{ "⁉️": "exclamation question mark", "™️": "trade mark", "ℹ️": "information", "↔️": "left-right arrow", "↕️": "up-down arrow", "↖️": "up-left arrow", "↗️": "up-right arrow", "↘️": "down-right arrow", "↙️": "down-left arrow", "⌨️": "keyboard", "☀️": "sun", "☁️": "cloud", "☂️": "umbrella", "☃️": "snowman", "☄️": "comet", "☑️": "ballot box with check", "☔": "umbrella with rain drops", "☕": "hot beverage", "☘️": "shamrock", "☠️": "skull and crossbones", "☢️": "radioactive", "☣️": "biohazard", "☦️": "orthodox cross", "☸️": "wheel of dharma", "☹️": "frowning face", "♀️": "female sign", "♂️": "male sign", "♈": "Aries", "♉": "Taurus", "♐": "Sagittarius", "♑": "Capricorn", "♒": "Aquarius", "♓": "Pisces", "♠️": "spade suit", "♣️": "club suit", "♥️": "heart suit", "♦️": "diamond suit", "♨️": "hot springs", "⚒️": "hammer and pick", "⚓": "anchor", "⚔️": "crossed swords", "⚕️": "medical symbol", "⚖️": "balance scale", "⚗️": "alembic", "⚙️": "gear", "✂️": "scissors", "✅": "white heavy check mark", "✈️": "airplane", "✉️": "envelope", "✒️": "black nib", "✔️": "heavy check mark", "✖️": "heavy multiplication x", "✡️": "star of David", "✨": "sparkles", "✳️": "eight-spoked asterisk", "✴️": "eight-pointed star", "❄️": "snowflake", "❇️": "sparkle", "❓": "question mark", "❔": "white question mark", "❕": "white exclamation mark", "❗": "exclamation mark", "❣️": "heavy heart exclamation", "❤️": "red heart", "➕": "heavy plus sign", "➖": "heavy minus sign", "➗": "heavy division sign", "⤴️": "right arrow curving up", "⤵️": "right arrow curving down", "〰️": "wavy dash", "㊗️": "Japanese “congratulations” button", "㊙️": "Japanese “secret” button", "😀": "grinning face", "😃": "smiling face with open mouth", "😄": "smiling face with open mouth & smiling eyes", "😁": "grinning face with smiling eyes", "😆": "smiling face with open mouth & closed eyes", "😅": "smiling face with open mouth & cold sweat", "😂": "face with tears of joy", "🤣": "rolling on the floor laughing", "☺️": "smiling face", "😊": "smiling face with smiling eyes", "😇": "smiling face with halo", "🙂": "slightly smiling face", "🙃": "upside-down face", "😉": "winking face", "😌": "relieved face", "😍": "smiling face with heart-eyes", "😘": "face blowing a kiss", "😗": "kissing face", "😙": "kissing face with smiling eyes", "😚": "kissing face with closed eyes", "😋": "face savouring delicious food", "😜": "face with stuck-out tongue & winking eye", "😝": "face with stuck-out tongue & closed eyes", "😛": "face with stuck-out tongue", "🤑": "money-mouth face", "🤗": "hugging face", "🤓": "nerd face", "😎": "smiling face with sunglasses", "🤡": "clown face", "🤠": "cowboy hat face", "😏": "smirking face", "😒": "unamused face", "😞": "disappointed face", "😔": "pensive face", "😟": "worried face", "😕": "confused face", "🙁": "slightly frowning face", "😣": "persevering face", "😖": "confounded face", "😫": "tired face", "😩": "weary face", "😤": "face with steam from nose", "😠": "angry face", "😡": "pouting face", "😶": "face without mouth", "😐": "neutral face", "😑": "expressionless face", "😯": "hushed face", "😦": "frowning face with open mouth", "😧": "anguished face", "😮": "face with open mouth", "😲": "astonished face", "😵": "dizzy face", "😳": "flushed face", "😱": "face screaming in fear", "😨": "fearful face", "😰": "face with open mouth & cold sweat", "😢": "crying face", "😥": "disappointed but relieved face", "🤤": "drooling face", "😭": "loudly crying face", "😓": "face with cold sweat", "😪": "sleepy face", "😴": "sleeping face", "🙄": "face with rolling eyes", "🤔": "thinking face", "🤥": "lying face", "😬": "grimacing face", "🤐": "zipper-mouth face", "🤢": "nauseated face", "🤧": "sneezing face", "😷": "face with medical mask", "🤒": "face with thermometer", "🤕": "face with head-bandage", "😈": "smiling face with horns", "👿": "angry face with horns", "👹": "ogre", "👺": "goblin", "💩": "pile of poo", "👻": "ghost", "💀": "skull", "👽": "alien", "👾": "alien monster", "🤖": "robot face", "🎃": "jack-o-lantern", "😺": "smiling cat face with open mouth", "😸": "grinning cat face with smiling eyes", "😹": "cat face with tears of joy", "😻": "smiling cat face with heart-eyes", "😼": "cat face with wry smile", "😽": "kissing cat face with closed eyes", "🙀": "weary cat face", "😿": "crying cat face", "😾": "pouting cat face", "👐": "open hands", "👐🏻": "open hands: light skin tone", "👐🏼": "open hands: medium-light skin tone", "👐🏽": "open hands: medium skin tone", "👐🏾": "open hands: medium-dark skin tone", "👐🏿": "open hands: dark skin tone", "🙌": "raising hands", "🙌🏻": "raising hands: light skin tone", "🙌🏼": "raising hands: medium-light skin tone", "🙌🏽": "raising hands: medium skin tone", "🙌🏾": "raising hands: medium-dark skin tone", "🙌🏿": "raising hands: dark skin tone", "👏": "clapping hands", "👏🏻": "clapping hands: light skin tone", "👏🏼": "clapping hands: medium-light skin tone", "👏🏽": "clapping hands: medium skin tone", "👏🏾": "clapping hands: medium-dark skin tone", "👏🏿": "clapping hands: dark skin tone", "🙏": "folded hands", "🙏🏻": "folded hands: light skin tone", "🙏🏼": "folded hands: medium-light skin tone", "🙏🏽": "folded hands: medium skin tone", "🙏🏾": "folded hands: medium-dark skin tone", "🙏🏿": "folded hands: dark skin tone", "🤝": "handshake", "👍": "thumbs up", "👍🏻": "thumbs up: light skin tone", "👍🏼": "thumbs up: medium-light skin tone", "👍🏽": "thumbs up: medium skin tone", "👍🏾": "thumbs up: medium-dark skin tone", "👍🏿": "thumbs up: dark skin tone", "👎": "thumbs down", "👎🏻": "thumbs down: light skin tone", "👎🏼": "thumbs down: medium-light skin tone", "👎🏽": "thumbs down: medium skin tone", "👎🏾": "thumbs down: medium-dark skin tone", "👎🏿": "thumbs down: dark skin tone", "👊": "oncoming fist", "👊🏻": "oncoming fist: light skin tone", "👊🏼": "oncoming fist: medium-light skin tone", "👊🏽": "oncoming fist: medium skin tone", "👊🏾": "oncoming fist: medium-dark skin tone", "👊🏿": "oncoming fist: dark skin tone", "✊": "raised fist", "✊🏻": "raised fist: light skin tone", "✊🏼": "raised fist: medium-light skin tone", "✊🏽": "raised fist: medium skin tone", "✊🏾": "raised fist: medium-dark skin tone", "✊🏿": "raised fist: dark skin tone", "🤛": "left-facing fist", "🤛🏻": "left-facing fist: light skin tone", "🤛🏼": "left-facing fist: medium-light skin tone", "🤛🏽": "left-facing fist: medium skin tone", "🤛🏾": "left-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone", "🤛🏿": "left-facing fist: dark skin tone", "🤜": "right-facing fist", "🤜🏻": "right-facing fist: light skin tone", "🤜🏼": "right-facing fist: medium-light skin tone", "🤜🏽": "right-facing fist: medium skin tone", "🤜🏾": "right-facing fist: medium-dark skin tone", "🤜🏿": "right-facing fist: dark skin tone", "🤞": "crossed fingers", "🤞🏻": "crossed fingers: light skin tone", "🤞🏼": "crossed fingers: medium-light skin tone", "🤞🏽": "crossed fingers: medium skin tone", "🤞🏾": "crossed fingers: medium-dark skin tone", "🤞🏿": "crossed fingers: dark skin tone", "✌️": "victory hand", "✌🏻": "victory hand: light skin tone", "✌🏼": "victory hand: medium-light skin tone", "✌🏽": "victory hand: medium skin tone", "✌🏾": "victory hand: medium-dark skin tone", "✌🏿": "victory hand: dark skin tone", "🤘": "sign of the horns", "🤘🏻": "sign of the horns: light skin tone", "🤘🏼": "sign of the horns: medium-light skin tone", "🤘🏽": "sign of the horns: medium skin tone", "🤘🏾": "sign of the horns: medium-dark skin tone", "🤘🏿": "sign of the horns: dark skin tone", "👌": "OK hand", "👌🏻": "OK hand: light skin tone", "👌🏼": "OK hand: medium-light skin tone", "👌🏽": "OK hand: medium skin tone", "👌🏾": "OK hand: medium-dark skin tone", "👌🏿": "OK hand: dark skin tone", "👈": "backhand index pointing left", "👈🏻": "backhand index pointing left: light skin tone", "👈🏼": "backhand index pointing left: medium-light skin tone", "👈🏽": "backhand index pointing left: medium skin tone", "👈🏾": "backhand index pointing left: medium-dark skin tone", "👈🏿": "backhand index pointing left: dark skin tone", "👉": "backhand index pointing right", "👉🏻": "backhand index pointing right: light skin tone", "👉🏼": "backhand index pointing right: medium-light skin tone", "👉🏽": "backhand index pointing right: medium skin tone", "👉🏾": "backhand index pointing right: medium-dark skin tone", "👉🏿": "backhand index pointing right: dark skin tone", "👆": "backhand index pointing up", "👆🏻": "backhand index pointing up: light skin tone", "👆🏼": "backhand index pointing up: medium-light skin tone", "👆🏽": "backhand index pointing up: medium skin tone", "👆🏾": "backhand index pointing up: medium-dark skin tone", "👆🏿": "backhand index pointing up: dark skin tone", "👇": "backhand index pointing down", "👇🏻": "backhand index pointing down: light skin tone", "👇🏼": "backhand index pointing down: medium-light skin tone", "👇🏽": "backhand index pointing down: medium skin tone", "👇🏾": "backhand index pointing down: medium-dark skin tone", "👇🏿": "backhand index pointing down: dark skin tone", "☝️": "index pointing up", "☝🏻": "index pointing up: light skin tone", "☝🏼": "index pointing up: medium-light skin tone", "☝🏽": "index pointing up: medium skin tone", "☝🏾": "index pointing up: medium-dark skin tone", "☝🏿": "index pointing up: dark skin tone", "✋": "raised hand", "✋🏻": "raised hand: light skin tone", "✋🏼": "raised hand: medium-light skin tone", "✋🏽": "raised hand: medium skin tone", "✋🏾": "raised hand: medium-dark skin tone", "✋🏿": "raised hand: dark skin tone", "🤚": "raised back of hand", "🤚🏻": "raised back of hand: light skin tone", "🤚🏼": "raised back of hand: medium-light skin tone", "🤚🏽": "raised back of hand: medium skin tone", "🤚🏾": "raised back of hand: medium-dark skin tone", "🤚🏿": "raised back of hand: dark skin tone", "🖐️": "raised hand with fingers splayed", "🖐🏻": "raised hand with fingers splayed: light skin tone", "🖐🏼": "raised hand with fingers splayed: medium-light skin tone", "🖐🏽": "raised hand with fingers splayed: medium skin tone", "🖐🏾": "raised hand with fingers splayed: medium-dark skin tone", "🖐🏿": "raised hand with fingers splayed: dark skin tone", "🖖": "vulcan salute", "🖖🏻": "vulcan salute: light skin tone", "🖖🏼": "vulcan salute: medium-light skin tone", "🖖🏽": "vulcan salute: medium skin tone", "🖖🏾": "vulcan salute: medium-dark skin tone", "🖖🏿": "vulcan salute: dark skin tone", "👋": "waving hand", "👋🏻": "waving hand: light skin tone", "👋🏼": "waving hand: medium-light skin tone", "👋🏽": "waving hand: medium skin tone", "👋🏾": "waving hand: medium-dark skin tone", "👋🏿": "waving hand: dark skin tone", "🤙": "call me hand", "🤙🏻": "call me hand: light skin tone", "🤙🏼": "call me hand: medium-light skin tone", "🤙🏽": "call me hand: medium skin tone", "🤙🏾": "call me hand: medium-dark skin tone", "🤙🏿": "call me hand: dark skin tone", "💪": "flexed biceps", "💪🏻": "flexed biceps: light skin tone", "💪🏼": "flexed biceps: medium-light skin tone", "💪🏽": "flexed biceps: medium skin tone", "💪🏾": "flexed biceps: medium-dark skin tone", "💪🏿": "flexed biceps: dark skin tone", "🖕": "middle finger", "🖕🏻": "middle finger: light skin tone", "🖕🏼": "middle finger: medium-light skin tone", "🖕🏽": "middle finger: medium skin tone", "🖕🏾": "middle finger: medium-dark skin tone", "🖕🏿": "middle finger: dark skin tone", "✍️": "writing hand", "✍🏻": "writing hand: light skin tone", "✍🏼": "writing hand: medium-light skin tone", "✍🏽": "writing hand: medium skin tone", "✍🏾": "writing hand: medium-dark skin tone", "✍🏿": "writing hand: dark skin tone", "🤳": "selfie", "🤳🏻": "selfie: light skin tone", "🤳🏼": "selfie: medium-light skin tone", "🤳🏽": "selfie: medium skin tone", "🤳🏾": "selfie: medium-dark skin tone", "🤳🏿": "selfie: dark skin tone", "💅": "nail polish", "💅🏻": "nail polish: light skin tone", "💅🏼": "nail polish: medium-light skin tone", "💅🏽": "nail polish: medium skin tone", "💅🏾": "nail polish: medium-dark skin tone", "💅🏿": "nail polish: dark skin tone", "💍": "ring", "💄": "lipstick", "💋": "kiss mark", "👄": "mouth", "👅": "tongue", "👂": "ear", "👂🏻": "ear: light skin tone", "👂🏼": "ear: medium-light skin tone", "👂🏽": "ear: medium skin tone", "👂🏾": "ear: medium-dark skin tone", "👂🏿": "ear: dark skin tone", "👃": "nose", "👃🏻": "nose: light skin tone", "👃🏼": "nose: medium-light skin tone", "👃🏽": "nose: medium skin tone", "👃🏾": "nose: medium-dark skin tone", "👃🏿": "nose: dark skin tone", "👣": "footprints", "👁️": "eye", "👀": "eyes", "🗣️": "speaking head", "👤": "bust in silhouette", "👥": "busts in silhouette", "👶": "baby", "👶🏻": "baby: light skin tone", "👶🏼": "baby: medium-light skin tone", "👶🏽": "baby: medium skin tone", "👶🏾": "baby: medium-dark skin tone", "👶🏿": "baby: dark skin tone", "👦": "boy", "👦🏻": "boy: light skin tone", "👦🏼": "boy: medium-light skin tone", "👦🏽": "boy: medium skin tone", "👦🏾": "boy: medium-dark skin tone", "👦🏿": "boy: dark skin tone", "👧": "girl", "👧🏻": "girl: light skin tone", "👧🏼": "girl: medium-light skin tone", "👧🏽": "girl: medium skin tone", "👧🏾": "girl: medium-dark skin tone", "👧🏿": "girl: dark skin tone", "👨": "man", "👨🏻": "man: light skin tone", "👨🏼": "man: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽": "man: medium skin tone", "👨🏾": "man: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿": "man: dark skin tone", "👩": "woman", "👩🏻": "woman: light skin tone", "👩🏼": "woman: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽": "woman: medium skin tone", "👩🏾": "woman: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿": "woman: dark skin tone", "👱‍♀️": "blond-haired woman", "👱🏻‍♀️": "blond-haired woman: light skin tone", "👱🏼‍♀️": "blond-haired woman: medium-light skin tone", "👱🏽‍♀️": "blond-haired woman: medium skin tone", "👱🏾‍♀️": "blond-haired woman: medium-dark skin tone", "👱🏿‍♀️": "blond-haired woman: dark skin tone", "👱": "blond-haired person", "👱🏻": "blond-haired person: light skin tone", "👱🏼": "blond-haired person: medium-light skin tone", "👱🏽": "blond-haired person: medium skin tone", "👱🏾": "blond-haired person: medium-dark skin tone", "👱🏿": "blond-haired person: dark skin tone", "👱‍♂️": "blond-haired man", "👱🏿‍♂️": "blond-haired man: dark skin tone", "👱🏾‍♂️": "blond-haired man: medium-dark skin tone", "👱🏽‍♂️": "blond-haired man: medium skin tone", "👱🏼‍♂️": "blond-haired man: medium-light skin tone", "👱🏻‍♂️": "blond-haired man: light skin tone", "👴": "old man", "👴🏻": "old man: light skin tone", "👴🏼": "old man: medium-light skin tone", "👴🏽": "old man: medium skin tone", "👴🏾": "old man: medium-dark skin tone", "👴🏿": "old man: dark skin tone", "👵": "old woman", "👵🏻": "old woman: light skin tone", "👵🏼": "old woman: medium-light skin tone", "👵🏽": "old woman: medium skin tone", "👵🏾": "old woman: medium-dark skin tone", "👵🏿": "old woman: dark skin tone", "👲": "man with Chinese cap", "👲🏻": "man with Chinese cap: light skin tone", "👲🏼": "man with Chinese cap: medium-light skin tone", "👲🏽": "man with Chinese cap: medium skin tone", "👲🏾": "man with Chinese cap: medium-dark skin tone", "👲🏿": "man with Chinese cap: dark skin tone", "👳‍♀️": "woman wearing turban", "👳🏻‍♀️": "woman wearing turban: light skin tone", "👳🏼‍♀️": "woman wearing turban: medium-light skin tone", "👳🏽‍♀️": "woman wearing turban: medium skin tone", "👳🏾‍♀️": "woman wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone", "👳🏿‍♀️": "woman wearing turban: dark skin tone", "👳": "person wearing turban", "👳🏻": "person wearing turban: light skin tone", "👳🏼": "person wearing turban: medium-light skin tone", "👳🏽": "person wearing turban: medium skin tone", "👳🏾": "person wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone", "👳🏿": "person wearing turban: dark skin tone", "👳‍♂️": "man wearing turban", "👳🏿‍♂️": "man wearing turban: dark skin tone", "👳🏾‍♂️": "man wearing turban: medium-dark skin tone", "👳🏽‍♂️": "man wearing turban: medium skin tone", "👳🏼‍♂️": "man wearing turban: medium-light skin tone", "👳🏻‍♂️": "man wearing turban: light skin tone", "👮‍♀️": "woman police officer", "👮🏻‍♀️": "woman police officer: light skin tone", "👮🏼‍♀️": "woman police officer: medium-light skin tone", "👮🏽‍♀️": "woman police officer: medium skin tone", "👮🏾‍♀️": "woman police officer: medium-dark skin tone", "👮🏿‍♀️": "woman police officer: dark skin tone", "👮": "police officer", "👮🏻": "police officer: light skin tone", "👮🏼": "police officer: medium-light skin tone", "👮🏽": "police officer: medium skin tone", "👮🏾": "police officer: medium-dark skin tone", "👮🏿": "police officer: dark skin tone", "👮‍♂️": "man police officer", "👮🏿‍♂️": "man police officer: dark skin tone", "👮🏾‍♂️": "man police officer: medium-dark skin tone", "👮🏽‍♂️": "man police officer: medium skin tone", "👮🏼‍♂️": "man police officer: medium-light skin tone", "👮🏻‍♂️": "man police officer: light skin tone", "👷‍♀️": "woman construction worker", "👷🏻‍♀️": "woman construction worker: light skin tone", "👷🏼‍♀️": "woman construction worker: medium-light skin tone", "👷🏽‍♀️": "woman construction worker: medium skin tone", "👷🏾‍♀️": "woman construction worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👷🏿‍♀️": "woman construction worker: dark skin tone", "👷": "construction worker", "👷🏻": "construction worker: light skin tone", "👷🏼": "construction worker: medium-light skin tone", "👷🏽": "construction worker: medium skin tone", "👷🏾": "construction worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👷🏿": "construction worker: dark skin tone", "👷‍♂️": "man construction worker", "👷🏿‍♂️": "man construction worker: dark skin tone", "👷🏾‍♂️": "man construction worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👷🏽‍♂️": "man construction worker: medium skin tone", "👷🏼‍♂️": "man construction worker: medium-light skin tone", "👷🏻‍♂️": "man construction worker: light skin tone", "💂‍♀️": "woman guard", "💂🏻‍♀️": "woman guard: light skin tone", "💂🏼‍♀️": "woman guard: medium-light skin tone", "💂🏽‍♀️": "woman guard: medium skin tone", "💂🏾‍♀️": "woman guard: medium-dark skin tone", "💂🏿‍♀️": "woman guard: dark skin tone", "💂": "guard", "💂🏻": "guard: light skin tone", "💂🏼": "guard: medium-light skin tone", "💂🏽": "guard: medium skin tone", "💂🏾": "guard: medium-dark skin tone", "💂🏿": "guard: dark skin tone", "💂‍♂️": "man guard", "💂🏿‍♂️": "man guard: dark skin tone", "💂🏾‍♂️": "man guard: medium-dark skin tone", "💂🏽‍♂️": "man guard: medium skin tone", "💂🏼‍♂️": "man guard: medium-light skin tone", "💂🏻‍♂️": "man guard: light skin tone", "🕵️‍♀️": "woman detective", "🕵🏻‍♀️": "woman detective: light skin tone", "🕵🏼‍♀️": "woman detective: medium-light skin tone", "🕵🏽‍♀️": "woman detective: medium skin tone", "🕵🏾‍♀️": "woman detective: medium-dark skin tone", "🕵🏿‍♀️": "woman detective: dark skin tone", "🕵️": "detective", "🕵🏻": "detective: light skin tone", "🕵🏼": "detective: medium-light skin tone", "🕵🏽": "detective: medium skin tone", "🕵🏾": "detective: medium-dark skin tone", "🕵🏿": "detective: dark skin tone", "🕵️‍♂️": "man detective", "🕵🏿‍♂️": "man detective: dark skin tone", "🕵🏾‍♂️": "man detective: medium-dark skin tone", "🕵🏽‍♂️": "man detective: medium skin tone", "🕵🏼‍♂️": "man detective: medium-light skin tone", "🕵🏻‍♂️": "man detective: light skin tone", "👩‍⚕️": "woman health worker", "👩🏻‍⚕️": "woman health worker: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍⚕️": "woman health worker: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍⚕️": "woman health worker: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍⚕️": "woman health worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍⚕️": "woman health worker: dark skin tone", "👨‍⚕️": "man health worker", "👨🏻‍⚕️": "man health worker: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍⚕️": "man health worker: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍⚕️": "man health worker: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍⚕️": "man health worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍⚕️": "man health worker: dark skin tone", "👩‍🌾": "woman farmer", "👩🏻‍🌾": "woman farmer: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🌾": "woman farmer: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🌾": "woman farmer: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🌾": "woman farmer: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🌾": "woman farmer: dark skin tone", "👨‍🌾": "man farmer", "👨🏻‍🌾": "man farmer: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🌾": "man farmer: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🌾": "man farmer: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🌾": "man farmer: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🌾": "man farmer: dark skin tone", "👩‍🍳": "woman cook", "👩🏻‍🍳": "woman cook: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🍳": "woman cook: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🍳": "woman cook: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🍳": "woman cook: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🍳": "woman cook: dark skin tone", "👨‍🍳": "man cook", "👨🏻‍🍳": "man cook: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🍳": "man cook: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🍳": "man cook: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🍳": "man cook: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🍳": "man cook: dark skin tone", "👩‍🎓": "woman student", "👩🏻‍🎓": "woman student: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🎓": "woman student: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🎓": "woman student: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🎓": "woman student: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🎓": "woman student: dark skin tone", "👨‍🎓": "man student", "👨🏻‍🎓": "man student: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🎓": "man student: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🎓": "man student: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🎓": "man student: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🎓": "man student: dark skin tone", "👩‍🎤": "woman singer", "👩🏻‍🎤": "woman singer: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🎤": "woman singer: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🎤": "woman singer: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🎤": "woman singer: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🎤": "woman singer: dark skin tone", "👨‍🎤": "man singer", "👨🏻‍🎤": "man singer: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🎤": "man singer: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🎤": "man singer: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🎤": "man singer: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🎤": "man singer: dark skin tone", "👩‍🏫": "woman teacher", "👩🏻‍🏫": "woman teacher: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🏫": "woman teacher: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🏫": "woman teacher: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🏫": "woman teacher: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🏫": "woman teacher: dark skin tone", "👨‍🏫": "man teacher", "👨🏻‍🏫": "man teacher: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🏫": "man teacher: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🏫": "man teacher: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🏫": "man teacher: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🏫": "man teacher: dark skin tone", "👩‍🏭": "woman factory worker", "👩🏻‍🏭": "woman factory worker: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🏭": "woman factory worker: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🏭": "woman factory worker: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🏭": "woman factory worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🏭": "woman factory worker: dark skin tone", "👨‍🏭": "man factory worker", "👨🏻‍🏭": "man factory worker: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🏭": "man factory worker: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🏭": "man factory worker: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🏭": "man factory worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🏭": "man factory worker: dark skin tone", "👩‍💻": "woman technologist", "👩🏻‍💻": "woman technologist: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍💻": "woman technologist: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍💻": "woman technologist: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍💻": "woman technologist: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍💻": "woman technologist: dark skin tone", "👨‍💻": "man technologist", "👨🏻‍💻": "man technologist: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍💻": "man technologist: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍💻": "man technologist: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍💻": "man technologist: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍💻": "man technologist: dark skin tone", "👩‍💼": "woman office worker", "👩🏻‍💼": "woman office worker: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍💼": "woman office worker: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍💼": "woman office worker: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍💼": "woman office worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍💼": "woman office worker: dark skin tone", "👨‍💼": "man office worker", "👨🏻‍💼": "man office worker: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍💼": "man office worker: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍💼": "man office worker: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍💼": "man office worker: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍💼": "man office worker: dark skin tone", "👩‍🔧": "woman mechanic", "👩🏻‍🔧": "woman mechanic: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🔧": "woman mechanic: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🔧": "woman mechanic: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🔧": "woman mechanic: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🔧": "woman mechanic: dark skin tone", "👨‍🔧": "man mechanic", "👨🏻‍🔧": "man mechanic: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🔧": "man mechanic: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🔧": "man mechanic: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🔧": "man mechanic: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🔧": "man mechanic: dark skin tone", "👩‍🔬": "woman scientist", "👩🏻‍🔬": "woman scientist: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🔬": "woman scientist: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🔬": "woman scientist: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🔬": "woman scientist: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🔬": "woman scientist: dark skin tone", "👨‍🔬": "man scientist", "👨🏻‍🔬": "man scientist: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🔬": "man scientist: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🔬": "man scientist: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🔬": "man scientist: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🔬": "man scientist: dark skin tone", "👩‍🎨": "woman artist", "👩🏻‍🎨": "woman artist: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🎨": "woman artist: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🎨": "woman artist: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🎨": "woman artist: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🎨": "woman artist: dark skin tone", "👨‍🎨": "man artist", "👨🏻‍🎨": "man artist: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🎨": "man artist: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🎨": "man artist: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🎨": "man artist: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🎨": "man artist: dark skin tone", "👩‍🚒": "woman firefighter", "👩🏻‍🚒": "woman firefighter: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🚒": "woman firefighter: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🚒": "woman firefighter: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🚒": "woman firefighter: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🚒": "woman firefighter: dark skin tone", "👨‍🚒": "man firefighter", "👨🏻‍🚒": "man firefighter: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🚒": "man firefighter: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🚒": "man firefighter: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🚒": "man firefighter: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🚒": "man firefighter: dark skin tone", "👩‍✈️": "woman pilot", "👩🏻‍✈️": "woman pilot: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍✈️": "woman pilot: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍✈️": "woman pilot: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍✈️": "woman pilot: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍✈️": "woman pilot: dark skin tone", "👨‍✈️": "man pilot", "👨🏻‍✈️": "man pilot: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍✈️": "man pilot: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍✈️": "man pilot: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍✈️": "man pilot: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍✈️": "man pilot: dark skin tone", "👩‍🚀": "woman astronaut", "👩🏻‍🚀": "woman astronaut: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍🚀": "woman astronaut: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍🚀": "woman astronaut: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍🚀": "woman astronaut: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍🚀": "woman astronaut: dark skin tone", "👨‍🚀": "man astronaut", "👨🏻‍🚀": "man astronaut: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍🚀": "man astronaut: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍🚀": "man astronaut: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍🚀": "man astronaut: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍🚀": "man astronaut: dark skin tone", "👩‍⚖️": "woman judge", "👩🏻‍⚖️": "woman judge: light skin tone", "👩🏼‍⚖️": "woman judge: medium-light skin tone", "👩🏽‍⚖️": "woman judge: medium skin tone", "👩🏾‍⚖️": "woman judge: medium-dark skin tone", "👩🏿‍⚖️": "woman judge: dark skin tone", "👨‍⚖️": "man judge", "👨🏻‍⚖️": "man judge: light skin tone", "👨🏼‍⚖️": "man judge: medium-light skin tone", "👨🏽‍⚖️": "man judge: medium skin tone", "👨🏾‍⚖️": "man judge: medium-dark skin tone", "👨🏿‍⚖️": "man judge: dark skin tone", "🤶": "Mrs. Claus", "🤶🏻": "Mrs. Claus: light skin tone", "🤶🏼": "Mrs. Claus: medium-light skin tone", "🤶🏽": "Mrs. Claus: medium skin tone", "🤶🏾": "Mrs. Claus: medium-dark skin tone", "🤶🏿": "Mrs. Claus: dark skin tone", "🎅": "Santa Claus", "🎅🏻": "Santa Claus: light skin tone", "🎅🏼": "Santa Claus: medium-light skin tone", "🎅🏽": "Santa Claus: medium skin tone", "🎅🏾": "Santa Claus: medium-dark skin tone", "🎅🏿": "Santa Claus: dark skin tone", "👸": "princess", "👸🏻": "princess: light skin tone", "👸🏼": "princess: medium-light skin tone", "👸🏽": "princess: medium skin tone", "👸🏾": "princess: medium-dark skin tone", "👸🏿": "princess: dark skin tone", "🤴": "prince", "🤴🏻": "prince: light skin tone", "🤴🏼": "prince: medium-light skin tone", "🤴🏽": "prince: medium skin tone", "🤴🏾": "prince: medium-dark skin tone", "🤴🏿": "prince: dark skin tone", "👰": "bride with veil", "👰🏻": "bride with veil: light skin tone", "👰🏼": "bride with veil: medium-light skin tone", "👰🏽": "bride with veil: medium skin tone", "👰🏾": "bride with veil: medium-dark skin tone", "👰🏿": "bride with veil: dark skin tone", "🤵": "man in tuxedo", "🤵🏻": "man in tuxedo: light skin tone", "🤵🏼": "man in tuxedo: medium-light skin tone", "🤵🏽": "man in tuxedo: medium skin tone", "🤵🏾": "man in tuxedo: medium-dark skin tone", "🤵🏿": "man in tuxedo: dark skin tone", "👼": "baby angel", "👼🏻": "baby angel: light skin tone", "👼🏼": "baby angel: medium-light skin tone", "👼🏽": "baby angel: medium skin tone", "👼🏾": "baby angel: medium-dark skin tone", "👼🏿": "baby angel: dark skin tone", "🤰": "pregnant woman", "🤰🏻": "pregnant woman: light skin tone", "🤰🏼": "pregnant woman: medium-light skin tone", "🤰🏽": "pregnant woman: medium skin tone", "🤰🏾": "pregnant woman: medium-dark skin tone", "🤰🏿": "pregnant woman: dark skin tone", "🙇‍♀️": "woman bowing", "🙇🏻‍♀️": "woman bowing: light skin tone", "🙇🏼‍♀️": "woman bowing: medium-light skin tone", "🙇🏽‍♀️": "woman bowing: medium skin tone", "🙇🏾‍♀️": "woman bowing: medium-dark skin tone", "🙇🏿‍♀️": "woman bowing: dark skin tone", "🙇": "person bowing", "🙇🏻": "person bowing: light skin tone", "🙇🏼": "person bowing: medium-light skin tone", "🙇🏽": "person bowing: medium skin tone", "🙇🏾": "person bowing: medium-dark skin tone", "🙇🏿": "person bowing: dark skin tone", "🙇‍♂️": "man bowing", "🙇🏿‍♂️": "man bowing: dark skin tone", "🙇🏾‍♂️": "man bowing: medium-dark skin tone", "🙇🏽‍♂️": "man bowing: medium skin tone", "🙇🏼‍♂️": "man bowing: medium-light skin tone", "🙇🏻‍♂️": "man bowing: light skin tone", "💁": "person tipping hand", "💁🏻": "person tipping hand: light skin tone", "💁🏼": "person tipping hand: medium-light skin tone", "💁🏽": "person tipping hand: medium skin tone", "💁🏾": "person tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone", "💁🏿": "person tipping hand: dark skin tone", "💁‍♂️": "man tipping hand", "💁🏻‍♂️": "man tipping hand: light skin tone", "💁🏼‍♂️": "man tipping hand: medium-light skin tone", "💁🏽‍♂️": "man tipping hand: medium skin tone", "💁🏾‍♂️": "man tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone", "💁🏿‍♂️": "man tipping hand: dark skin tone", "💁‍♀️": "woman tipping hand", "💁🏿‍♀️": "woman tipping hand: dark skin tone", "💁🏾‍♀️": "woman tipping hand: medium-dark skin tone", "💁🏽‍♀️": "woman tipping hand: medium skin tone", "💁🏼‍♀️": "woman tipping hand: medium-light skin tone", "💁🏻‍♀️": "woman tipping hand: light skin tone", "🙅": "person gesturing NO", "🙅🏻": "person gesturing NO: light skin tone", "🙅🏼": "person gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone", "🙅🏽": "person gesturing NO: medium skin tone", "🙅🏾": "person gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone", "🙅🏿": "person gesturing NO: dark skin tone", "🙅‍♂️": "man gesturing NO", "🙅🏻‍♂️": "man gesturing NO: light skin tone", "🙅🏼‍♂️": "man gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone", "🙅🏽‍♂️": "man gesturing NO: medium skin tone", "🙅🏾‍♂️": "man gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone", "🙅🏿‍♂️": "man gesturing NO: dark skin tone", "🙅‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO", "🙅🏿‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO: dark skin tone", "🙅🏾‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO: medium-dark skin tone", "🙅🏽‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO: medium skin tone", "🙅🏼‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO: medium-light skin tone", "🙅🏻‍♀️": "woman gesturing NO: light skin tone", "🙆": "person gesturing OK", "🙆🏻": "person gesturing OK: light skin tone", "🙆🏼": "person gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone", "🙆🏽": "person gesturing OK: medium skin tone", "🙆🏾": "person gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone", "🙆🏿": "person gesturing OK: dark skin tone", "🙆‍♂️": "man gesturing OK", "🙆🏻‍♂️": "man gesturing OK: light skin tone", "🙆🏼‍♂️": "man gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone", "🙆🏽‍♂️": "man gesturing OK: medium skin tone", "🙆🏾‍♂️": "man gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone", "🙆🏿‍♂️": "man gesturing OK: dark skin tone", "🙆‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK", "🙆🏿‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK: dark skin tone", "🙆🏾‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK: medium-dark skin tone", "🙆🏽‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK: medium skin tone", "🙆🏼‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK: medium-light skin tone", "🙆🏻‍♀️": "woman gesturing OK: light skin tone", "🙋": "person raising hand", "🙋🏻": "person raising hand: light skin tone", "🙋🏼": "person raising hand: medium-light skin tone", "🙋🏽": "person raising hand: medium skin tone", "🙋🏾": "person raising hand: medium-dark skin tone", "🙋🏿": "person raising hand: dark skin tone", "🙋‍♂️": "man raising hand", "🙋🏻‍♂️": "man raising hand: light skin tone", "🙋🏼‍♂️": "man raising hand: medium-light skin tone", "🙋🏽‍♂️": "man raising hand: medium skin tone", "🙋🏾‍♂️": "man raising hand: medium-dark skin tone", "🙋🏿‍♂️": "man raising hand: dark skin tone", "🙋‍♀️": "woman raising hand", "🙋🏿‍♀️": "woman raising hand: dark skin tone", "🙋🏾‍♀️": "woman raising hand: medium-dark skin tone", "🙋🏽‍♀️": "woman raising hand: medium skin tone", "🙋🏼‍♀️": "woman raising hand: medium-light skin tone", "🙋🏻‍♀️": "woman raising hand: light skin tone", "🤦‍♀️": "woman facepalming", "🤦🏻‍♀️": "woman facepalming: light skin tone", "🤦🏼‍♀️": "woman facepalming: medium-light skin tone", "🤦🏽‍♀️": "woman facepalming: medium skin tone", "🤦🏾‍♀️": "woman facepalming: medium-dark skin tone", "🤦🏿‍♀️": "woman facepalming: dark skin tone", "🤦‍♂️": "man facepalming", "🤦🏻‍♂️": "man facepalming: light skin tone", "🤦🏼‍♂️": "man facepalming: medium-light skin tone", "🤦🏽‍♂️": "man facepalming: medium skin tone", "🤦🏾‍♂️": "man facepalming: medium-dark skin tone", "🤦🏿‍♂️": "man facepalming: dark skin tone", "🤦": "person facepalming", "🤦🏻": "person facepalming: light skin tone", "🤦🏼": "person facepalming: medium-light skin tone", "🤦🏽": "person facepalming: medium skin tone", "🤦🏾": "person facepalming: medium-dark skin tone", "🤦🏿": "person facepalming: dark skin tone", "🤷‍♀️": "woman shrugging", "🤷🏻‍♀️": "woman shrugging: light skin tone", "🤷🏼‍♀️": "woman shrugging: medium-light skin tone", "🤷🏽‍♀️": "woman shrugging: medium skin tone", "🤷🏾‍♀️": "woman shrugging: medium-dark skin tone", "🤷🏿‍♀️": "woman shrugging: dark skin tone", "🤷‍♂️": "man shrugging", "🤷🏻‍♂️": "man shrugging: light skin tone", "🤷🏼‍♂️": "man shrugging: medium-light skin tone", "🤷🏽‍♂️": "man shrugging: medium skin tone", "🤷🏾‍♂️": "man shrugging: medium-dark skin tone", "🤷🏿‍♂️": "man shrugging: dark skin tone", "🤷": "person shrugging", "🤷🏻": "person shrugging: light skin tone", "🤷🏼": "person shrugging: medium-light skin tone", "🤷🏽": "person shrugging: medium skin tone", "🤷🏾": "person shrugging: medium-dark skin tone", "🤷🏿": "person shrugging: dark skin tone", "🙎": "person pouting", "🙎🏻": "person pouting: light skin tone", "🙎🏼": "person pouting: medium-light skin tone", "🙎🏽": "person pouting: medium skin tone", "🙎🏾": "person pouting: medium-dark skin tone", "🙎🏿": "person pouting: dark skin tone", "🙎‍♂️": "man pouting", "🙎🏻‍♂️": "man pouting: light skin tone", "🙎🏼‍♂️": "man pouting: medium-light skin tone", "🙎🏽‍♂️": "man pouting: medium skin tone", "🙎🏾‍♂️": "man pouting: medium-dark skin tone", "🙎🏿‍♂️": "man pouting: dark skin tone", "🙎‍♀️": "woman pouting", "🙎🏿‍♀️": "woman pouting: dark skin tone", "🙎🏾‍♀️": "woman pouting: medium-dark skin tone", "🙎🏽‍♀️": "woman pouting: medium skin tone", "🙎🏼‍♀️": "woman pouting: medium-light skin tone", "🙎🏻‍♀️": "woman pouting: light skin tone", "🙍": "person frowning", "🙍🏻": "person frowning: light skin tone", "🙍🏼": "person frowning: medium-light skin tone", "🙍🏽": "person frowning: medium skin tone", "🙍🏾": "person frowning: medium-dark skin tone", "🙍🏿": "person frowning: dark skin tone", "🙍‍♂️": "man frowning", "🙍🏻‍♂️": "man frowning: light skin tone", "🙍🏼‍♂️": "man frowning: medium-light skin tone", "🙍🏽‍♂️": "man frowning: medium skin tone", "🙍🏾‍♂️": "man frowning: medium-dark skin tone", "🙍🏿‍♂️": "man frowning: dark skin tone", "🙍‍♀️": "woman frowning", "🙍🏿‍♀️": "woman frowning: dark skin tone", "🙍🏾‍♀️": "woman frowning: medium-dark skin tone", "🙍🏽‍♀️": "woman frowning: medium skin tone", "🙍🏼‍♀️": "woman frowning: medium-light skin tone", "🙍🏻‍♀️": "woman frowning: light skin tone", "💇": "person getting haircut", "💇🏻": "person getting haircut: light skin tone", "💇🏼": "person getting haircut: medium-light skin tone", "💇🏽": "person getting haircut: medium skin tone", "💇🏾": "person getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone", "💇🏿": "person getting haircut: dark skin tone", "💇‍♂️": "man getting haircut", "💇🏻‍♂️": "man getting haircut: light skin tone", "💇🏼‍♂️": "man getting haircut: medium-light skin tone", "💇🏽‍♂️": "man getting haircut: medium skin tone", "💇🏾‍♂️": "man getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone", "💇🏿‍♂️": "man getting haircut: dark skin tone", "💇‍♀️": "woman getting haircut", "💇🏿‍♀️": "woman getting haircut: dark skin tone", "💇🏾‍♀️": "woman getting haircut: medium-dark skin tone", "💇🏽‍♀️": "woman getting haircut: medium skin tone", "💇🏼‍♀️": "woman getting haircut: medium-light skin tone", "💇🏻‍♀️": "woman getting haircut: light skin tone", "💆": "person getting massage", "💆🏻": "person getting massage: light skin tone", "💆🏼": "person getting massage: medium-light skin tone", "💆🏽": "person getting massage: medium skin tone", "💆🏾": "person getting massage: medium-dark skin tone", "💆🏿": "person getting massage: dark skin tone", "💆‍♂️": "man getting massage", "💆🏻‍♂️": "man getting massage: light skin tone", "💆🏼‍♂️": "man getting massage: medium-light skin tone", "💆🏽‍♂️": "man getting massage: medium skin tone", "💆🏾‍♂️": "man getting massage: medium-dark skin tone", "💆🏿‍♂️": "man getting massage: dark skin tone", "💆‍♀️": "woman getting massage", "💆🏿‍♀️": "woman getting massage: dark skin tone", "💆🏾‍♀️": "woman getting massage: medium-dark skin tone", "💆🏽‍♀️": "woman getting massage: medium skin tone", "💆🏼‍♀️": "woman getting massage: medium-light skin tone", "💆🏻‍♀️": "woman getting massage: light skin tone", "🕴️": "man in business suit levitating", "🕴🏻": "man in business suit levitating: light skin tone", "🕴🏼": "man in business suit levitating: medium-light skin tone", "🕴🏽": "man in business suit levitating: medium skin tone", "🕴🏾": "man in business suit levitating: medium-dark skin tone", "🕴🏿": "man in business suit levitating: dark skin tone", "💃": "woman dancing", "💃🏻": "woman dancing: light skin tone", "💃🏼": "woman dancing: medium-light skin tone", "💃🏽": "woman dancing: medium skin tone", "💃🏾": "woman dancing: medium-dark skin tone", "💃🏿": "woman dancing: dark skin tone", "🕺": "man dancing", "🕺🏻": "man dancing: light skin tone", "🕺🏼": "man dancing: medium-light skin tone", "🕺🏽": "man dancing: medium skin tone", "🕺🏾": "man dancing: medium-dark skin tone", "🕺🏿": "man dancing: dark skin tone", "👯": "people with bunny ears partying", "👯‍♂️": "men with bunny ears partying", "👯‍♀️": "women with bunny ears partying", "🚶‍♀️": "woman walking", "🚶🏻‍♀️": "woman walking: light skin tone", "🚶🏼‍♀️": "woman walking: medium-light skin tone", "🚶🏽‍♀️": "woman walking: medium skin tone", "🚶🏾‍♀️": "woman walking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚶🏿‍♀️": "woman walking: dark skin tone", "🚶": "person walking", "🚶🏻": "person walking: light skin tone", "🚶🏼": "person walking: medium-light skin tone", "🚶🏽": "person walking: medium skin tone", "🚶🏾": "person walking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚶🏿": "person walking: dark skin tone", "🚶‍♂️": "man walking", "🚶🏿‍♂️": "man walking: dark skin tone", "🚶🏾‍♂️": "man walking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚶🏽‍♂️": "man walking: medium skin tone", "🚶🏼‍♂️": "man walking: medium-light skin tone", "🚶🏻‍♂️": "man walking: light skin tone", "🏃‍♀️": "woman running", "🏃🏻‍♀️": "woman running: light skin tone", "🏃🏼‍♀️": "woman running: medium-light skin tone", "🏃🏽‍♀️": "woman running: medium skin tone", "🏃🏾‍♀️": "woman running: medium-dark skin tone", "🏃🏿‍♀️": "woman running: dark skin tone", "🏃": "person running", "🏃🏻": "person running: light skin tone", "🏃🏼": "person running: medium-light skin tone", "🏃🏽": "person running: medium skin tone", "🏃🏾": "person running: medium-dark skin tone", "🏃🏿": "person running: dark skin tone", "🏃‍♂️": "man running", "🏃🏿‍♂️": "man running: dark skin tone", "🏃🏾‍♂️": "man running: medium-dark skin tone", "🏃🏽‍♂️": "man running: medium skin tone", "🏃🏼‍♂️": "man running: medium-light skin tone", "🏃🏻‍♂️": "man running: light skin tone", "👫": "man and woman holding hands", "👭": "two women holding hands", "👬": "two men holding hands", "💑": "couple with heart", "👩‍❤️‍👩": "couple with heart: woman, woman", "👨‍❤️‍👨": "couple with heart: man, man", "💏": "kiss", "👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩": "kiss: woman, woman", "👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨": "kiss: man, man", "👪": "family", "👨‍👩‍👧": "family: man, woman, girl", "👨‍👩‍👧‍👦": "family: man, woman, girl, boy", "👨‍👩‍👦‍👦": "family: man, woman, boy, boy", "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧": "family: man, woman, girl, girl", "👩‍👩‍👦": "family: woman, woman, boy", "👩‍👩‍👧": "family: woman, woman, girl", "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦": "family: woman, woman, girl, boy", "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦": "family: woman, woman, boy, boy", "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧": "family: woman, woman, girl, girl", "👨‍👨‍👦": "family: man, man, boy", "👨‍👨‍👧": "family: man, man, girl", "👨‍👨‍👧‍👦": "family: man, man, girl, boy", "👨‍👨‍👦‍👦": "family: man, man, boy, boy", "👨‍👨‍👧‍👧": "family: man, man, girl, girl", "👩‍👦": "family: woman, boy", "👩‍👧": "family: woman, girl", "👩‍👧‍👦": "family: woman, girl, boy", "👩‍👦‍👦": "family: woman, boy, boy", "👩‍👧‍👧": "family: woman, girl, girl", "👨‍👦": "family: man, boy", "👨‍👧": "family: man, girl", "👨‍👧‍👦": "family: man, girl, boy", "👨‍👦‍👦": "family: man, boy, boy", "👨‍👧‍👧": "family: man, girl, girl", "👚": "woman’s clothes", "👕": "t-shirt", "👖": "jeans", "👔": "necktie", "👗": "dress", "👙": "bikini", "👘": "kimono", "👠": "high-heeled shoe", "👡": "woman’s sandal", "👢": "woman’s boot", "👞": "man’s shoe", "👟": "running shoe", "👒": "woman’s hat", "🎩": "top hat", "🎓": "graduation cap", "👑": "crown", "⛑️": "rescue worker’s helmet", "🎒": "school backpack", "👝": "clutch bag", "👛": "purse", "👜": "handbag", "💼": "briefcase", "👓": "glasses", "🕶️": "sunglasses", "🌂": "closed umbrella", "🐶": "dog face", "🐱": "cat face", "🐭": "mouse face", "🐹": "hamster face", "🐰": "rabbit face", "🦊": "fox face", "🐻": "bear face", "🐼": "panda face", "🐨": "koala", "🐯": "tiger face", "🦁": "lion face", "🐮": "cow face", "🐷": "pig face", "🐽": "pig nose", "🐸": "frog face", "🐵": "monkey face", "🙈": "see-no-evil monkey", "🙉": "hear-no-evil monkey", "🙊": "speak-no-evil monkey", "🐒": "monkey", "🐔": "chicken", "🐧": "penguin", "🐦": "bird", "🐤": "baby chick", "🐣": "hatching chick", "🐥": "front-facing baby chick", "🦆": "duck", "🦅": "eagle", "🦉": "owl", "🦇": "bat", "🐺": "wolf face", "🐗": "boar", "🐴": "horse face", "🦄": "unicorn face", "🐝": "honeybee", "🐛": "bug", "🦋": "butterfly", "🐌": "snail", "🐚": "spiral shell", "🐞": "lady beetle", "🐜": "ant", "🕷️": "spider", "🕸️": "spider web", "🐢": "turtle", "🐍": "snake", "🦎": "lizard", "🦂": "scorpion", "🦀": "crab", "🦑": "squid", "🐙": "octopus", "🦐": "shrimp", "🐠": "tropical fish", "🐟": "fish", "🐡": "blowfish", "🐬": "dolphin", "🦈": "shark", "🐳": "spouting whale", "🐋": "whale", "🐊": "crocodile", "🐆": "leopard", "🐅": "tiger", "🐃": "water buffalo", "🐂": "ox", "🐄": "cow", "🦌": "deer", "🐪": "camel", "🐫": "two-hump camel", "🐘": "elephant", "🦏": "rhinoceros", "🦍": "gorilla", "🐎": "horse", "🐖": "pig", "🐐": "goat", "🐏": "ram", "🐑": "ewe", "🐕": "dog", "🐩": "poodle", "🐈": "cat", "🐓": "rooster", "🦃": "turkey", "🕊️": "dove", "🐇": "rabbit", "🐁": "mouse", "🐀": "rat", "🐿️": "chipmunk", "🐾": "paw prints", "🐉": "dragon", "🐲": "dragon face", "🌵": "cactus", "🎄": "Christmas tree", "🌲": "evergreen tree", "🌳": "deciduous tree", "🌴": "palm tree", "🌱": "seedling", "🌿": "herb", "🍀": "four leaf clover", "🎍": "pine decoration", "🎋": "tanabata tree", "🍃": "leaf fluttering in wind", "🍂": "fallen leaf", "🍁": "maple leaf", "🍄": "mushroom", "🌾": "sheaf of rice", "💐": "bouquet", "🌷": "tulip", "🌹": "rose", "🥀": "wilted flower", "🌻": "sunflower", "🌼": "blossom", "🌸": "cherry blossom", "🌺": "hibiscus", "🌎": "globe showing Americas", "🌍": "globe showing Europe-Africa", "🌏": "globe showing Asia-Australia", "🌕": "full moon", "🌖": "waning gibbous moon", "🌗": "last quarter moon", "🌘": "waning crescent moon", "🌑": "new moon", "🌒": "waxing crescent moon", "🌓": "first quarter moon", "🌔": "waxing gibbous moon", "🌚": "new moon face", "🌝": "full moon with face", "🌞": "sun with face", "🌛": "first quarter moon with face", "🌜": "last quarter moon with face", "🌙": "crescent moon", "💫": "dizzy", "⭐": "white medium star", "🌟": "glowing star", "⚡": "high voltage", "🔥": "fire", "💥": "collision", "🌤️": "sun behind small cloud", "⛅": "sun behind cloud", "🌥️": "sun behind large cloud", "🌦️": "sun behind rain cloud", "🌈": "rainbow", "🌧️": "cloud with rain", "⛈️": "cloud with lightning and rain", "🌩️": "cloud with lightning", "🌨️": "cloud with snow", "⛄": "snowman without snow", "🌬️": "wind face", "💨": "dashing away", "🌪️": "tornado", "🌫️": "fog", "🌊": "water wave", "💧": "droplet", "💦": "sweat droplets", "🦒": "giraffe", "🦓": "zebra", "🦔": "hedgehog", "🦕": "sauropod", "🦖": "T-Rex", "🦗": "cricket", "🍏": "green apple", "🍎": "red apple", "🍐": "pear", "🍊": "tangerine", "🍋": "lemon", "🍌": "banana", "🍉": "watermelon", "🍇": "grapes", "🍓": "strawberry", "🍈": "melon", "🍒": "cherries", "🍑": "peach", "🍍": "pineapple", "🥝": "kiwi fruit", "🥑": "avocado", "🍅": "tomato", "🍆": "eggplant", "🥒": "cucumber", "🥕": "carrot", "🌽": "ear of corn", "🌶️": "hot pepper", "🥔": "potato", "🍠": "roasted sweet potato", "🌰": "chestnut", "🥜": "peanuts", "🍯": "honey pot", "🥐": "croissant", "🍞": "bread", "🥖": "baguette bread", "🧀": "cheese wedge", "🥚": "egg", "🍳": "cooking", "🥓": "bacon", "🥞": "pancakes", "🍤": "fried shrimp", "🍗": "poultry leg", "🍖": "meat on bone", "🍕": "pizza", "🌭": "hot dog", "🍔": "hamburger", "🍟": "french fries", "🥙": "stuffed flatbread", "🌮": "taco", "🌯": "burrito", "🥗": "green salad", "🥘": "shallow pan of food", "🍝": "spaghetti", "🍜": "steaming bowl", "🍲": "pot of food", "🍥": "fish cake with swirl", "🍣": "sushi", "🍱": "bento box", "🍛": "curry rice", "🍙": "rice ball", "🍚": "cooked rice", "🍘": "rice cracker", "🍢": "oden", "🍡": "dango", "🍧": "shaved ice", "🍨": "ice cream", "🍦": "soft ice cream", "🍰": "shortcake", "🎂": "birthday cake", "🍮": "custard", "🍭": "lollipop", "🍬": "candy", "🍫": "chocolate bar", "🍿": "popcorn", "🍩": "doughnut", "🍪": "cookie", "🥛": "glass of milk", "🍼": "baby bottle", "🍵": "teacup without handle", "🍶": "sake", "🍺": "beer mug", "🍻": "clinking beer mugs", "🥂": "clinking glasses", "🍷": "wine glass", "🥃": "tumbler glass", "🍸": "cocktail glass", "🍹": "tropical drink", "🍾": "bottle with popping cork", "🥄": "spoon", "🍴": "fork and knife", "🍽️": "fork and knife with plate", "🥟": "dumpling", "🥠": "fortune cookie", "🥡": "takeout box", "🥢": "chopsticks", "🥣": "bowl with spoon", "🥤": "cup with straw", "🥥": "coconut", "🥦": "broccoli", "🥧": "pie", "🥨": "pretzel", "🥩": "cut of meat", "🥪": "sandwich", "🥫": "canned food", "⚽": "soccer ball", "🏀": "basketball", "🏈": "american football", "⚾": "baseball", "🎾": "tennis", "🏐": "volleyball", "🏉": "rugby football", "🎱": "pool 8 ball", "🏓": "ping pong", "🏸": "badminton", "🥅": "goal net", "🏒": "ice hockey", "🏑": "field hockey", "🏏": "cricket game", "⛳": "flag in hole", "🏹": "bow and arrow", "🎣": "fishing pole", "🥊": "boxing glove", "🥋": "martial arts uniform", "⛸️": "ice skate", "🎿": "skis", "⛷️": "skier", "🏂": "snowboarder", "🏂🏻": "snowboarder: light skin tone", "🏂🏼": "snowboarder: medium-light skin tone", "🏂🏽": "snowboarder: medium skin tone", "🏂🏾": "snowboarder: medium-dark skin tone", "🏂🏿": "snowboarder: dark skin tone", "🏋️‍♀️": "woman lifting weights", "🏋🏻‍♀️": "woman lifting weights: light skin tone", "🏋🏼‍♀️": "woman lifting weights: medium-light skin tone", "🏋🏽‍♀️": "woman lifting weights: medium skin tone", "🏋🏾‍♀️": "woman lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone", "🏋🏿‍♀️": "woman lifting weights: dark skin tone", "🏋️": "person lifting weights", "🏋🏻": "person lifting weights: light skin tone", "🏋🏼": "person lifting weights: medium-light skin tone", "🏋🏽": "person lifting weights: medium skin tone", "🏋🏾": "person lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone", "🏋🏿": "person lifting weights: dark skin tone", "🏋️‍♂️": "man lifting weights", "🏋🏿‍♂️": "man lifting weights: dark skin tone", "🏋🏾‍♂️": "man lifting weights: medium-dark skin tone", "🏋🏽‍♂️": "man lifting weights: medium skin tone", "🏋🏼‍♂️": "man lifting weights: medium-light skin tone", "🏋🏻‍♂️": "man lifting weights: light skin tone", "🤺": "person fencing", "🤼‍♀️": "women wrestling", "🤼‍♂️": "men wrestling", "🤼": "people wrestling", "🤸‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling", "🤸🏻‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling: light skin tone", "🤸🏼‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone", "🤸🏽‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling: medium skin tone", "🤸🏾‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤸🏿‍♀️": "woman cartwheeling: dark skin tone", "🤸‍♂️": "man cartwheeling", "🤸🏻‍♂️": "man cartwheeling: light skin tone", "🤸🏼‍♂️": "man cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone", "🤸🏽‍♂️": "man cartwheeling: medium skin tone", "🤸🏾‍♂️": "man cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤸🏿‍♂️": "man cartwheeling: dark skin tone", "🤸": "person cartwheeling", "🤸🏻": "person cartwheeling: light skin tone", "🤸🏼": "person cartwheeling: medium-light skin tone", "🤸🏽": "person cartwheeling: medium skin tone", "🤸🏾": "person cartwheeling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤸🏿": "person cartwheeling: dark skin tone", "⛹️‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball", "⛹🏻‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball: light skin tone", "⛹🏼‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone", "⛹🏽‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball: medium skin tone", "⛹🏾‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone", "⛹🏿‍♀️": "woman bouncing ball: dark skin tone", "⛹️": "person bouncing ball", "⛹🏻": "person bouncing ball: light skin tone", "⛹🏼": "person bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone", "⛹🏽": "person bouncing ball: medium skin tone", "⛹🏾": "person bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone", "⛹🏿": "person bouncing ball: dark skin tone", "⛹️‍♂️": "man bouncing ball", "⛹🏿‍♂️": "man bouncing ball: dark skin tone", "⛹🏾‍♂️": "man bouncing ball: medium-dark skin tone", "⛹🏽‍♂️": "man bouncing ball: medium skin tone", "⛹🏼‍♂️": "man bouncing ball: medium-light skin tone", "⛹🏻‍♂️": "man bouncing ball: light skin tone", "🤾‍♀️": "woman playing handball", "🤾🏻‍♀️": "woman playing handball: light skin tone", "🤾🏼‍♀️": "woman playing handball: medium-light skin tone", "🤾🏽‍♀️": "woman playing handball: medium skin tone", "🤾🏾‍♀️": "woman playing handball: medium-dark skin tone", "🤾🏿‍♀️": "woman playing handball: dark skin tone", "🤾‍♂️": "man playing handball", "🤾🏻‍♂️": "man playing handball: light skin tone", "🤾🏼‍♂️": "man playing handball: medium-light skin tone", "🤾🏽‍♂️": "man playing handball: medium skin tone", "🤾🏾‍♂️": "man playing handball: medium-dark skin tone", "🤾🏿‍♂️": "man playing handball: dark skin tone", "🤾": "person playing handball", "🤾🏻": "person playing handball: light skin tone", "🤾🏼": "person playing handball: medium-light skin tone", "🤾🏽": "person playing handball: medium skin tone", "🤾🏾": "person playing handball: medium-dark skin tone", "🤾🏿": "person playing handball: dark skin tone", "🏌️‍♀️": "woman golfing", "🏌🏻‍♀️": "woman golfing: light skin tone", "🏌🏼‍♀️": "woman golfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏌🏽‍♀️": "woman golfing: medium skin tone", "🏌🏾‍♀️": "woman golfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏌🏿‍♀️": "woman golfing: dark skin tone", "🏌️": "person golfing", "🏌🏻": "person golfing: light skin tone", "🏌🏼": "person golfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏌🏽": "person golfing: medium skin tone", "🏌🏾": "person golfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏌🏿": "person golfing: dark skin tone", "🏌️‍♂️": "man golfing", "🏌🏻‍♂️": "man golfing: light skin tone", "🏌🏼‍♂️": "man golfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏌🏽‍♂️": "man golfing: medium skin tone", "🏌🏾‍♂️": "man golfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏌🏿‍♂️": "man golfing: dark skin tone", "🏄‍♀️": "woman surfing", "🏄🏻‍♀️": "woman surfing: light skin tone", "🏄🏼‍♀️": "woman surfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏄🏽‍♀️": "woman surfing: medium skin tone", "🏄🏾‍♀️": "woman surfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏄🏿‍♀️": "woman surfing: dark skin tone", "🏄": "person surfing", "🏄🏻": "person surfing: light skin tone", "🏄🏼": "person surfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏄🏽": "person surfing: medium skin tone", "🏄🏾": "person surfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏄🏿": "person surfing: dark skin tone", "🏄‍♂️": "man surfing", "🏄🏿‍♂️": "man surfing: dark skin tone", "🏄🏾‍♂️": "man surfing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏄🏽‍♂️": "man surfing: medium skin tone", "🏄🏼‍♂️": "man surfing: medium-light skin tone", "🏄🏻‍♂️": "man surfing: light skin tone", "🏊‍♀️": "woman swimming", "🏊🏻‍♀️": "woman swimming: light skin tone", "🏊🏼‍♀️": "woman swimming: medium-light skin tone", "🏊🏽‍♀️": "woman swimming: medium skin tone", "🏊🏾‍♀️": "woman swimming: medium-dark skin tone", "🏊🏿‍♀️": "woman swimming: dark skin tone", "🏊": "person swimming", "🏊🏻": "person swimming: light skin tone", "🏊🏼": "person swimming: medium-light skin tone", "🏊🏽": "person swimming: medium skin tone", "🏊🏾": "person swimming: medium-dark skin tone", "🏊🏿": "person swimming: dark skin tone", "🏊‍♂️": "man swimming", "🏊🏿‍♂️": "man swimming: dark skin tone", "🏊🏾‍♂️": "man swimming: medium-dark skin tone", "🏊🏽‍♂️": "man swimming: medium skin tone", "🏊🏼‍♂️": "man swimming: medium-light skin tone", "🏊🏻‍♂️": "man swimming: light skin tone", "🤽‍♀️": "woman playing water polo", "🤽🏻‍♀️": "woman playing water polo: light skin tone", "🤽🏼‍♀️": "woman playing water polo: medium-light skin tone", "🤽🏽‍♀️": "woman playing water polo: medium skin tone", "🤽🏾‍♀️": "woman playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone", "🤽🏿‍♀️": "woman playing water polo: dark skin tone", "🤽‍♂️": "man playing water polo", "🤽🏻‍♂️": "man playing water polo: light skin tone", "🤽🏼‍♂️": "man playing water polo: medium-light skin tone", "🤽🏽‍♂️": "man playing water polo: medium skin tone", "🤽🏾‍♂️": "man playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone", "🤽🏿‍♂️": "man playing water polo: dark skin tone", "🤽": "person playing water polo", "🤽🏻": "person playing water polo: light skin tone", "🤽🏼": "person playing water polo: medium-light skin tone", "🤽🏽": "person playing water polo: medium skin tone", "🤽🏾": "person playing water polo: medium-dark skin tone", "🤽🏿": "person playing water polo: dark skin tone", "🚣‍♀️": "woman rowing boat", "🚣🏻‍♀️": "woman rowing boat: light skin tone", "🚣🏼‍♀️": "woman rowing boat: medium-light skin tone", "🚣🏽‍♀️": "woman rowing boat: medium skin tone", "🚣🏾‍♀️": "woman rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone", "🚣🏿‍♀️": "woman rowing boat: dark skin tone", "🚣": "person rowing boat", "🚣🏻": "person rowing boat: light skin tone", "🚣🏼": "person rowing boat: medium-light skin tone", "🚣🏽": "person rowing boat: medium skin tone", "🚣🏾": "person rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone", "🚣🏿": "person rowing boat: dark skin tone", "🚣‍♂️": "man rowing boat", "🚣🏿‍♂️": "man rowing boat: dark skin tone", "🚣🏾‍♂️": "man rowing boat: medium-dark skin tone", "🚣🏽‍♂️": "man rowing boat: medium skin tone", "🚣🏼‍♂️": "man rowing boat: medium-light skin tone", "🚣🏻‍♂️": "man rowing boat: light skin tone", "🏇": "horse racing", "🏇🏻": "horse racing: light skin tone", "🏇🏼": "horse racing: medium-light skin tone", "🏇🏽": "horse racing: medium skin tone", "🏇🏾": "horse racing: medium-dark skin tone", "🏇🏿": "horse racing: dark skin tone", "🚴‍♀️": "woman biking", "🚴🏻‍♀️": "woman biking: light skin tone", "🚴🏼‍♀️": "woman biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚴🏽‍♀️": "woman biking: medium skin tone", "🚴🏾‍♀️": "woman biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚴🏿‍♀️": "woman biking: dark skin tone", "🚴": "person biking", "🚴🏻": "person biking: light skin tone", "🚴🏼": "person biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚴🏽": "person biking: medium skin tone", "🚴🏾": "person biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚴🏿": "person biking: dark skin tone", "🚴‍♂️": "man biking", "🚴🏿‍♂️": "man biking: dark skin tone", "🚴🏾‍♂️": "man biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚴🏽‍♂️": "man biking: medium skin tone", "🚴🏼‍♂️": "man biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚴🏻‍♂️": "man biking: light skin tone", "🚵‍♀️": "woman mountain biking", "🚵🏻‍♀️": "woman mountain biking: light skin tone", "🚵🏼‍♀️": "woman mountain biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚵🏽‍♀️": "woman mountain biking: medium skin tone", "🚵🏾‍♀️": "woman mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚵🏿‍♀️": "woman mountain biking: dark skin tone", "🚵": "person mountain biking", "🚵🏻": "person mountain biking: light skin tone", "🚵🏼": "person mountain biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚵🏽": "person mountain biking: medium skin tone", "🚵🏾": "person mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚵🏿": "person mountain biking: dark skin tone", "🚵‍♂️": "man mountain biking", "🚵🏿‍♂️": "man mountain biking: dark skin tone", "🚵🏾‍♂️": "man mountain biking: medium-dark skin tone", "🚵🏽‍♂️": "man mountain biking: medium skin tone", "🚵🏼‍♂️": "man mountain biking: medium-light skin tone", "🚵🏻‍♂️": "man mountain biking: light skin tone", "🎽": "running shirt", "🏅": "sports medal", "🎖️": "military medal", "🥇": "1st place medal", "🥈": "2nd place medal", "🥉": "3rd place medal", "🏆": "trophy", "🏵️": "rosette", "🎗️": "reminder ribbon", "🎫": "ticket", "🎟️": "admission tickets", "🎪": "circus tent", "🤹‍♀️": "woman juggling", "🤹🏻‍♀️": "woman juggling: light skin tone", "🤹🏼‍♀️": "woman juggling: medium-light skin tone", "🤹🏽‍♀️": "woman juggling: medium skin tone", "🤹🏾‍♀️": "woman juggling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤹🏿‍♀️": "woman juggling: dark skin tone", "🤹‍♂️": "man juggling", "🤹🏻‍♂️": "man juggling: light skin tone", "🤹🏼‍♂️": "man juggling: medium-light skin tone", "🤹🏽‍♂️": "man juggling: medium skin tone", "🤹🏾‍♂️": "man juggling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤹🏿‍♂️": "man juggling: dark skin tone", "🤹": "person juggling", "🤹🏻": "person juggling: light skin tone", "🤹🏼": "person juggling: medium-light skin tone", "🤹🏽": "person juggling: medium skin tone", "🤹🏾": "person juggling: medium-dark skin tone", "🤹🏿": "person juggling: dark skin tone", "🎭": "performing arts", "🎨": "artist palette", "🎬": "clapper board", "🎤": "microphone", "🎧": "headphone", "🎼": "musical score", "🎹": "musical keyboard", "🥁": "drum", "🎷": "saxophone", "🎺": "trumpet", "🎸": "guitar", "🎻": "violin", "🎲": "game die", "🎯": "direct hit", "🎳": "bowling", "🎮": "video game", "🎰": "slot machine", "🛷": "sled", "🤱": "breast-feeding", "🥌": "curling stone", "🧖": "person in steamy room", "🧗": "person climbing", "🧘": "person in lotus position", "🤱🏻": "breast-feeding: light skin tone", "🤱🏼": "breast-feeding: medium-light skin tone", "🤱🏽": "breast-feeding: medium skin tone", "🤱🏾": "breast-feeding: medium-dark skin tone", "🤱🏿": "breast-feeding: dark skin tone", "🧖🏻": "person in steamy room: light skin tone", "🧖🏼": "person in steamy room: medium-light skin tone", "🧖🏽": "person in steamy room: medium skin tone", "🧖🏾": "person in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone", "🧖🏿": "person in steamy room: dark skin tone", "🧗🏻": "person climbing: light skin tone", "🧗🏼": "person climbing: medium-light skin tone", "🧗🏽": "person climbing: medium skin tone", "🧗🏾": "person climbing: medium-dark skin tone", "🧗🏿": "person climbing: dark skin tone", "🧘🏻": "person in lotus position: light skin tone", "🧘🏼": "person in lotus position: medium-light skin tone", "🧘🏽": "person in lotus position: medium skin tone", "🧘🏾": "person in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone", "🧘🏿": "person in lotus position: dark skin tone", "🧖‍♀️": "woman in steamy room", "🧖‍♂️": "man in steamy room", "🧖🏻‍♀️": "woman in steamy room: light skin tone", "🧖🏻‍♂️": "man in steamy room: light skin tone", "🧖🏼‍♀️": "woman in steamy room: medium-light skin tone", "🧖🏼‍♂️": "man in steamy room: medium-light skin tone", "🧖🏽‍♀️": "woman in steamy room: medium skin tone", "🧖🏽‍♂️": "man in steamy room: medium skin tone", "🧖🏾‍♀️": "woman in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone", "🧖🏾‍♂️": "man in steamy room: medium-dark skin tone", "🧖🏿‍♀️": "woman in steamy room: dark skin tone", "🧖🏿‍♂️": "man in steamy room: dark skin tone", "🧗‍♀️": "woman climbing", "🧗‍♂️": "man climbing", "🧗🏻‍♀️": "woman climbing: light skin tone", "🧗🏻‍♂️": "man climbing: light skin tone", "🧗🏼‍♀️": "woman climbing: medium-light skin tone", "🧗🏼‍♂️": "man climbing: medium-light skin tone", "🧗🏽‍♀️": "woman climbing: medium skin tone", "🧗🏽‍♂️": "man climbing: medium skin tone", "🧗🏾‍♀️": "woman climbing: medium-dark skin tone", "🧗🏾‍♂️": "man climbing: medium-dark skin tone", "🧗🏿‍♀️": "woman climbing: dark skin tone", "🧗🏿‍♂️": "man climbing: dark skin tone", "🧘‍♀️": "woman in lotus position", "🧘‍♂️": "man in lotus position", "🧘🏻‍♀️": "woman in lotus position: light skin tone", "🧘🏻‍♂️": "man in lotus position: light skin tone", "🧘🏼‍♀️": "woman in lotus position: medium-light skin tone", "🧘🏼‍♂️": "man in lotus position: medium-light skin tone", "🧘🏽‍♀️": "woman in lotus position: medium skin tone", "🧘🏽‍♂️": "man in lotus position: medium skin tone", "🧘🏾‍♀️": "woman in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone", "🧘🏾‍♂️": "man in lotus position: medium-dark skin tone", "🧘🏿‍♀️": "woman in lotus position: dark skin tone", "🧘🏿‍♂️": "man in lotus position: dark skin tone", "🚗": "automobile", "🚕": "taxi", "🚙": "sport utility vehicle", "🚌": "bus", "🚎": "trolleybus", "🏎️": "racing car", "🚓": "police car", "🚑": "ambulance", "🚒": "fire engine", "🚐": "minibus", "🚚": "delivery truck", "🚛": "articulated lorry", "🚜": "tractor", "🛴": "kick scooter", "🚲": "bicycle", "🛵": "motor scooter", "🏍️": "motorcycle", "🚨": "police car light", "🚔": "oncoming police car", "🚍": "oncoming bus", "🚘": "oncoming automobile", "🚖": "oncoming taxi", "🚡": "aerial tramway", "🚠": "mountain 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"💻": "laptop computer", "🖥️": "desktop computer", "🖨️": "printer", "🖱️": "computer mouse", "🖲️": "trackball", "🕹️": "joystick", "🗜️": "clamp", "💽": "computer disk", "💾": "floppy disk", "💿": "optical disk", "📀": "dvd", "📼": "videocassette", "📷": "camera", "📸": "camera with flash", "📹": "video camera", "🎥": "movie camera", "📽️": "film projector", "🎞️": "film frames", "📞": "telephone receiver", "☎️": "telephone", "📟": "pager", "📠": "fax machine", "📺": "television", "📻": "radio", "🎙️": "studio microphone", "🎚️": "level slider", "🎛️": "control knobs", "⏱️": "stopwatch", "⏲️": "timer clock", "⏰": "alarm clock", "🕰️": "mantelpiece clock", "⌛": "hourglass", "⏳": "hourglass with flowing sand", "📡": "satellite antenna", "🔋": "battery", "🔌": "electric plug", "💡": "light bulb", "🔦": "flashlight", "🕯️": "candle", "🗑️": "wastebasket", "🛢️": "oil drum", "💸": "money with wings", "💵": "dollar banknote", "💴": "yen banknote", "💶": "euro banknote", "💷": "pound banknote", "💰": "money bag", "💳": "credit 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"person in bed: medium skin tone", "🛌🏾": "person in bed: medium-dark skin tone", "🛌🏿": "person in bed: dark skin tone", "🖼️": "framed picture", "🛍️": "shopping bags", "🛒": "shopping cart", "🎁": "wrapped gift", "🎈": "balloon", "🎏": "carp streamer", "🎀": "ribbon", "🎊": "confetti ball", "🎉": "party popper", "🎎": "Japanese dolls", "🏮": "red paper lantern", "🎐": "wind chime", "📩": "envelope with arrow", "📨": "incoming envelope", "📧": "e-mail", "💌": "love letter", "📥": "inbox tray", "📤": "outbox tray", "📦": "package", "🏷️": "label", "📪": "closed mailbox with lowered flag", "📫": "closed mailbox with raised flag", "📬": "open mailbox with raised flag", "📭": "open mailbox with lowered flag", "📮": "postbox", "📯": "postal horn", "📜": "scroll", "📃": "page with curl", "📄": "page facing up", "📑": "bookmark tabs", "📊": "bar chart", "📈": "chart increasing", "📉": "chart decreasing", "🗒️": "spiral notepad", "🗓️": "spiral calendar", "📆": "tear-off calendar", "📅": "calendar", "📇": "card index", "🗃️": "card file box", "🗳️": "ballot box with ballot", "🗄️": "file cabinet", "📋": "clipboard", "📁": "file folder", "📂": "open file folder", "🗂️": "card index dividers", "🗞️": "rolled-up newspaper", "📰": "newspaper", "📓": "notebook", "📔": "notebook with decorative cover", "📒": "ledger", "📕": "closed book", "📗": "green book", "📘": "blue book", "📙": "orange book", "📚": "books", "📖": "open book", "🔖": "bookmark", "🔗": "link", "📎": "paperclip", "🖇️": "linked paperclips", "📐": "triangular ruler", "📏": "straight ruler", "📌": "pushpin", "📍": "round pushpin", "🖊️": "pen", "🖋️": "fountain pen", "🖌️": "paintbrush", "🖍️": "crayon", "📝": "memo", "✏️": "pencil", "🔍": "left-pointing magnifying glass", "🔎": "right-pointing magnifying glass", "🔏": "locked with pen", "🔐": "locked with key", "🔒": "locked", "🔓": "unlocked", "🧡": "orange heart", "💛": "yellow heart", "💚": "green heart", "💙": "blue heart", "💜": "purple heart", "🖤": "black heart", "💔": "broken heart", "💕": "two hearts", "💞": "revolving hearts", "💓": "beating heart", "💗": "growing heart", "💖": "sparkling heart", "💘": "heart with arrow", "💝": "heart with ribbon", "💟": "heart decoration", "☮️": "peace symbol", "✝️": "latin cross", "☪️": "star and crescent", "🕉️": "om", "🔯": "dotted six-pointed star", "🕎": "menorah", "☯️": "yin yang", "🛐": "place of worship", "⛎": "Ophiuchus", "♊": "Gemini", "♋": "Cancer", "♌": "Leo", "♍": "Virgo", "♎": "Libra", "♏": "Scorpius", "🆔": "ID button", "⚛️": "atom symbol", "🉑": "Japanese “acceptable” button", "📴": "mobile phone off", "📳": "vibration mode", "🈶": "Japanese “not free of charge” button", "🈚": "Japanese “free of charge” button", "🈸": "Japanese “application” button", "🈺": "Japanese “open for business” button", "🈷️": "Japanese “monthly amount” button", "🆚": "VS button", "💮": "white flower", "🉐": "Japanese “bargain” button", "🈴": "Japanese “passing grade” button", "🈵": "Japanese “no vacancy” button", "🈹": "Japanese “discount” button", "🈲": "Japanese “prohibited” button", "🅰️": "A button (blood type)", "🅱️": "B button (blood type)", "🆎": "AB button (blood type)", "🆑": "CL button", "🅾️": "O button (blood type)", "🆘": "SOS button", "❌": "cross mark", "⭕": "heavy large circle", "🛑": "stop sign", "⛔": "no entry", "📛": "name badge", "🚫": "prohibited", "💯": "hundred points", "💢": "anger symbol", "🚷": "no pedestrians", "🚯": "no littering", "🚳": "no bicycles", "🚱": "non-potable water", "🔞": "no one under eighteen", "📵": "no mobile phones", "🚭": "no smoking", "‼️": "double exclamation mark", "🔅": "dim button", "🔆": "bright button", "〽️": "part alternation mark", "⚠️": "warning", "🚸": "children crossing", "🔱": "trident emblem", "⚜️": "fleur-de-lis", "🔰": "Japanese symbol for beginner", "♻️": "recycling symbol", "🈯": "Japanese “reserved” button", "💹": "chart increasing with yen", "❎": "cross mark button", "🌐": "globe with meridians", "💠": "diamond with a dot", "Ⓜ️": "circled M", "🌀": "cyclone", "💤": "zzz", "🏧": "ATM sign", "🚾": "water closet", "♿": "wheelchair symbol", "🅿️": "P button", "🈳": "Japanese “vacancy” button", "🈂️": "Japanese “service charge” button", "🛂": "passport control", "🛃": "customs", "🛄": "baggage claim", "🛅": "left luggage", "🚹": "men’s room", "🚺": "women’s room", "🚼": "baby symbol", "🚻": "restroom", "🚮": "litter in bin sign", "🎦": "cinema", "📶": "antenna bars", "🈁": "Japanese “here” button", "🔣": "input symbols", "🔤": "input latin letters", "🔡": "input latin lowercase", "🔠": "input latin uppercase", "🆖": "NG button", "🆗": "OK button", "🆙": "UP! button", "🆒": "COOL button", "🆕": "NEW button", "🆓": "FREE button", "0️⃣": "keycap: 0", "1️⃣": "keycap: 1", "2️⃣": "keycap: 2", "3️⃣": "keycap: 3", "4️⃣": "keycap: 4", "5️⃣": "keycap: 5", "6️⃣": "keycap: 6", "7️⃣": "keycap: 7", "8️⃣": "keycap: 8", "9️⃣": "keycap: 9", "🔟": "keycap 10", "🔢": "input numbers", "#️⃣": "keycap: #", "*️⃣": "keycap: *", "▶️": "play button", "⏸️": "pause button", "⏯️": "play or pause button", "⏹️": "stop button", "⏺️": "record button", "⏏️": "eject button", "⏭️": "next track button", "⏮️": "last track button", "⏩": "fast-forward button", "⏪": "fast reverse button", "⏫": "fast up button", "⏬": "fast down button", "◀️": "reverse button", "🔼": "up button", "🔽": "down button", "➡️": "right arrow", "⬅️": "left arrow", "⬆️": "up arrow", "⬇️": "down arrow", "↪️": "left arrow curving right", "↩️": "right arrow curving left", "🔀": "shuffle tracks button", "🔁": "repeat button", "🔂": "repeat single button", "🔄": "anticlockwise arrows button", "🔃": "clockwise vertical arrows", "🎵": "musical note", "🎶": "musical notes", "💲": "heavy dollar sign", "💱": "currency exchange", "©️": "copyright", "®️": "registered", "➰": "curly loop", "➿": "double curly loop", "🔚": "END arrow", "🔙": "BACK arrow", "🔛": "ON! arrow", "🔝": "TOP arrow", "🔜": "SOON arrow", "🔘": "radio button", "⚪": "white circle", "⚫": "black circle", "🔴": "red circle", "🔵": "blue circle", "🔺": "red triangle pointed up", "🔻": "red triangle pointed down", "🔸": "small orange diamond", "🔹": "small blue diamond", "🔶": "large 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"🕝": "two-thirty", "🕞": "three-thirty", "🕟": "four-thirty", "🕠": "five-thirty", "🕡": "six-thirty", "🕢": "seven-thirty", "🕣": "eight-thirty", "🕤": "nine-thirty", "🕥": "ten-thirty", "🕦": "eleven-thirty", "🕧": "twelve-thirty", "🏳️": "white flag", "🏴": "black flag", "🏁": "chequered flag", "🚩": "triangular flag", "🏳️‍🌈": "rainbow flag", "🇦🇫": "Afghanistan", "🇦🇽": "Åland Islands", "🇦🇱": "Albania", "🇩🇿": "Algeria", "🇦🇸": "American Samoa", "🇦🇩": "Andorra", "🇦🇴": "Angola", "🇦🇮": "Anguilla", "🇦🇶": "Antarctica", "🇦🇬": "Antigua & Barbuda", "🇦🇷": "Argentina", "🇦🇲": "Armenia", "🇦🇼": "Aruba", "🇦🇺": "Australia", "🇦🇹": "Austria", "🇦🇿": "Azerbaijan", "🇧🇸": "Bahamas", "🇧🇭": "Bahrain", "🇧🇩": "Bangladesh", "🇧🇧": "Barbados", "🇧🇾": "Belarus", "🇧🇪": "Belgium", "🇧🇿": "Belize", "🇧🇯": "Benin", "🇧🇲": "Bermuda", "🇧🇹": "Bhutan", "🇧🇴": "Bolivia", "🇧🇦": "Bosnia & Herzegovina", "🇧🇼": "Botswana", "🇧🇷": "Brazil", "🇮🇴": "British Indian Ocean Territory", "🇻🇬": "British Virgin Islands", "🇧🇳": "Brunei", "🇧🇬": "Bulgaria", "🇧🇫": "Burkina Faso", "🇧🇮": "Burundi", "🇰🇭": "Cambodia", "🇨🇲": "Cameroon", "🇨🇦": "Canada", "🇮🇨": "Canary Islands", "🇨🇻": "Cape Verde", "🇧🇶": "Caribbean Netherlands", "🇰🇾": "Cayman Islands", "🇨🇫": "Central African Republic", "🇹🇩": "Chad", "🇨🇱": "Chile", "🇨🇳": "China", "🇨🇽": "Christmas Island", "🇨🇨": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "🇨🇴": "Colombia", "🇰🇲": "Comoros", "🇨🇬": "Congo - Brazzaville", "🇨🇩": "Congo - Kinshasa", "🇨🇰": "Cook Islands", "🇨🇷": "Costa Rica", "🇨🇮": "Côte d’Ivoire", "🇭🇷": "Croatia", "🇨🇺": "Cuba", "🇨🇼": "Curaçao", "🇨🇾": "Cyprus", "🇨🇿": "Czechia", "🇩🇰": "Denmark", "🇩🇯": "Djibouti", "🇩🇲": "Dominica", "🇩🇴": "Dominican Republic", "🇪🇨": "Ecuador", "🇪🇬": "Egypt", "🇸🇻": "El Salvador", "🇬🇶": "Equatorial Guinea", "🇪🇷": "Eritrea", "🇪🇪": "Estonia", "🇪🇹": "Ethiopia", "🇪🇺": "European Union", "🇫🇰": "Falkland Islands", "🇫🇴": "Faroe Islands", "🇫🇯": "Fiji", "🇫🇮": "Finland", "🇫🇷": "France", "🇬🇫": "French Guiana", "🇵🇫": "French Polynesia", "🇹🇫": "French Southern Territories", "🇬🇦": "Gabon", "🇬🇲": "Gambia", "🇬🇪": "Georgia", "🇩🇪": "Germany", "🇬🇭": "Ghana", "🇬🇮": "Gibraltar", "🇬🇷": "Greece", "🇬🇱": "Greenland", "🇬🇩": "Grenada", "🇬🇵": "Guadeloupe", "🇬🇺": "Guam", "🇬🇹": "Guatemala", "🇬🇬": "Guernsey", "🇬🇳": "Guinea", "🇬🇼": "Guinea-Bissau", "🇬🇾": "Guyana", "🇭🇹": "Haiti", "🇭🇳": "Honduras", "🇭🇰": "Hong Kong SAR China", "🇭🇺": "Hungary", "🇮🇸": "Iceland", "🇮🇳": "India", "🇮🇩": "Indonesia", "🇮🇷": "Iran", "🇮🇶": "Iraq", "🇮🇪": "Ireland", "🇮🇲": "Isle of Man", "🇮🇱": "Israel", "🇮🇹": "Italy", "🇯🇲": "Jamaica", "🇯🇵": "Japan", "🎌": "crossed flags", "🇯🇪": "Jersey", "🇯🇴": "Jordan", "🇰🇿": "Kazakhstan", "🇰🇪": "Kenya", "🇰🇮": "Kiribati", "🇽🇰": "Kosovo", "🇰🇼": "Kuwait", "🇰🇬": "Kyrgyzstan", "🇱🇦": "Laos", "🇱🇻": "Latvia", "🇱🇧": "Lebanon", "🇱🇸": "Lesotho", "🇱🇷": "Liberia", "🇱🇾": "Libya", "🇱🇮": "Liechtenstein", "🇱🇹": "Lithuania", "🇱🇺": "Luxembourg", "🇲🇴": "Macau SAR China", "🇲🇰": "Macedonia", "🇲🇬": "Madagascar", "🇲🇼": "Malawi", "🇲🇾": "Malaysia", "🇲🇻": "Maldives", "🇲🇱": "Mali", "🇲🇹": "Malta", "🇲🇭": "Marshall 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"Serbia", "🇸🇨": "Seychelles", "🇸🇱": "Sierra Leone", "🇸🇬": "Singapore", "🇸🇽": "Sint Maarten", "🇸🇰": "Slovakia", "🇸🇮": "Slovenia", "🇬🇸": "South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands", "🇸🇧": "Solomon Islands", "🇸🇴": "Somalia", "🇿🇦": "South Africa", "🇰🇷": "South Korea", "🇸🇸": "South Sudan", "🇪🇸": "Spain", "🇱🇰": "Sri Lanka", "🇧🇱": "St. Barthélemy", "🇸🇭": "St. Helena", "🇰🇳": "St. Kitts & Nevis", "🇱🇨": "St. Lucia", "🇵🇲": "St. Pierre & Miquelon", "🇻🇨": "St. Vincent & Grenadines", "🇸🇩": "Sudan", "🇸🇷": "Suriname", "🇸🇿": "Swaziland", "🇸🇪": "Sweden", "🇨🇭": "Switzerland", "🇸🇾": "Syria", "🇹🇼": "Taiwan", "🇹🇯": "Tajikistan", "🇹🇿": "Tanzania", "🇹🇭": "Thailand", "🇹🇱": "Timor-Leste", "🇹🇬": "Togo", "🇹🇰": "Tokelau", "🇹🇴": "Tonga", "🇹🇹": "Trinidad & Tobago", "🇹🇳": "Tunisia", "🇹🇷": "Turkey", "🇹🇲": "Turkmenistan", "🇹🇨": "Turks & Caicos Islands", "🇹🇻": "Tuvalu", "🇻🇮": "U.S. Virgin Islands", "🇺🇬": "Uganda", "🇺🇦": "Ukraine", "🇦🇪": "United Arab Emirates", "🇬🇧": "United Kingdom", "🇺🇸": "United States", "🇺🇾": "Uruguay", "🇺🇿": "Uzbekistan", "🇻🇺": "Vanuatu", "🇻🇦": "Vatican City", "🇻🇪": "Venezuela", "🇻🇳": "Vietnam", "🇼🇫": "Wallis & Futuna", "🇪🇭": "Western Sahara", "🇾🇪": "Yemen", "🇿🇲": "Zambia", "🇿🇼": "Zimbabwe", "🇦🇨": "Ascension Island", "🇹🇦": "Tristan da Cunha", "🇧🇻": "Bouvet Island", "🇭🇲": "Heard & McDonald Islands", "🇸🇯": "Svalbard & Jan Mayen", "🇺🇲": "U.S. Outlying Islands", "🇪🇦": "Ceuta & Melilla", "🇨🇵": "Clipperton Island", "🇩🇬": "Diego Garcia", "🇲🇫": "St. Martin", "🇺🇳": "United Nations", "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿": "England", "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿": "Scotland", "🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿": "Wales", "*️": "asterisk", "🇿": "regional indicator symbol letter z", "🇾": "regional indicator symbol letter y", "🇽": "regional indicator symbol letter x", "#️": "pound symbol", "🏻": "light skin tone", "🏼": "medium-light skin tone", "🏽": "medium skin tone", "🏾": "medium-dark skin tone", "🏿": "dark skin tone", "🇼": "regional indicator symbol letter w", "🇻": "regional indicator symbol letter v", "🇺": "regional indicator symbol letter u", "🇹": "regional indicator symbol letter t", "🇸": "regional indicator symbol letter s", "🇷": "regional indicator symbol letter r", "🇶": "regional indicator symbol letter q", "🇵": "regional indicator symbol letter p", "🇴": "regional indicator symbol letter o", "🇳": "regional indicator symbol letter n", "🇲": "regional indicator symbol letter m", "🇱": "regional indicator symbol letter l", "🇰": "regional indicator symbol letter k", "🇯": "regional indicator symbol letter j", "🇮": "regional indicator symbol letter i", "🇭": "regional indicator symbol letter h", "🇬": "regional indicator symbol letter g", "🇫": "regional indicator symbol letter f", "🇪": "regional indicator symbol letter e", "🇩": "regional indicator symbol letter d", "🇨": "regional indicator symbol letter c", "🇧": "regional indicator symbol letter b", "🇦": "regional indicator symbol letter a", "9️": "digit nine", "8️": "digit eight", "7️": "digit seven", "6️": "digit six", "5️": "digit five", "4️": "digit four", "3️": "digit three", "2️": "digit two", "1️": "digit one", "0️": "digit zero", "👨‍👩‍👦": "family: man, woman, boy", "👩‍❤️‍👨": "couple with heart: woman, man", "👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨": "kiss: woman, man", "🤨": "face with raised eyebrow", "🤩": "star-struck", "🤪": "crazy face", "🤫": "shushing face", "🤬": "face with symbols over mouth", "🤭": "face with hand over mouth", "🤮": "face vomiting", "🤯": "exploding head", "🧐": "face with monocle", "🧑": "adult", "🧒": "child", "🧓": "older adult", "🧔": "bearded person", "🧕": "woman with headscarf", "🧠": "brain", "🧢": "billed cap", "🧙": "mage", "🧚": "fairy", "🧛": "vampire", "🧜": "merperson", "🧝": "elf", "🧞": "genie", "🧟": "zombie", "🧣": "scarf", "🧤": "gloves", "🧥": "coat", "🧦": "socks", "🤟": "love-you gesture", "🤟🏻": "love-you gesture: light skin tone", "🤟🏼": "love-you gesture: medium-light skin tone", "🤟🏽": "love-you gesture: medium skin tone", "🤟🏾": "love-you gesture: medium-dark skin tone", "🤟🏿": "love-you gesture: dark skin tone", "🤲": "palms up together", "🤲🏻": "palms up together: light skin tone", "🤲🏼": "palms up together: medium-light skin tone", "🤲🏽": "palms up together: medium skin tone", "🤲🏾": "palms up together: medium-dark skin tone", "🤲🏿": "palms up together: dark skin tone", "🧑🏻": "adult: light skin tone", "🧑🏼": "adult: medium-light skin tone", "🧑🏽": "adult: medium skin tone", "🧑🏾": "adult: medium-dark skin tone", "🧑🏿": "adult: dark skin tone", "🧒🏻": "child: light skin tone", "🧒🏼": "child: medium-light skin tone", "🧒🏽": "child: medium skin tone", "🧒🏾": "child: medium-dark skin tone", "🧒🏿": "child: dark skin tone", "🧓🏻": "older adult: light skin tone", "🧓🏼": "older adult: medium-light skin tone", "🧓🏽": "older adult: medium skin tone", "🧓🏾": "older adult: medium-dark skin tone", "🧓🏿": "older adult: dark skin tone", "🧔🏻": "bearded person: light skin tone", "🧔🏼": "bearded person: medium-light skin tone", "🧔🏽": "bearded person: medium skin tone", "🧔🏾": "bearded person: medium-dark skin tone", "🧔🏿": "bearded person: dark skin tone", "🧕🏻": "woman with headscarf: light skin tone", "🧕🏼": "woman with headscarf: medium-light skin tone", "🧕🏽": "woman with headscarf: medium skin tone", "🧕🏾": "woman with headscarf: medium-dark skin tone", "🧕🏿": "woman with headscarf: dark skin tone", "🧙🏻": "mage: light skin tone", "🧙🏼": "mage: medium-light skin tone", "🧙🏽": "mage: medium skin tone", "🧙🏾": "mage: medium-dark skin tone", "🧙🏿": "mage: dark skin tone", "🧚🏻": "fairy: light skin tone", "🧚🏼": "fairy: medium-light skin tone", "🧚🏽": "fairy: medium skin tone", "🧚🏾": "fairy: medium-dark skin tone", "🧚🏿": "fairy: dark skin tone", "🧛🏻": "vampire: light skin tone", "🧛🏼": "vampire: medium-light skin tone", "🧛🏽": "vampire: medium skin tone", "🧛🏾": "vampire: medium-dark skin tone", "🧛🏿": "vampire: dark skin tone", "🧜🏻": "merperson: light skin tone", "🧜🏼": "merperson: medium-light skin tone", "🧜🏽": "merperson: medium skin tone", "🧜🏾": "merperson: medium-dark skin tone", "🧜🏿": "merperson: dark skin tone", "🧝🏻": "elf: light skin tone", "🧝🏼": "elf: medium-light skin tone", "🧝🏽": "elf: medium skin tone", "🧝🏾": "elf: medium-dark skin tone", "🧝🏿": "elf: dark skin tone", "🧙‍♀️": "woman mage", "🧙‍♂️": "man mage", "🧙🏻‍♀️": "woman mage: light skin tone", "🧙🏻‍♂️": "man mage: light skin tone", "🧙🏼‍♀️": "woman mage: medium-light skin tone", "🧙🏼‍♂️": "man mage: medium-light skin tone", "🧙🏽‍♀️": "woman mage: medium skin tone", "🧙🏽‍♂️": "man mage: medium skin tone", "🧙🏾‍♀️": "woman mage: medium-dark skin tone", "🧙🏾‍♂️": "man mage: medium-dark skin tone", "🧙🏿‍♀️": "woman mage: dark skin tone", "🧙🏿‍♂️": "man mage: dark skin tone", "🧚‍♀️": "woman fairy", "🧚‍♂️": "man fairy", "🧚🏻‍♀️": "woman fairy: light skin tone", "🧚🏻‍♂️": "man fairy: light skin tone", "🧚🏼‍♀️": "woman fairy: medium-light skin tone", "🧚🏼‍♂️": "man fairy: medium-light skin tone", "🧚🏽‍♀️": "woman fairy: medium skin tone", "🧚🏽‍♂️": "man fairy: medium skin tone", "🧚🏾‍♀️": "woman fairy: medium-dark skin tone", "🧚🏾‍♂️": "man fairy: medium-dark skin tone", "🧚🏿‍♀️": "woman fairy: dark skin tone", "🧚🏿‍♂️": "man fairy: dark skin tone", "🧛‍♀️": "woman vampire", "🧛‍♂️": "man vampire", "🧛🏻‍♀️": "woman vampire: light skin tone", "🧛🏻‍♂️": "man vampire: light skin tone", "🧛🏼‍♀️": "woman vampire: medium-light skin tone", "🧛🏼‍♂️": "man vampire: medium-light skin tone", "🧛🏽‍♀️": "woman vampire: medium skin tone", "🧛🏽‍♂️": "man vampire: medium skin tone", "🧛🏾‍♀️": "woman vampire: medium-dark skin tone", "🧛🏾‍♂️": "man vampire: medium-dark skin tone", "🧛🏿‍♀️": "woman vampire: dark skin tone", "🧛🏿‍♂️": "man vampire: dark skin tone", "🧜‍♀️": "mermaid", "🧜‍♂️": "merman", "🧜🏻‍♀️": "mermaid: light skin tone", "🧜🏻‍♂️": "merman: light skin tone", "🧜🏼‍♀️": "mermaid: medium-light skin tone", "🧜🏼‍♂️": "merman: medium-light skin tone", "🧜🏽‍♀️": "mermaid: medium skin tone", "🧜🏽‍♂️": "merman: medium skin tone", "🧜🏾‍♀️": "mermaid: medium-dark skin tone", "🧜🏾‍♂️": "merman: medium-dark skin tone", "🧜🏿‍♀️": "mermaid: dark skin tone", "🧜🏿‍♂️": "merman: dark skin tone", "🧝‍♀️": "woman elf", "🧝‍♂️": "man elf", "🧝🏻‍♀️": "woman elf: light skin tone", "🧝🏻‍♂️": "man elf: light skin tone", "🧝🏼‍♀️": "woman elf: medium-light skin tone", "🧝🏼‍♂️": "man elf: medium-light skin tone", "🧝🏽‍♀️": "woman elf: medium skin tone", "🧝🏽‍♂️": "man elf: medium skin tone", "🧝🏾‍♀️": "woman elf: medium-dark skin tone", "🧝🏾‍♂️": "man elf: medium-dark skin tone", "🧝🏿‍♀️": "woman elf: dark skin tone", "🧝🏿‍♂️": "man elf: dark skin tone", "🧞‍♀️": "woman genie", "🧞‍♂️": "man genie", "🧟‍♀️": "woman zombie", "🧟‍♂️": "man zombie" }