use serde_json::Value; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Read; use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufReader}; use std::path::Path; // payload limit set to 5MiB pub const PAYLOAD_LIMIT: usize = 10_000_000; pub const PROXY_TIMEOUT: u64 = 15; pub const CONFIG_FILE: &str = "./config.toml"; pub const CONFIG_VERSION: u8 = 2; pub const ADJ_LIST_FILE: &str = "./adj-list.txt"; pub const NAME_LIST_FILE: &str = "./name-list.txt"; pub const LOC_FILE: &str = "./lang.json"; lazy_static! { pub static ref CONFIG: Config = Config::init(); pub static ref ADJ_LIST: Vec = lines_from_file(ADJ_LIST_FILE).expect("Failed to load adjectives list"); pub static ref NAME_LIST: Vec = lines_from_file(NAME_LIST_FILE).expect("Failed to load names list"); pub static ref LOC: Value = init_lang(); } // Open LOC_FILE and store it in memory (LOC) fn init_lang() -> Value { let mut file = File::open(LOC_FILE).expect("init_lang: Can't open translations file"); let mut data = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut data) .expect("init_lang: Can't read translations file"); serde_json::from_str(&data).expect("init_lang(): Can't parse translations file") } // Open a file from its path fn lines_from_file(filename: impl AsRef) -> io::Result> { BufReader::new(File::open(filename)?).lines().collect() } #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct Config { pub listening_address: String, pub listening_port: u16, pub sncf_url: String, pub database_path: String, pub nextcloud_url: String, pub admin_username: String, pub admin_password: String, pub prune_days: u16, pub debug_mode: bool, pub cookie_key: String, pub config_version: u8, } // totally not copypasted from rs-short impl Config { // open and parse CONFIG_FILE pub fn init() -> Self { let mut conffile = File::open(CONFIG_FILE).expect( r#"Config file config.toml not found. Please create it using config.toml.sample."#, ); let mut confstr = String::new(); conffile .read_to_string(&mut confstr) .expect("Couldn't read config to string"); toml::from_str(&confstr).expect("Couldn't deserialize the config. Please update at --- Error") } // if config.config_version doesn't match the hardcoded version, // ask the admin to manually upgrade its config file pub fn check_version(&self) { if self.config_version != CONFIG_VERSION { eprintln!("Your configuration file is obsolete!\nPlease update it following the instructions in and update its version to {}.", CONFIG_VERSION); panic!(); } } } pub fn get_csrf_key() -> [u8; 32] { let mut key: [u8; 32] = Default::default(); key.copy_from_slice(&CONFIG.cookie_key.clone().into_bytes()[..32]); key }