use actix_web::web; use serde_json::Value; use crate::debug; // checks to be done on user requests // if it returns true, cancels the request pub fn check_request(route: &str, body: &web::Bytes) -> bool { match route { "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/api/v1/form/update" => rq_form_update(body), _ => false, } } // prevents the user from doing anything other than link sharing. fn rq_form_update(body: &web::Bytes) -> bool { let req = String::from_utf8_lossy(body); // try to serialize the body. // If the parsing fails, drop the request let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&req).unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("check_request: failed to parse JSON: {}", e); Value::Null }); // if the type or isAnonymous is set (isn't null), // drop the request. // Also drop if v is null because of parsing fail. v == Value::Null || v["keyValuePairs"]["isAnonymous"] != Value::Null || v["keyValuePairs"]["access"]["type"] != Value::Null } // checks to be done on responses from the Nextcloud instance // if it returns true, cancels the request // NOTE: unused for now /*pub fn check_response(_route: &str, _body: &web::Bytes) -> bool { false }*/ // checks if a form has been created. // if it's the case, sets some parameters. // this part may need code quality improvements // the body MUST come from the "create new form" route // (this is checked upstream) // returns the form UID and the request body pub fn check_new_form(body: &web::Bytes) -> u64 { let req = String::from_utf8_lossy(body); // finds the form ID let v: Value = serde_json::from_str(&req).unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("check_new_form: failed to parse JSON: {}", e); Value::Null }); if v != Value::Null && v["ocs"].is_object() && v["ocs"]["data"].is_object() && v["ocs"]["data"]["id"] != Value::Null && v["ocs"]["data"]["isAnonymous"] == Value::Null { //getting form id let new_v_id = v["ocs"]["data"]["id"].as_u64().unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("check_new_form: failed to parse formid: {}", v); 0 }); new_v_id } else { eprintln!("error: check_new_form: can't find formid: {}", v); 0 } } // those routes won't be redirected const BLOCKED_ROUTES: &[&str] = &[ "/apps/settings", "/login", "/settings", "/ocs/v", "/remote.php", "/apps/files", "/core/templates/filepicker.html", ]; // ...except if they are in this list const ALLOWED_ROUTES: &[&str] = &[ "/ocs/v2.php/apps/forms/", "/status.php" ]; // checks if the accessed route is allowed for the user. // if it returns true, redirects elsewhere pub fn check_route(route: &str) -> bool { debug(route); for r in BLOCKED_ROUTES { if route.starts_with(r) { for s in ALLOWED_ROUTES { if route.starts_with(s) { return false; } } return true; } } false }