/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ import path from "path"; import fs, {Stats} from "fs"; import os from "os"; import _ from "lodash"; import colors from "chalk"; import log from "./log"; import Helper from "./helper"; import Utils from "./command-line/utils"; import Network from "./models/network"; // TODO: Type this export type WebIRC = { [key: string]: any; }; type Https = { enable: boolean; key: string; certificate: string; ca: string; }; type FileUpload = { enable: boolean; maxFileSize: number; baseUrl?: string; }; export type Defaults = Pick< Network, | "name" | "host" | "port" | "password" | "tls" | "rejectUnauthorized" | "nick" | "username" | "realname" | "leaveMessage" | "sasl" | "saslAccount" | "saslPassword" > & { join?: string; }; type Identd = { enable: boolean; port: number; }; type SearchDN = { rootDN: string; rootPassword: string; filter: string; base: string; scope: string; }; type Ldap = { enable: boolean; url: string; tlsOptions: any; primaryKey: string; searchDN: SearchDN; baseDN?: string; }; type TlsOptions = any; type Debug = { ircFramework: boolean; raw: boolean; }; export type ConfigType = { public: boolean; host: string | undefined; port: number; bind: string | undefined; reverseProxy: boolean; maxHistory: number; https: Https; theme: string; prefetch: boolean; disableMediaPreview: boolean; prefetchStorage: boolean; prefetchMaxImageSize: number; prefetchMaxSearchSize: number; prefetchTimeout: number; fileUpload: FileUpload; transports: string[]; leaveMessage: string; defaults: Defaults; lockNetwork: boolean; messageStorage: string[]; useHexIp: boolean; webirc?: WebIRC; identd: Identd; oidentd?: string; ldap: Ldap; debug: Debug; themeColor: string; }; class Config { values = require(path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "..", "defaults", "config.js") )) as ConfigType; #homePath = ""; getHomePath() { return this.#homePath; } getConfigPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "config.js"); } getUserLogsPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "logs"); } getStoragePath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "storage"); } getFileUploadPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "uploads"); } getUsersPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "users"); } getUserConfigPath(name: string) { return path.join(this.getUsersPath(), `${name}.json`); } getClientCertificatesPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "certificates"); } getPackagesPath() { return path.join(this.#homePath, "packages"); } getPackageModulePath(packageName: string) { return path.join(this.getPackagesPath(), "node_modules", packageName); } getDefaultNick() { if (!this.values.defaults.nick) { return "thelounge"; } return this.values.defaults.nick.replace(/%/g, () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 10).toString() ); } merge(newConfig: ConfigType) { this._merge_config_objects(this.values, newConfig); } _merge_config_objects(oldConfig: ConfigType, newConfig: ConfigType) { // semi exposed function so that we can test it // it mutates the oldConfig, but returns it as a convenience for testing for (const key in newConfig) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(oldConfig, key)) { log.warn(`Unknown key "${colors.bold(key)}", please verify your config.`); } } return _.mergeWith(oldConfig, newConfig, (objValue, srcValue, key) => { // Do not override config variables if the type is incorrect (e.g. object changed into a string) if ( typeof objValue !== "undefined" && objValue !== null && typeof objValue !== typeof srcValue ) { log.warn(`Incorrect type for "${colors.bold(key)}", please verify your config.`); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return objValue; } // For arrays, simply override the value with user provided one. if (_.isArray(objValue)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return srcValue; } }); } setHome(newPath: string) { this.#homePath = Helper.expandHome(newPath); // Reload config from new home location const configPath = this.getConfigPath(); if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) { const userConfig = require(configPath); if (_.isEmpty(userConfig)) { log.warn( `The file located at ${colors.green( configPath )} does not appear to expose anything.` ); log.warn( `Make sure it is non-empty and the configuration is exported using ${colors.bold( "module.exports = { ... }" )}.` ); log.warn("Using default configuration..."); } this.merge(userConfig); } if (this.values.fileUpload.baseUrl) { try { new URL("test/file.png", this.values.fileUpload.baseUrl); } catch (e: any) { this.values.fileUpload.baseUrl = undefined; log.warn( `The ${colors.bold("fileUpload.baseUrl")} you specified is invalid: ${String( e )}` ); } } const manifestPath = Utils.getFileFromRelativeToRoot("public", "thelounge.webmanifest"); // Check if manifest exists, if not, the app most likely was not built if (!fs.existsSync(manifestPath)) { log.error( `The client application was not built. Run ${colors.bold( "NODE_ENV=production yarn build" )} to resolve this.` ); process.exit(1); } // Load theme color from the web manifest const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(manifestPath, "utf8")); this.values.themeColor = manifest.theme_color; // log dir probably shouldn't be world accessible. // Create it with the desired permission bits if it doesn't exist yet. let logsStat: Stats | undefined = undefined; const userLogsPath = this.getUserLogsPath(); try { logsStat = fs.statSync(userLogsPath); } catch { // ignored on purpose, node v14.17.0 will give us {throwIfNoEntry: false} } if (!logsStat) { try { fs.mkdirSync(userLogsPath, {recursive: true, mode: 0o750}); } catch (e: any) { log.error("Unable to create logs directory", e); } } else if (logsStat && logsStat.mode & 0o001) { log.warn( "contents of", userLogsPath, "can be accessed by any user, the log files may be exposed" ); if (os.platform() !== "win32") { log.warn(`run \`chmod o-x ${userLogsPath}\` to correct it`); } } } } export default new Config();