
427 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
const cheerio = require("cheerio");
const request = require("request");
const URL = require("url").URL;
const mime = require("mime-types");
const Helper = require("../../helper");
const cleanIrcMessage = require("../../../client/js/libs/handlebars/ircmessageparser/cleanIrcMessage");
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
const findLinks = require("../../../client/js/libs/handlebars/ircmessageparser/findLinks");
const storage = require("../storage");
const currentFetchPromises = new Map();
const mediaTypeRegex = /^(audio|video)\/.+/;
// Fix ECDH curve client compatibility in Node v8/v9
// This is fixed in Node 10, but The Lounge supports LTS versions
const tls = require("tls");
const semver = require("semver");
if (semver.gte(process.version, "8.6.0") && tls.DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE === "prime256v1") {
tls.DEFAULT_ECDH_CURVE = "auto";
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
module.exports = function(client, chan, msg) {
if (!Helper.config.prefetch) {
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
// Remove all IRC formatting characters before searching for links
const cleanText = cleanIrcMessage(msg.text);
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
msg.previews = findLinks(cleanText).reduce((cleanLinks, link) => {
const url = normalizeURL(;
// If the URL is invalid and cannot be normalized, don't fetch it
if (url === null) {
return cleanLinks;
// If there are too many urls in this message, only fetch first X valid links
if (cleanLinks.length > 4) {
return cleanLinks;
// Do not fetch duplicate links twice
if (cleanLinks.some((l) => === {
return cleanLinks;
const preview = {
type: "loading",
head: "",
body: "",
thumb: "",
link:, // Send original matched link to the client
shown: true,
fetch(url, {
2018-03-23 15:50:52 +01:00
accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8",
language: client.language,
}).then((res) => {
parse(msg, preview, res, client);
}).catch((err) => {
preview.type = "error";
preview.error = "message";
preview.message = err.message;
handlePreview(client, msg, preview, null);
return cleanLinks;
}, []);
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
function parseHtml(preview, res, client) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
2018-01-11 12:33:36 +01:00
const $ = cheerio.load(;
return parseHtmlMedia($, preview, res, client)
.then((newRes) => resolve(newRes))
.catch(() => {
preview.type = "link";
preview.head =
|| $("head > title, title").first().text()
|| "";
preview.body =
|| $('meta[name="description"]').attr("content")
|| "";
preview.thumb =
|| $('meta[name="twitter:image:src"]').attr("content")
|| $('link[rel="image_src"]').attr("href")
|| "";
// Make sure thumbnail is a valid and absolute url
if (preview.thumb.length) {
preview.thumb = normalizeURL(preview.thumb, || "";
// Verify that thumbnail pic exists and is under allowed size
if (preview.thumb.length) {
fetch(preview.thumb, {language: client.language}).then((resThumb) => {
if (resThumb === null
|| !(/^image\/.+/.test(resThumb.type))
|| resThumb.size > (Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024)) {
preview.thumb = "";
}).catch(() => {
preview.thumb = "";
} else {
function parseHtmlMedia($, preview, res, client) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let foundMedia = false;
["video", "audio"].forEach((type) => {
if (foundMedia) {
$(`meta[property="og:${type}:type"]`).each(function(i) {
const mimeType = $(this).attr("content");
if (mediaTypeRegex.test(mimeType)) {
// If we match a clean video or audio tag, parse that as a preview instead
let mediaUrl = $($(`meta[property="og:${type}"]`).get(i)).attr("content");
// Make sure media is a valid url
mediaUrl = normalizeURL(mediaUrl,, true);
// Make sure media is a valid url
if (!mediaUrl) {
foundMedia = true;
fetch(mediaUrl, {
2018-03-23 15:50:52 +01:00
accept: type === "video" ?
"video/webm,video/ogg,video/*;q=0.9,application/ogg;q=0.7,audio/*;q=0.6,*/*;q=0.5" :
"audio/webm, audio/ogg, audio/wav, audio/*;q=0.9, application/ogg;q=0.7, video/*;q=0.6; */*;q=0.5",
language: client.language,
}).then((resMedia) => {
if (resMedia === null || !mediaTypeRegex.test(resMedia.type)) {
return reject();
preview.type = type; = mediaUrl;
preview.mediaType = resMedia.type;
return false;
if (!foundMedia) {
function parse(msg, preview, res, client) {
let promise;
switch (res.type) {
case "text/html":
promise = parseHtml(preview, res, client);
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
case "image/png":
case "image/gif":
case "image/jpg":
case "image/jpeg":
2017-11-27 14:50:35 +01:00
case "image/webp":
if (res.size > (Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024)) {
preview.type = "error";
2017-12-28 22:31:19 +01:00
preview.error = "image-too-big";
preview.maxSize = Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024;
} else {
preview.type = "image";
preview.thumb =;
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
2017-12-06 23:27:35 +01:00
case "audio/midi":
case "audio/mpeg":
case "audio/mpeg3":
case "audio/ogg":
case "audio/wav":
case "audio/x-mid":
case "audio/x-midi":
case "audio/x-mpeg":
case "audio/x-mpeg-3":
if (!"https://")) {
2017-12-06 23:27:35 +01:00
preview.type = "audio"; =;
preview.mediaType = res.type;
2017-12-10 00:25:01 +01:00
case "video/webm":
case "video/ogg":
case "video/mp4":
if (!"https://")) {
2017-12-10 00:25:01 +01:00
preview.type = "video"; =;
preview.mediaType = res.type;
2017-12-10 00:25:01 +01:00
2017-12-06 23:27:35 +01:00
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
return removePreview(msg, preview);
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
2014-09-28 01:47:04 +02:00
if (!promise) {
return handlePreview(client, msg, preview, res);
promise.then((newRes) => handlePreview(client, msg, preview, newRes));
function handlePreview(client, msg, preview, res) {
if (!preview.thumb.length || !Helper.config.prefetchStorage) {
return emitPreview(client, msg, preview);
// Get the correct file extension for the provided content-type
// This is done to prevent user-input being stored in the file name (extension)
const extension = mime.extension(res.type);
if (!extension) {
// For link previews, drop the thumbnail
// For other types, do not display preview at all
if (preview.type !== "link") {
return removePreview(msg, preview);
preview.thumb = "";
return emitPreview(client, msg, preview);
}, extension, (uri) => {
preview.thumb = uri;
emitPreview(client, msg, preview);
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
function emitPreview(client, msg, preview) {
// If there is no title but there is preview or description, set title
// otherwise bail out and show no preview
2017-06-26 11:01:55 +02:00
if (!preview.head.length && preview.type === "link") {
if (preview.thumb.length || preview.body.length) {
preview.head = "Untitled page";
} else {
return removePreview(msg, preview);
const id =;
client.emit("msg:preview", {id, preview});
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
function removePreview(msg, preview) {
// If a preview fails to load, remove the link from msg object
// So that client doesn't attempt to display an preview on page reload
const index = msg.previews.indexOf(preview);
if (index > -1) {
msg.previews.splice(index, 1);
2018-03-23 15:50:52 +01:00
function getRequestHeaders(headers) {
const formattedHeaders = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; The Lounge IRC Client; +",
2018-03-24 21:53:02 +01:00
"Accept": headers.accept || "*/*",
"X-Purpose": "preview",
2018-03-23 15:50:52 +01:00
if (headers.language) {
formattedHeaders["Accept-Language"] = headers.language;
2018-03-23 15:50:52 +01:00
return formattedHeaders;
function fetch(uri, headers) {
// Stringify the object otherwise the objects won't compute to the same value
const cacheKey = JSON.stringify([uri, headers]);
let promise = currentFetchPromises.get(cacheKey);
if (promise) {
return promise;
2015-01-04 03:58:12 +01:00
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let req;
try {
req = request.get({
url: uri,
maxRedirects: 5,
timeout: 5000,
headers: getRequestHeaders(headers),
} catch (e) {
return reject(e);
const buffers = [];
let length = 0;
let limit = Helper.config.prefetchMaxImageSize * 1024;
.on("response", function(res) {
if (/^image\/.+/.test(res.headers["content-type"])) {
// response is an image
// if Content-Length header reports a size exceeding the prefetch limit, abort fetch
const contentLength = parseInt(res.headers["content-length"], 10) || 0;
if (contentLength > limit) {
} else if (mediaTypeRegex.test(res.headers["content-type"])) {
// We don't need to download the file any further after we received content-type header
} else {
// if not image, limit download to 50kb, since we need only meta tags
// sends opengraph meta tags within ~20kb of data for individual tweets
limit = 1024 * 50;
.on("error", (e) => reject(e))
.on("data", (data) => {
length += data.length;
if (length > limit) {
.on("end", () => {
if (req.response.statusCode < 200 || req.response.statusCode > 299) {
return reject(new Error(`HTTP ${req.response.statusCode}`));
let type = "";
let size = parseInt(req.response.headers["content-length"], 10) || length;
if (size < length) {
size = length;
if (req.response.headers["content-type"]) {
type = req.response.headers["content-type"].split(/ *; */).shift();
const data = Buffer.concat(buffers, length);
resolve({data, type, size});
const removeCache = () => currentFetchPromises.delete(cacheKey);
currentFetchPromises.set(cacheKey, promise);
return promise;
2014-09-27 21:17:05 +02:00
function normalizeURL(link, baseLink, disallowHttp = false) {
try {
const url = new URL(link, baseLink);
// Only fetch http and https links
if (url.protocol !== "http:" && url.protocol !== "https:") {
return null;
if (disallowHttp && url.protocol === "http:") {
return null;
// Do not fetch links without hostname or ones that contain authorization
if (!url.hostname || url.username || url.password) {
return null;
// Drop hash from the url, if any
url.hash = "";
return url.toString();
} catch (e) {
// if an exception was thrown, the url is not valid
return null;