Git Subtree Splitter ==================== **splitsh-lite** replaces the `subtree split` Git built-in command to make **splitting a monolithic repository** to read-only standalone repositories **easy and fast**. Why do I need this tool? ------------------------ When starting a project, do you store all the code in one repository? Or are you creating many standalone repositories? Both strategies work well and both have drawbacks as well. **splitsh** helps use both strategies by providing tools that automatically **synchronize a monolithic repository to standalone repositories** in real-time. **splitsh-lite** is a sub-project that provides a faster implementation of the `git subtree split` command, which helps create standalone repositories for one or more sub-directories of a main repository. If you want to learn more about monorepo vs manyrepos, watch this [4-minute lightning talk]( I gave at dotScale (or [read the slides]( or watch the longer version from [DrupalCon]( Installation ------------ The fastest way to get started is to download a [binary][1] for your platform. You can also [install it manually](#manual-installation). Usage ----- Let say you want to split the `lib/` directory of a repository to its own branch; from the "master" Git repository (bare or clone), run: ```bash splitsh-lite --prefix=lib/ ``` The *sha1* of the split is displayed at the end of the execution: ```bash SHA1=`splitsh-lite --prefix=lib/` ``` The sha1 can be used to create a branch or to push the commits to a new repository. Automatically create a branch for the split by passing a branch name via the `--target` option: ```bash splitsh-lite --prefix=lib/ --target=branch-name ``` If new commits are made on the repository, update the split by running the same command again. Updates are much faster as **splitsh-lite** keeps a cache of already split commits. Caching is possible as **splitsh-lite** guarantees that two splits of the same code always results in the same history and the same `sha1`s for each commit. By default, **splitsh-lite** splits the current checkout-ed branch but you can split a different branch by passing it explicitly via the `--origin` flag (mandatory when splitting a bare repository): ```bash splitsh-lite --prefix=lib/ --origin=origin/master ``` You don't even need to run the command from the Git repository directory if you pass the `--path` option: ```bash splitsh-lite --prefix=lib/ --origin=origin/1.0 --path=/path/to/repo ``` Available options: * `--prefix` is the prefix of the directory to split; you can put the split contents in a sub-directory of the target repository by using the `--prefix=from:to` syntax; split several directories by passing multiple `--prefix` flags; * `--path` is the path of the repository to split (current directory by default); * `--origin` is the Git reference for the origin (can be any Git reference like `HEAD`, `heads/xxx`, `tags/xxx`, `origin/xxx`, or any `refs/xxx`); * `--target` creates a reference for the tip of the split (can be any Git reference like `HEAD`, `heads/xxx`, `tags/xxx`, `origin/xxx`, or any `refs/xxx`); * `--progress` displays a progress bar; * `--quiet` suppresses all output on stderr (useful when run from an automated script); * `--scratch` flushes the cache (useful when a branch is force pushed or in case of a cache corruption); Migrating from `git subtree split` ---------------------------------- Migrating from `git subtree split` to `splith-lite` is easy as both tools generate the same `sha1`s. However, note that older versions of `git subtree split` used broken algorithms, and so generated different `sha1`s than the latest version. You can simulate those version via the `--git` flag. Use `<1.8.2` or `<2.8.0` depending on which version of `git subtree split` you want to simulate. Manual Installation ------------------- If you want to contribute to `splitsh-lite` or use it as a library, you first need to install `libgit2`: ```bash go get -d cd $GOPATH/src/ git checkout next git submodule update --init make install ``` Then, compile `splitsh-lite`: ```bash go get go build -o splitsh-lite ``` If everything goes fine, a `splitsh-lite` binary should be available in the current directory. [1]: