"use strict"; // Usage: `npm run generate:config:doc DOC_REPO_PATH` // // Example: // // ```sh // npm run generate:config:doc ../thelounge.github.io/ // ``` const {readFileSync, writeFileSync} = require("fs"); const colors = require("chalk"); const log = require("../server/log").default; const {join} = require("path"); const {spawnSync} = require("child_process"); function getGitUsername() { return spawnSync("git", ["config", "user.name"], {encoding: "utf8"}).stdout.trim(); } const configContent = readFileSync(join(__dirname, "..", "defaults", "config.js"), "utf8"); const docRoot = process.argv[2]; if (!docRoot) { log.error("Missing DOC_REPO_PATH. Pass the path to the cloned `thelounge.github.io` repo."); process.exit(1); } const docPath = join(process.argv[2], "_includes", "config.js.md"); /** @type {string[]} */ const acc = []; const extractedDoc = configContent .replace(/https:\/\/thelounge\.chat\/docs/g, "/docs") // make links relative .split("\n") .reduce((acc, line) => { line = line.trim(); if (line.startsWith("// ")) { acc.push(line.substr(3)); } else if (acc.length > 0 && acc[acc.length - 1] !== "") { // Treat whitespaces between comment blocks as separators in the generated // Markdown. Multiple blank lines are treated as one. acc.push(""); } return acc; }, acc) .join("\n"); const infoBlockHeader = ``; const infoBlockBottom = `${infoBlockHeader} -->`; const generatedContent = `${infoBlockTop}\n\n${extractedDoc}\n${infoBlockBottom}\n`; writeFileSync(docPath, generatedContent); log.info( `${colors.bold(generatedContent.split("\n").length)} lines ` + `(${colors.bold(generatedContent.length)} characters) ` + `were written in ${colors.green(docPath)}.` ); function getPrettyDate() { return new Date().toISOString().split(".")[0].replace("T", " "); }