote,
"toggleOrderedList": _action2.default.toggleOrderedList,
"toggleUnorderedList": _action2.default.toggleUnorderedList,
"toggleCodeBlock": _action2.default.toggleCodeBlock,
"togglePreview": _action2.default.togglePreview,
"toggleStrikethrough": _action2.default.toggleStrikethrough,
"toggleHeading1": _action2.default.toggleHeading1,
"toggleHeading2": _action2.default.toggleHeading2,
"toggleHeading3": _action2.default.toggleHeading3,
"cleanBlock": _action2.default.cleanBlock,
"drawTable": _action2.default.drawTable,
"drawHorizontalRule": _action2.default.drawHorizontalRule,
"undo": _action2.default.undo,
"redo": _action2.default.redo,
"toggleSideBySide": _action2.default.toggleSideBySide,
"toggleFullScreen": _action2.default.toggleFullScreen
"toggleBold": 'toggleBold',
"toggleItalic": 'toggleItalic',
"drawLink": 'drawLink',
"toggleHeadingSmaller": 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
"toggleHeadingBigger": 'toggleHeadingBigger',
"drawImage": 'drawImage',
"toggleBlockquote": 'toggleBlockquote',
"toggleOrderedList": 'toggleOrderedList',
"toggleUnorderedList": 'toggleUnorderedList',
"toggleCodeBlock": 'toggleCodeBlock',
"togglePreview": 'togglePreview',
"toggleStrikethrough": 'toggleStrikethrough',
"toggleHeading1": 'toggleHeading1',
"toggleHeading2": 'toggleHeading2',
"toggleHeading3": 'toggleHeading3',
"cleanBlock": 'cleanBlock',
"drawTable": 'drawTable',
"drawHorizontalRule": 'drawHorizontalRule',
"undo": 'undo',
"redo": 'redo',
"toggleSideBySide": 'toggleSideBySide',
"toggleFullScreen": 'toggleFullScreen'
}; /**
* @description :: metadata, immutable
@ -16494,58 +16494,58 @@ var shortcuts = exports.shortcuts = {
var toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"bold": {
name: "bold",
action: _action2.default.toggleBold,
action: 'toggleBold',
className: "fa fa-bold",
title: "Bold",
default: true
"italic": {
name: "italic",
action: _action2.default.toggleItalic,
action: 'toggleItalic',
className: "fa fa-italic",
title: "Italic",
default: true
"strikethrough": {
name: "strikethrough",
action: _action2.default.toggleStrikethrough,
action: 'toggleStrikethrough',
className: "fa fa-strikethrough",
title: "Strikethrough"
"heading": {
name: "heading",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeadingSmaller,
action: 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
className: "fa fa-header",
title: "Heading",
default: true
"heading-smaller": {
name: "heading-smaller",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeadingSmaller,
action: 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-smaller",
title: "Smaller Heading"
"heading-bigger": {
name: "heading-bigger",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeadingBigger,
action: 'toggleHeadingBigger',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-bigger",
title: "Bigger Heading"
"heading-1": {
name: "heading-1",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeading1,
action: 'toggleHeading1',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1",
title: "Big Heading"
"heading-2": {
name: "heading-2",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeading2,
action: 'toggleHeading2',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2",
title: "Medium Heading"
"heading-3": {
name: "heading-3",
action: _action2.default.toggleHeading3,
action: 'toggleHeading3',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3",
title: "Small Heading"
@ -16554,34 +16554,34 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"code": {
name: "code",
action: _action2.default.toggleCodeBlock,
action: 'toggleCodeBlock',
className: "fa fa-code",
title: "Code"
"quote": {
name: "quote",
action: _action2.default.toggleBlockquote,
action: 'toggleBlockquote',
className: "fa fa-quote-left",
title: "Quote",
default: true
"unordered-list": {
name: "unordered-list",
action: _action2.default.toggleUnorderedList,
action: 'toggleUnorderedList',
className: "fa fa-list-ul",
title: "Generic List",
default: true
"ordered-list": {
name: "ordered-list",
action: _action2.default.toggleOrderedList,
action: 'toggleOrderedList',
className: "fa fa-list-ol",
title: "Numbered List",
default: true
"clean-block": {
name: "clean-block",
action: _action2.default.cleanBlock,
action: 'cleanBlock',
className: "fa fa-eraser fa-clean-block",
title: "Clean block"
@ -16590,27 +16590,27 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"link": {
name: "link",
action: _action2.default.drawLink,
action: 'drawLink',
className: "fa fa-link",
title: "Create Link",
default: true
"image": {
name: "image",
action: _action2.default.drawImage,
action: 'drawImage',
className: "fa fa-picture-o",
title: "Insert Image",
default: true
"table": {
name: "table",
action: _action2.default.drawTable,
action: 'drawTable',
className: "fa fa-table",
title: "Insert Table"
"horizontal-rule": {
name: "horizontal-rule",
action: _action2.default.drawHorizontalRule,
action: 'drawHorizontalRule',
className: "fa fa-minus",
title: "Insert Horizontal Line"
@ -16619,21 +16619,21 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"preview": {
name: "preview",
action: _action2.default.togglePreview,
action: 'togglePreview',
className: "fa fa-eye no-disable",
title: "Toggle Preview",
default: true
"side-by-side": {
name: "side-by-side",
action: _action2.default.toggleSideBySide,
action: 'toggleSideBySide',
className: "fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile",
title: "Toggle Side by Side",
default: true
"fullscreen": {
name: "fullscreen",
action: _action2.default.toggleFullScreen,
action: 'toggleFullScreen',
className: "fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile",
title: "Toggle Fullscreen",
default: true
@ -16653,13 +16653,13 @@ var toolbarBuiltInButtons = exports.toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"undo": {
name: "undo",
action: _action2.default.undo,
action: 'undo',
className: "fa fa-undo no-disable",
title: "Undo"
"redo": {
name: "redo",
action: _action2.default.redo,
action: 'redo',
className: "fa fa-repeat no-disable",
title: "Redo"
@ -16694,6 +16694,8 @@ var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _get = function get(object, property, receiver) { if (object === null) object = Function.prototype; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, property); if (desc === undefined) { var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); if (parent === null) { return undefined; } else { return get(parent, property, receiver); } } else if ("value" in desc) { return desc.value; } else { var getter = desc.get; if (getter === undefined) { return undefined; } return getter.call(receiver); } };
var _codemirror = require('codemirror');
var _codemirror2 = _interopRequireDefault(_codemirror);
@ -16931,7 +16933,7 @@ var SimpleMDE = function (_Action) {
// null stands for "do not bind this command"
if (options.shortcuts[key] !== null && _metadata.bindings[key] !== null) {
keyMaps[_utils2.default.fixShortcut(options.shortcuts[key])] = function () {
return _metadata.bindings[key](self);
return _get(SimpleMDE.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(SimpleMDE.prototype), _metadata.bindings[key], _this2).call(_this2, self);
@ -16944,14 +16946,14 @@ var SimpleMDE = function (_Action) {
keyMaps["Tab"] = "tabAndIndentMarkdownList";
keyMaps["Shift-Tab"] = "shiftTabAndUnindentMarkdownList";
keyMaps["Esc"] = function (cm) {
return cm.getOption("fullScreen") && _action2.default.toggleFullScreen(self);
return cm.getOption("fullScreen") && _get(SimpleMDE.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(SimpleMDE.prototype), 'toggleFullScreen', _this2).call(_this2, self);
document.addEventListener("keydown", function () {
var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : window.event;
if (e.keyCode == 27) {
if (self.codemirror.getOption("fullScreen")) _action2.default.toggleFullScreen(self);
if (self.codemirror.getOption("fullScreen")) _get(SimpleMDE.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(SimpleMDE.prototype), 'toggleFullScreen', _this2).call(_this2, self);
}, false);
@ -17152,43 +17154,41 @@ var SimpleMDE = function (_Action) {
return createIcon(v, _this3.options.toolbarTips, _this3.options.shortcuts);
this.toolbar.every(function (v, i) {
if (nextLoop(v, i)) return false;
this.toolbar.forEach(function (v, i) {
if (nextLoop(v, i)) return;
// Create the icon and append to the toolbar
var el = createElement(v);
var isCustomMethods = typeof v.action === "function";
// bind events, special for info
if (v.action) {
if (typeof v.action === "function") {
el.onclick = function (e) {
if (typeof v.action === "string") {
el.href = v.action;
el.target = "_blank";
el.onclick = function (e) {
isCustomMethods ? v.action(_this3) : _get(SimpleMDE.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(SimpleMDE.prototype), v.action, _this3).call(_this3, _this3);
// Link can be converted to a function
// todo
// if(typeof v.action === "string") {
// el.href = v.action;
// el.target = "_blank";
// }
toolbarData[v.name || v] = el;
return true;
this.toolbarElements = toolbarData;
this.codemirror.on("cursorActivity", function () {
var stat = _base2.default.getState(_this3.codemirror);
console.log(toolbarData, 1);
for (var key in toolbarData) {
(function (key) {
var el = toolbarData[key];
if (stat[key]) {
el.className += " active";
} else if (key != "fullscreen" && key != "side-by-side") {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
var el = toolbarData[key];
if (stat[key]) {
el.className += " active";
} else if (key != "fullscreen" && key != "side-by-side") {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
@ -17306,122 +17306,13 @@ var SimpleMDE = function (_Action) {
return this;
}, {
key: 'toggleBold',
key: 'isPreviewActive',
* Bind instance methods for exports.
value: function toggleBold() {
}, {
key: 'toggleItalic',
value: function toggleItalic() {
}, {
key: 'toggleStrikethrough',
value: function toggleStrikethrough() {
}, {
key: 'toggleBlockquote',
value: function toggleBlockquote() {
}, {
key: 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
value: function toggleHeadingSmaller() {
}, {
key: 'toggleHeadingBigger',
value: function toggleHeadingBigger() {
}, {
key: 'toggleHeading1',
value: function toggleHeading1() {
}, {
key: 'toggleHeading2',
value: function toggleHeading2() {
}, {
key: 'toggleHeading3',
value: function toggleHeading3() {
}, {
key: 'toggleCodeBlock',
value: function toggleCodeBlock() {
}, {
key: 'toggleUnorderedList',
value: function toggleUnorderedList() {
}, {
key: 'toggleOrderedList',
value: function toggleOrderedList() {
}, {
key: 'cleanBlock',
value: function cleanBlock() {
}, {
key: 'drawLink',
value: function drawLink() {
}, {
key: 'drawImage',
value: function drawImage() {
}, {
key: 'drawTable',
value: function drawTable() {
}, {
key: 'drawHorizontalRule',
value: function drawHorizontalRule() {
}, {
key: 'undo',
value: function undo() {
}, {
key: 'redo',
value: function redo() {
}, {
key: 'togglePreview',
value: function togglePreview() {
}, {
key: 'toggleSideBySide',
value: function toggleSideBySide() {
}, {
key: 'toggleFullScreen',
value: function toggleFullScreen() {
}, {
key: 'isPreviewActive',
value: function isPreviewActive() {
var cm = this.codemirror;
var wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();

dist/simplemde.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -11,21 +11,21 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling bold.
static toggleBold (editor){
toggleBold (editor){
base.toggleBlock(editor, "bold", editor.options.blockStyles.bold);
* Action for toggling italic.
static toggleItalic (editor){
toggleItalic (editor){
base.toggleBlock(editor, "italic", editor.options.blockStyles.italic);
* Action for drawing a link.
static drawLink (editor){
drawLink (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling heading size: normal -> h1 -> h2 -> h3 -> h4 -> h5 -> h6 -> normal
static toggleHeadingSmaller (editor){
toggleHeadingSmaller (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleHeading(cm, "smaller");
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling heading size: normal -> h6 -> h5 -> h4 -> h3 -> h2 -> h1 -> normal
static toggleHeadingBigger (editor){
toggleHeadingBigger (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleHeading(cm, "bigger");
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for drawing an img.
static drawImage (editor){
drawImage (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling blockquote.
static toggleBlockquote (editor){
toggleBlockquote (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleLine(cm, "quote");
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling ol.
static toggleOrderedList (editor){
toggleOrderedList (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleLine(cm, "ordered-list");
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling ul.
static toggleUnorderedList (editor){
toggleUnorderedList (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleLine(cm, "unordered-list");
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling code block.
static toggleCodeBlock (editor){
toggleCodeBlock (editor){
let fenceCharsToInsert = editor.options.blockStyles.code;
const fencing_line = line =>{
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Toggle full screen of the editor.
static toggleFullScreen (editor){
toggleFullScreen (editor){
// Set fullscreen
let cm = editor.codemirror;
cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen"));
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Toggle side by side preview
static toggleSideBySide (editor){
toggleSideBySide (editor){
let cm = editor.codemirror;
let wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();
let preview = wrapper.nextSibling;
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Preview action.
static togglePreview (editor){
togglePreview (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const wrapper = cm.getWrapperElement();
let toolbar_div = wrapper.previousSibling;
@ -526,24 +526,24 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for toggling strikethrough.
static toggleStrikethrough (editor){
toggleStrikethrough (editor){
base.toggleBlock(editor, "strikethrough", "~~");
* Action for toggling heading size 1, 2, 3
static toggleHeading1 (editor){
toggleHeading1 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 1);
static toggleHeading2 (editor){
toggleHeading2 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 2);
static toggleHeading3 (editor){
toggleHeading3 (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
base.toggleHeading(cm, undefined, 3);
@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for clean block (remove headline, list, blockquote code, markers)
static cleanBlock (editor){
cleanBlock (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for drawing a table.
static drawTable (editor){
drawTable (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Action for drawing a horizontal rule.
static drawHorizontalRule (editor){
drawHorizontalRule (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
const stat = base.getState(cm);
const options = editor.options;
@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Undo action.
static undo (editor){
undo (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ export default class Action {
* Redo action.
static redo (editor){
redo (editor){
const cm = editor.codemirror;

View file

@ -4,28 +4,28 @@
import Action from './action'
export const bindings = {
"toggleBold": Action.toggleBold,
"toggleItalic": Action.toggleItalic,
"drawLink": Action.drawLink,
"toggleHeadingSmaller": Action.toggleHeadingSmaller,
"toggleHeadingBigger": Action.toggleHeadingBigger,
"drawImage": Action.drawImage,
"toggleBlockquote": Action.toggleBlockquote,
"toggleOrderedList": Action.toggleOrderedList,
"toggleUnorderedList": Action.toggleUnorderedList,
"toggleCodeBlock": Action.toggleCodeBlock,
"togglePreview": Action.togglePreview,
"toggleStrikethrough": Action.toggleStrikethrough,
"toggleHeading1": Action.toggleHeading1,
"toggleHeading2": Action.toggleHeading2,
"toggleHeading3": Action.toggleHeading3,
"cleanBlock": Action.cleanBlock,
"drawTable": Action.drawTable,
"drawHorizontalRule": Action.drawHorizontalRule,
"undo": Action.undo,
"redo": Action.redo,
"toggleSideBySide": Action.toggleSideBySide,
"toggleFullScreen": Action.toggleFullScreen
"toggleBold": 'toggleBold',
"toggleItalic": 'toggleItalic',
"drawLink": 'drawLink',
"toggleHeadingSmaller": 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
"toggleHeadingBigger": 'toggleHeadingBigger',
"drawImage": 'drawImage',
"toggleBlockquote": 'toggleBlockquote',
"toggleOrderedList": 'toggleOrderedList',
"toggleUnorderedList": 'toggleUnorderedList',
"toggleCodeBlock": 'toggleCodeBlock',
"togglePreview": 'togglePreview',
"toggleStrikethrough": 'toggleStrikethrough',
"toggleHeading1": 'toggleHeading1',
"toggleHeading2": 'toggleHeading2',
"toggleHeading3": 'toggleHeading3',
"cleanBlock": 'cleanBlock',
"drawTable": 'drawTable',
"drawHorizontalRule": 'drawHorizontalRule',
"undo": 'undo',
"redo": 'redo',
"toggleSideBySide": 'toggleSideBySide',
"toggleFullScreen": 'toggleFullScreen'
export const shortcuts = {
@ -48,58 +48,58 @@ export const shortcuts = {
export const toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"bold": {
name: "bold",
action: Action.toggleBold,
action: 'toggleBold',
className: "fa fa-bold",
title: "Bold",
default: true
"italic": {
name: "italic",
action: Action.toggleItalic,
action: 'toggleItalic',
className: "fa fa-italic",
title: "Italic",
default: true
"strikethrough": {
name: "strikethrough",
action: Action.toggleStrikethrough,
action: 'toggleStrikethrough',
className: "fa fa-strikethrough",
title: "Strikethrough"
"heading": {
name: "heading",
action: Action.toggleHeadingSmaller,
action: 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
className: "fa fa-header",
title: "Heading",
default: true
"heading-smaller": {
name: "heading-smaller",
action: Action.toggleHeadingSmaller,
action: 'toggleHeadingSmaller',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-smaller",
title: "Smaller Heading"
"heading-bigger": {
name: "heading-bigger",
action: Action.toggleHeadingBigger,
action: 'toggleHeadingBigger',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-bigger",
title: "Bigger Heading"
"heading-1": {
name: "heading-1",
action: Action.toggleHeading1,
action: 'toggleHeading1',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1",
title: "Big Heading"
"heading-2": {
name: "heading-2",
action: Action.toggleHeading2,
action: 'toggleHeading2',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2",
title: "Medium Heading"
"heading-3": {
name: "heading-3",
action: Action.toggleHeading3,
action: 'toggleHeading3',
className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3",
title: "Small Heading"
@ -108,34 +108,34 @@ export const toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"code": {
name: "code",
action: Action.toggleCodeBlock,
action: 'toggleCodeBlock',
className: "fa fa-code",
title: "Code"
"quote": {
name: "quote",
action: Action.toggleBlockquote,
action: 'toggleBlockquote',
className: "fa fa-quote-left",
title: "Quote",
default: true
"unordered-list": {
name: "unordered-list",
action: Action.toggleUnorderedList,
action: 'toggleUnorderedList',
className: "fa fa-list-ul",
title: "Generic List",
default: true
"ordered-list": {
name: "ordered-list",
action: Action.toggleOrderedList,
action: 'toggleOrderedList',
className: "fa fa-list-ol",
title: "Numbered List",
default: true
"clean-block": {
name: "clean-block",
action: Action.cleanBlock,
action: 'cleanBlock',
className: "fa fa-eraser fa-clean-block",
title: "Clean block"
@ -144,27 +144,27 @@ export const toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"link": {
name: "link",
action: Action.drawLink,
action: 'drawLink',
className: "fa fa-link",
title: "Create Link",
default: true
"image": {
name: "image",
action: Action.drawImage,
action: 'drawImage',
className: "fa fa-picture-o",
title: "Insert Image",
default: true
"table": {
name: "table",
action: Action.drawTable,
action: 'drawTable',
className: "fa fa-table",
title: "Insert Table"
"horizontal-rule": {
name: "horizontal-rule",
action: Action.drawHorizontalRule,
action: 'drawHorizontalRule',
className: "fa fa-minus",
title: "Insert Horizontal Line"
@ -173,21 +173,21 @@ export const toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"preview": {
name: "preview",
action: Action.togglePreview,
action: 'togglePreview',
className: "fa fa-eye no-disable",
title: "Toggle Preview",
default: true
"side-by-side": {
name: "side-by-side",
action: Action.toggleSideBySide,
action: 'toggleSideBySide',
className: "fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile",
title: "Toggle Side by Side",
default: true
"fullscreen": {
name: "fullscreen",
action: Action.toggleFullScreen,
action: 'toggleFullScreen',
className: "fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile",
title: "Toggle Fullscreen",
default: true
@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ export const toolbarBuiltInButtons = {
"undo": {
name: "undo",
action: Action.undo,
action: 'undo',
className: "fa fa-undo no-disable",
title: "Undo"
"redo": {
name: "redo",
action: Action.redo,
action: 'redo',
className: "fa fa-repeat no-disable",
title: "Redo"

View file

@ -179,18 +179,18 @@ class SimpleMDE extends Action {
for(const key in options.shortcuts) {
// null stands for "do not bind this command"
if(options.shortcuts[key] !== null && bindings[key] !== null) {
keyMaps[utils.fixShortcut(options.shortcuts[key])] = () => bindings[key](self);
keyMaps[utils.fixShortcut(options.shortcuts[key])] = () => super[bindings[key]](self);
keyMaps["Enter"] = "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList";
keyMaps["Tab"] = "tabAndIndentMarkdownList";
keyMaps["Shift-Tab"] = "shiftTabAndUnindentMarkdownList";
keyMaps["Esc"] = cm => cm.getOption("fullScreen") && Action.toggleFullScreen(self);
keyMaps["Esc"] = cm => cm.getOption("fullScreen") && super.toggleFullScreen(self);
document.addEventListener("keydown", (e = window.event) => {
if(e.keyCode == 27) {
if(self.codemirror.getOption("fullScreen")) Action.toggleFullScreen(self);
if(self.codemirror.getOption("fullScreen")) super.toggleFullScreen(self);
}, false);
@ -377,43 +377,40 @@ class SimpleMDE extends Action {
return createIcon(v, this.options.toolbarTips, this.options.shortcuts)
this.toolbar.every((v, i) => {
if(nextLoop(v, i)) return false;
this.toolbar.forEach((v, i) => {
if(nextLoop(v, i)) return;
// Create the icon and append to the toolbar
let el = createElement(v)
const el = createElement(v)
const isCustomMethods = typeof v.action === "function"
// bind events, special for info
if(v.action) {
if(typeof v.action === "function") {
el.onclick = e => {
if(typeof v.action === "string") {
el.href = v.action;
el.target = "_blank";
el.onclick = e => {
isCustomMethods ? v.action(this) : super[v.action](this)
// Link can be converted to a function
// todo
// if(typeof v.action === "string") {
// el.href = v.action;
// el.target = "_blank";
// }
toolbarData[v.name || v] = el;
return true;
this.toolbarElements = toolbarData;
this.codemirror.on("cursorActivity", () => {
let stat = base.getState(this.codemirror);
const stat = base.getState(this.codemirror);
for(const key in toolbarData) {
(function(key) {
let el = toolbarData[key];
if(stat[key]) {
el.className += " active";
} else if(key != "fullscreen" && key != "side-by-side") {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
let el = toolbarData[key];
if(stat[key]) {
el.className += " active";
} else if(key != "fullscreen" && key != "side-by-side") {
el.className = el.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "");
@ -513,73 +510,7 @@ class SimpleMDE extends Action {
* Bind instance methods for exports.
toggleBold() {
toggleItalic() {
toggleStrikethrough() {
toggleBlockquote() {
toggleHeadingSmaller() {
toggleHeadingBigger() {
toggleHeading1() {
toggleHeading2() {
toggleHeading3() {
toggleCodeBlock() {
toggleUnorderedList() {
toggleOrderedList() {
cleanBlock() {
drawLink() {
drawImage() {
drawTable() {
drawHorizontalRule() {
undo() {
redo() {
togglePreview() {
toggleSideBySide() {
toggleFullScreen() {
isPreviewActive() {
const cm = this.codemirror;